LowFruits Tutorial: How To Find Easy Keywords In Any Niche

9 months ago 17

Are you struggling to find the close keywords for your niche? Do you find yourself spending hours researching and analyzing, lone to extremity up with mediocre results? Well, interest nary more! This LowFruits tutorial shows you however to find casual keywords successful immoderate niche, nevertheless competitive.

Keyword probe is simply a important facet of immoderate palmy SEO strategy. It helps you recognize what your target assemblage is searching for and allows you to optimize your contented accordingly. However, uncovering the close keywords tin beryllium a time-consuming and challenging task, particularly if you’re caller to the satellite of SEO.

In this article, we volition present you to a game-changing instrumentality called LowFruits that simplifies the process of keyword research.

Whether you’re a seasoned SEO nonrecreational oregon conscionable starting out, LowFruits volition assistance you uncover low-competition, profitable keywords with precocious hunt volume, giving you a competitory borderline successful your niche. Say goodbye to endless hours of probe and hullo to casual keyword discovery. 

Let’s dive successful and research however LowFruits tin revolutionize your keyword strategy.

LowFruits Tutorial

LowFruits is simply a keyword probe instrumentality that finds long-tail keywords. But it’s antithetic from different keyword research tools successful 3 cardinal respects.

Firstly, LowFruits is ‘pay arsenic you go’: you lone wage for what you use, and erstwhile you tally retired of credits, you simply apical it up with caller credits. 

Secondly, LowFruits is not expensive: 2,000 credits costs $25. One SERP investigation uses 1 credit. So, if you privation to analyse 200 SERPs, you’ll walk 200 credits.

Thirdly, LowFruits is designed to find keywords that person anemic spots. LowFruits recognizes 2 kinds of anemic spots:

Low DA: These are hunt results wherever astatine slightest 1 of the websites ranking connected leafage 1 has debased domain authorization (you tin specify successful LowFruits what you see to beryllium debased DA). It’s casual to fertile for search results with debased DA due to the fact that it means the contention for that keyword is precise low.

User-Generated Content (UGC): These are hunt results wherever astatine slightest 1 of the hunt results is forum contented (such arsenic Reddit oregon Quora). Search results with UGC are casual to fertile for due to the fact that forum contented usually doesn’t screen a taxable comprehensively and is often not good written.

Search results with debased DA are marked with a greenish fruit, portion hunt results with UGC are marked with a bluish fruit:

how to find   casual  keywords

Let’s look present astatine the process for uncovering keywords.

Using the KWFinder

To commencement off, take KWFinder from the near menu:

using the KWFinder successful  LowFruits

On the adjacent screen, input your effect connection oregon phrase:

input your effect    connection     into LowFruits

LowFruits has recovered 1763 keywords:

how to find   casual  keywords

Now click connected ‘Access’ to presumption each the recovered keywords. Don’t click connected ‘Analyze’ arsenic that volition usage up credits connected keywords that whitethorn not beryllium relevant. In the adjacent step, we volition beryllium utilizing the filters to exclude keywords we are not funny in.

Excluding keywords

Let’s accidental I lone privation keywords that are not country-specific, and I don’t privation keywords that person thing to bash with electrical bikes. Click connected ‘Exclude’ and benignant successful the words you don’t want:

excluding keywords

Including keywords

Let’s accidental you are penning an nonfiction astir workout bikes. Click connected ‘Include’ and benignant successful the connection ‘exercise’:

including keywords

Click connected ‘Apply’. Now you person narrowed it down to conscionable 30 keywords:

how to find   casual  keywords

Extracting the SERP data

Now prime the keywords that you are funny successful and past click connected ‘SERP Extr.’ astatine the bottommost of the screen:

extracting the SERP data

This volition extract the SERP results for each of the keywords you selected and cheque for anemic spots:

weak spots successful  LowFruits dashboard

LowFruits pushes the ‘weak spot’ results to the apical of the list.

One of the bully features of LowFruits is that each clip you extract SERP results, it finds caller keywords and adds them to your list:

how to find   casual  keywords

These caller keywords volition either beryllium ‘related’ keywords oregon ‘PAA’ (People Also Ask) keywords. This means that each clip you analyse a clump of keywords, you get the accidental to spell deeper into the possibilities for that keyword.

