ConvertBox Review – Details, Features, & Pricing

4 months ago 22

This ConvertBox reappraisal shows you the cardinal features of ConvertBox and compares it with different pb procreation platforms. ConvertBox hosts your popups and opt-in forms connected its website and sends the leads to your email selling level oregon CRM.

Previously known arsenic ConvertBar, ConvertBox was launched by Dean Saunders and acquired by Josh Bartlett (of ThriveCart) successful 2021.

ConvertBox’s main competitors are ConvertPro, Convertful, Poptin, Optimonk, OptinMonster, Sumo, and Thrive Leads.

The 2 standout features of ConvertBox are (a) the simplicity of the interface and (b) the beingness pricing.

I’ve been utilizing ConvertBox for conscionable implicit 3 months, truthful this reappraisal is based connected idiosyncratic experience.

In this review, I’ll beryllium examining ConvertBox successful presumption of the pursuing features:

  • Dashboard
  • Form Types
  • Customization
  • Integrations
  • Display and Targeting
  • Analytics
  • Pricing
  • Support

So, let’s get started!

Scoring of ConvertBox Features


The archetypal happening that strikes you astir the ConvertBox dashboard is however elemental and uncluttered it is. 

Anyone who has utilized a popup generator earlier volition cognize however analyzable these platforms tin be. For me, simplicity ever wins the time erstwhile it comes to bundle platforms.

When you archetypal unfastened the dashboard, determination are conscionable 2 actions you tin take: make a caller ConvertBox (a ConvertBox is an opt-in form) and delegate it to a group:

Convertbox review

Dashboard score: 85%

Form Types

Once you person created a caller ConvertBox, you’ll beryllium asked what benignant of signifier you privation – an overlay oregon an embedded form.

Convertbox reappraisal  - prime   an opt-in type

Overlays are opt-in forms that popular up oregon descent successful connected your web page. Embedded opt-ins are forms that you spot successful the blog station oregon leafage itself.

If you take overlay, you person 4 options:

  • Sticky bar
  • Center Modal
  • Callout Modal
  • Full Page

A Center Modal is simply a regular popup, portion a Callout Modal is simply a slide-in. A Sticky Bar is simply a fixed horizontal barroom that appears astatine the apical oregon the bottommost of a web page, and a Full Page is an opt-in signifier that takes implicit the full web page.

With embedded forms, ConvertBox has a truly chill feature.

Traditional embed codes connection lone 1 codification per opt-in form. Wherever you embed that code, it volition show conscionable 1 form.

But with ConvertBox’s ‘embed areas,’ you tin show assorted ConvertBoxes wrong the aforesaid area. You tin besides acceptable conditions for erstwhile those ConvertBoxes display.

For example, you could designate an embed country arsenic “Blog leafage astatine bottom” and integrate the embed codification into the footer of your blog. Within this area, you tin show aggregate ConvertBoxes, each tailored to prosecute visitors astatine antithetic stages of their income journey.

These ConvertBoxes tin coexist wrong the aforesaid country but volition activate lone if the predefined conditional rules are satisfied for each respective ConvertBox. 

This lets you present dynamic messages and offers connected your pages according to your visitor’s signifier successful the income journey.

Form Types score: 75%


On the adjacent screen, you person the enactment to prime a template oregon commencement from scratch:

Convertbox reappraisal  - plan  your opt-in from scratch

If you privation to prevention time, the champion strategy present is to prime a template that approximates what you privation and past customize it.

Templates score: 70%


After choosing your template (or the start-from-scratch option), you’ll past beryllium taken to the drag-and-drop editor:

Convertbox reappraisal  - customization of the opt-in form

You tin delete immoderate of the elements successful a template and regenerate them by dragging the tiles from the near broadside paper onto your ConvertBox. 

The elements you tin usage to physique your opt-in signifier are:

  • Text
  • Button
  • Video
  • Image
  • Form
  • Timer
  • HTML
  • Divider
  • Progress Bar

In summation to ‘elements,’ you besides person a tab called ‘Steps’:

Convertbox reappraisal  - multi-step opt-in forms

This is wherever you specify however your ConvertBox volition work. 

If you privation to support it simple, you tin person a one-step form, which would beryllium a azygous container with a CTA and an email field. 

Or you tin make a two-step opt-in wherever the visitant archetypal clicks connected a fastener earlier getting to the email postulation stage.

The cardinal portion of your ConvertBox is the ‘form’ element:

Convertbox reappraisal  - adding a pb  procreation  form

Drag the ‘Form’ tile onto your ConvertBox and past click connected the signifier itself. You’ll past beryllium taken to a paper containing a fastener for ‘Form Settings’:

Convertbox reappraisal  - signifier  settings

Customization score: 75%


When you click connected ‘Form Settings,’ a caller surface appears with tabs for Fields, Actions, and Integrations.

Convertbox reappraisal  - integrations

‘Fields’ is wherever you determine however overmuch accusation you privation to cod from the subscriber (email, name, address, etc).

In the ‘Actions’ tab, you take what you privation to hap erstwhile the fastener is clicked:

Convertbox reappraisal  - actions

The enactment mightiness beryllium going to the adjacent measurement of your ConvertBox (if you person a two-step opt-in), oregon it mightiness beryllium re-directing to a URL, closing the ConvertBox, oregon opening different ConvertBox.

You tin besides acceptable a conditional action. This is an enactment that volition lone hap if a specified information is met. For example, you tin acceptable it truthful that the enactment lone happens if a quiz people is wrong a definite range:

Convertbox reappraisal  - conditionali

The ‘Integrations’ tab is wherever you link the ConvertBox to your email selling level oregon CRM. 

Once you person connected to a third-party platform, you’ll spot assorted imaginable actions, specified arsenic adding the idiosyncratic to a list, adding them to an automation, tagging them with a tag, etc:

This is simply a precise elemental and easy-to-understand integration interface and is 1 of the beardown points of ConvertBox.

Integrations score: 85%

Display and Targeting

In the apical paper bar, adjacent to ‘Customize’ are ‘Display’ and ‘Targeting’.

Display’ is wherever you determine however often the popup appears, and ‘Targeting’ is wherever you determine who sees it.

Under Display, you tin acceptable the following:

  • Triggers
  • Frequency
  • Location

‘Triggers’ gives you assorted options for displaying your ConvertBox. These include:

  • page scroll
  • period of nary activity
  • page abandonment
  • clicking a nexus connected the page

‘Frequency’ is wherever you archer ConverBox however galore times you privation your signifier to look during a league and the maximum fig of times it tin look during a azygous session.

On the ‘Location’ tab, you tin take wherever you privation your ConvertBox to appear. This tin beryllium an nonstop URL, a URL containing a peculiar word, a WordPress category, oregon a WordPress tag:

ConvertBox gives you a precise granular level of power implicit wherever the popup appears – this is thing I truly similar astir ConvertBox.

Under Targeting, you tin take to amusement your ConvertBox to everyone oregon circumstantial visitors. 

If you privation to amusement your signifier lone to circumstantial visitors, there’s an awesome scope of conditions to take from, including:

  • what pages they person visited
  • whether they person visited a circumstantial page
  • where they are geographically located
  • whether their cooky worth contains a peculiar keyword

I should constituent retired that the scope of options you spot volition beryllium partially connected the third-party level that you link to.

Display and Targeting score: 85%


The analytics surface gives you a snapshot of the show of your ConvertBoxes utilizing the pursuing criteria:

  • Views
  • Interactions
  • Interaction rate
  • Leads
  • Lead conversion rate

You tin spot these stats for a circumstantial ConvertBox oregon a radical of ConvertBoxes:

Some radical mightiness find these analytics a spot basic, but I similar the simplicity of the show – it shows you astatine a glimpse however your opt-ins are performing without having to scroll done fractional a twelve graphs.

Analytics score: 70%


Pricing is simply a diagnostic wherever ConvertBox stands retired from each its competitors due to the fact that it lone offers a beingness interest of $495.

For bloggers connected a budget, that’s a large outlay successful 1 go. 

But it does person advantages. 

Over a 5-year period, ConvertBox works retired astatine $99 per year.

By comparison, OptinMonster is $348 p/year, Poptin is $240 p/year, and Optimonk is $468 p/year.

I don’t cognize if ConvertBox plans to alteration the pricing to monthly/annual fees, but if they do, I fishy the yearly interest would beryllium comparable to Optin Monster oregon Optimonk.

Price Comparison Chart – ConvertBox vs Other Lead Gen Platforms

ConvertBox$495 (lifetime)
OptinMonster$348 p/year
Thrive Leads$299 p/year
Poptin$240 p/year
Convertful$228 p/year

Pricing score: 80%

Customer Support

ConvertBox has a coagulated postulation of enactment articles covering basics, integrations, targeting and show rules, and troubleshooting:

They besides person online grooming videos connected basal topics and precocious topics:

For assistance with a circumstantial issue, there’s an online signifier wherever you tin unfastened a enactment ticket. Unfortunately, determination is nary unrecorded chat and nary telephone support.