How To Find Easy Keywords In Any Niche

Now that we person covered however LowFruits works successful a wide consciousness let’s look astatine a much elaborate example. 

We are going to find keywords that (1) person a peculiar commercialized intent and (2) person not been optimized.

I’m going to usage an illustration from the ‘gardening’ niche, but you tin use these techniques to immoderate niche.

Step #1: Start with a effect word

For this example, I’m going to take the connection ‘leaf blower’ 

That’s a beauteous saturated topic wrong the gardening niche, but don’t worry, LowFruits volition find immoderate overlooked and underserved keywords – that’s what it is designed for.

Step #2: Input the effect connection into LowFruits’ KWFinder

Input your effect connection into the Keyword Finder and marque definite ‘country’ and ‘language’ lucifer wherever astir of your assemblage is located.

Then click connected ‘Advanced Options’:

click connected  'advanced options' successful  LowFruits

Make definite that ‘Extract PAA queries’ and ‘Extract Related queries’ are some checked:

Extract PAA queries and related searches

LowFruits has recovered 3,546 imaginable keywords:

how to find   casual  keywords

Click ‘Access’ and past click ‘Fetch volume’ to get the hunt measurement for each keyword (this does not usage up immoderate of your credits):

fetch measurement   successful  LowFruits

Step #3: Choose subtopics and use ‘intent’ filters

Now click connected the ‘Topics’ tab. This shows you the subtopics wrong your effect word. You tin fell immoderate subtopics that are not applicable – you volition inactive spot them successful the list, but they volition beryllium greyed out, and immoderate keywords belonging to that subtopic volition beryllium removed from your dashboard.

You tin besides click connected immoderate subtopic that you privation to absorption on, and lone keywords belonging to that subtopic volition beryllium shown. In this case, I clicked connected ‘Cordless’:

subtopics successful  LowFruits

Now click connected the ‘Intent’ tab and take the benignant of intent you privation to target. In my example, I’m going to people ‘pre-purchase’.

LowFruits finds 25 keywords that lucifer that subtopic and that searcher intent.

Step #4: Use LowFruits to bulk analyse the SERPs

Put a checkmark against the keywords you privation to analyse and past click ‘SERP Extr.’:

use the SERP extractor successful  LowFruits

Step #5: Look for keywords that person not been optimized

Now, spell done your analyzed keywords 1 by one, looking for keywords that person not been optimized. These are pages that fertile connected Page #1 for that keyword, but they are missing a keyword successful the title.

Here’s an illustration – LowFruits has recovered a keyword that hasn’t been decently optimized and has bully hunt volume:

example of keyword that has not been optimized

These 8 pages each fertile for the keyword ‘best lithium ion cordless leafage blower,’ but nary of them person the keywords ‘lithium’ oregon ‘ion’ successful the title:

how to find   casual  keywords

This indicates that those pages don’t really code the existent hunt intent down this keyword.

And that’s an opening for you!

All you request to bash is constitute an nonfiction that addresses these missing keywords and has the missing keywords successful the title, and you person a precise bully accidental of outranking each of these hunt results.


Because your nonfiction volition amended code the hunt intent down that query.


In this LowFruits tutorial, we’ve seen however you tin usage LowFruits to find keywords wherever determination are anemic spots successful the SERPs. We besides looked astatine however to constrictive down the results by excluding words and including words different words.

We saw however you tin usage the topics filter to zero successful connected a circumstantial taxable and however to usage the intent filter to find keywords that lucifer a definite idiosyncratic intent, specified arsenic pre-purchase oregon comparison.

We besides learned however to usage LowFruits to find keywords wherever the ranking pages successful the SERPs haven’t been decently optimized oregon don’t adequately code the hunt intent for that keyword.

These are each ways of uncovering those aureate opportunities – keywords that are casual to fertile for due to the fact that the existing contented is weak.

Whether you are a beginner oregon an experienced marketer, incorporating LowFruits into your keyword probe strategy tin greatly heighten your chances of occurrence successful the competitory online landscape. If you deliberation LowFruits could assistance summation postulation to your website, springiness it a try. It’s ‘pay-as-you-go,’ and determination is nary recurring subscription.