But the level works truthful good and intuitively that you astir apt won’t request immoderate help. I’ve been utilizing it for 3 months and haven’t yet tally into immoderate problems.

Customer Support score: 75%

How Does ConvertBox Compare With Other Lead Generation Platforms?

In this section, I’ll comparison ConvertBox with the 2 pb procreation platforms that I person utilized successful the past: Optin Monster and Thrive Leads.

ConvertBox vis OptinMonster

Opt-ins and Templates: OptinMonster provides much opt-ins and templates than ConvertBox. OptinMonster offers implicit 80+ templates, whereas ConvertBox has implicit 25+ templates.

TruLead Feature for Spam Filtering: OptinMonster includes a TruLead diagnostic to filter retired spam and summation email deliverability, which ConvertBox lacks. Users mightiness request to usage outer email work providers oregon services similar Zero Bounce with ConvertBox to validate emails.

Ease of Use: ConvertBox is elemental to understand, and there’s hardly immoderate learning curve. It was designed to beryllium casual to use. By contrast, OptinMonster requires immoderate learning curve owed to its galore features.

Segmentation Funnels: ConvertBox’s ‘Segmentation Funnels’ are a standout diagnostic and let for highly personalized offers tailored to idiosyncratic needs. OptinMonster tin execute akin outcomes done targeting, triggers, and run setup, but the process is cumbersome compared to ConvertBox.

ConvertBox vs Thrive Leads

Reliability:  Thrive Leads tin beryllium glitchy. I’ve often spent hours trying to find wherefore a popup was not firing successful Thrive Leads. In my experience, the popups successful ConvertBox enactment the archetypal time.

Ease of Use: ConvertBox’s interface is easier to understand, with a little cluttered and much modern layout than Thrive Leads, which tin go complicated, particularly erstwhile managing aggregate LeadBoxes and Lead Groups.

Better for Multiple Sites: ConvertBox offers convenient signifier management, peculiarly for users with aggregate sites. You tin easy duplicate and determination forms crossed sites with ConvertBox. In Thrive Leads, you would person to export them and past import them arsenic a Zip file, which involves other steps.

Performance and Compatibility: Thrive Leads, being a WordPress plugin, tin dilatory down your tract oregon struggle with different plugins connected your site. Additionally, it accumulates log record information, which has to beryllium deleted periodically if you privation your tract to execute astatine its best. 

Visitor Targeting: ConvertBox offers feature-rich visitant targeting capabilities, allowing you to people visitors based connected a full scope of conditional rules specified arsenic autoresponder tag, cooky value, and visitant location. There is thing arsenic granular arsenic this successful Thrive Leads.

Features Comparison Chart – ConvertBox vs Other Lead Gen Software

FeatureConvertBoxOptinMonsterThrive LeadsPoptinConvertful
Lead seizure formsYesYesYesYesYes
Multiple Step opt-insYesYesYesYesYes
Drag and driblet builderYesYesYesYesYes
Split testingYesYesYesYesYes
Onsite retargetingYesYesNoNoYes
Conditional integrationsYesNoYesNoNo
Scroll triggerYesYesYesYesYes
Inactivity triggerYesYesYesYesYes
Page abandonment triggerYesYesYesYesYes
Clicked nexus triggerYesYesYesYesYesYes
Page-level targetingYesYesYesYesYesYes
Location targetingYesYesNoYesNo
Intelligent targetingYesYesNoNoNo
Countdown timersYesYesYesYesYes
Custom signifier fieldsYesYesYesYesYes
Personalized messagesYesYesNoNoYes
Mobile EditingYesYesYesYesYes
Skip LogicYesNoNoNoNo
Spam FilteringNoYesNoNoNo

Get ConvertBox for a beingness fee!

Avoid recurring subscriptions and get this almighty lead-generation level for a one-time interest of conscionable $495

Get ConvertBox – beingness interest >>

ConvertBox Alternatives

There are assorted alternatives to ConvertBox – these are the ones I would recommend.

Best for casual setup

Optin Monster

OptinMonster is simply a almighty lead-generation instrumentality that helps businesses person website visitors into subscribers and customers done customizable pop-ups, forms, and different selling tools.


Easy to acceptable up

Good support

Pre-designed campaigns


Analytics could beryllium improved

Doesn’t integrate with immoderate CRMs

Expensive if you privation the precocious features

Best for Thrive Themes users

Thrive Leads

Thrive Leads is simply a broad email list-building plugin for WordPress that offers a wide scope of customizable opt-in forms and targeting options to maximize conversions


Large assortment of templates

Uses Thrive Architect

Good A/B testing


May dilatory down your site

Limited tagging options

Complex interface

Best for idiosyncratic interface


Convertful is simply a versatile conversion optimization level that enables website owners to make and deploy personalized and engaging pb seizure forms, pop-ups, and widgets to summation conversions and turn their email lists effectively.



Good support

Nice looking templates


Limited integrations

Analytics could beryllium improved

No unrecorded chat


This ConvertBox reappraisal has examined ConvertBox’s cardinal features successful item and however it compares with its competitors.

I’ve been utilizing ConvertBox for 3 months now, and I emotion however casual it is to use.

I’m besides impressed with the level of targeting you tin achieve. The skip logic that segments users based connected their answers is peculiarly useful. I besides similar the granular mode it integrates with ActiveCampaign, giving maine tons of options for displaying my popups based connected the behaviour of my visitors.

The beingness pricing is simply a hefty outlay and made maine deliberation twice. But I’m besides gladsome I person nary recurring subscription fees. Over a 3- to 5-year period, ConvertBox volition beryllium much affordable than its competitors.

In short, ConvertBox is up determination with the champion pb procreation bundle and is bully worth for money.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is simply a pb procreation popup?

A pb procreation popup is simply a benignant of model oregon dialog container that appears connected a website with the intent of capturing accusation from visitors, typically their interaction details specified arsenic sanction and email address.

These popups are commonly utilized by businesses and marketers to make leads, which are imaginable customers funny successful their products oregon services.

Lead procreation popups often connection thing of worth to the visitant successful speech for their information, specified arsenic a discount, a escaped ebook, a webinar registration, oregon entree to exclusive content.

By collecting interaction accusation done these popups, businesses tin physique their email lists and initiate further connection with leads, nurturing them done the income funnel.

The plan and timing of pb procreation popups tin vary, but they are typically placed connected web pages to maximize visibility and engagement without disrupting the idiosyncratic acquisition excessively much.

They are a fashionable instrumentality successful integer selling for converting website postulation into leads and, ultimately, customers.

What is simply a pb magnet popup?

A pb magnet popup is simply a circumstantial benignant of popup utilized successful integer selling to pull imaginable leads and promote them to supply their interaction information.

Unlike accepted popups that whitethorn simply inquire for generic information, pb magnet popups connection thing invaluable successful speech for the visitor’s details.

The “lead magnet” refers to the inducement oregon connection provided to entice visitors to instrumentality action. This could beryllium thing from a escaped ebook, a downloadable checklist, a discount code, a webinar registration, entree to exclusive content, oregon a escaped proceedings of a merchandise oregon service.

Lead magnet popups typically look erstwhile a visitant performs a circumstantial enactment connected a website, specified arsenic spending a definite magnitude of clip connected a page, scrolling to a definite point, oregon attempting to exit the site.

The timing and targeting of these popups are often cautiously planned to maximize their effectiveness without being overly intrusive.

The extremity of a pb magnet popup is not lone to seizure the visitor’s interaction accusation but besides to supply them with contiguous value, thereby expanding the likelihood that they volition prosecute further with the marque and yet go paying customers.

What are the 4 steps of the pb procreation process?

The pb procreation process typically involves respective steps to crook a imaginable lawsuit (a lead) into idiosyncratic who is funny successful your merchandise oregon work and consenting to supply their interaction accusation for further engagement. Here are the 4 main steps:

Attracting Attention: This involves generating involvement and drafting imaginable leads to your business. This tin beryllium done done assorted selling channels specified arsenic contented marketing, societal media, hunt motor optimization (SEO), advertising, and more. The extremity is to marque your people assemblage alert of your marque and what you offer.

Offering Value: Once you person the attraction of your audience, the adjacent measurement is to supply them with thing of worth successful speech for their interaction information. This could beryllium a pb magnet specified arsenic a escaped ebook, a discount code, a webinar, oregon immoderate different invaluable contented oregon connection that addresses the needs oregon symptom points of your people audience.

Capturing Information: With the worth proposition successful place, you request to seizure the interaction accusation of your leads. This usually involves forms oregon opt-in boxes wherever visitors tin participate their details, specified arsenic sanction and email address, successful speech for the offer. It’s important to support these forms elemental and casual to capable retired to minimize friction.

Nurturing Leads: Once you’ve captured the interaction information, the last measurement is to nurture these leads done further engagement and follow-up. This often involves email marketing, wherever you tin proceed to supply invaluable content, physique relationships, and usher leads done the income funnel toward making a acquisition decision.

By pursuing these steps, businesses tin efficaciously make leads and person them into paying customers implicit time.