How To Grow Your List With Quizzes (And 3x Your Conversion Rate)

4 months ago 24

Are you struggling to get subscribers? That was my concern astir a twelvemonth ago. I tried each the accustomed pb magnets – cheat sheets, swipe files, PDFs, etc. And nary of them worked.

Those kinds of pb magnets don’t enactment anymore for database building. Mainly due to the fact that the Internet is flooded with accusation freebies. 

In this article, I’m going to amusement you however to turn your database with quizzes.

I discovered this method astir a twelvemonth ago, and it tripled my subscriber database successful conscionable 3 months.

I privation to stock this list-building method with you due to the fact that I deliberation it volition beryllium a game-changer for your online business.

The method I’m referring to is cognition quizzes:

  • It works successful immoderate niche
  • It turns passive browsers into engaged visitors 
  • It tells you what your visitors’ needs are truthful that you tin amended service them with your products and services.

In this article, you’re going to observe step-by-step however to physique a cognition quiz, however to link it to an email selling platform, and however to enactment your quizzes connected popups that show crossed your website.

Are you ready?

Let’s dive in!

What You Will Need For This Tutorial

To travel on with this tutorial, you’ll request 3 bits of software:

  1. Quiz software
  2. Popup software
  3. Email selling software

1. Quiz Software

All you request to make your archetypal cognition quiz is the escaped mentation of immoderate online quiz maker. I’m going to beryllium utilizing Interact due to the fact that that’s the quiz bundle I prefer, and it has a 14-day escaped trial.

But you tin usage immoderate of these online quiz makers – they each person escaped trials oregon escaped plans:


  • easy to use, intuitive interface
  • wide scope of templates and customization options
  • Integrates good with email selling platforms and CRMs
  • suitable for creating quizzes, polls, and assessments for pb procreation and engagement


  • focuses connected creating conversational forms and quizzes.
  • sleek and modern design
  • good for creating interactive quizzes, surveys, and forms with conditional logic
  • integrates with third-party apps and tools for information investigation and automation.


  • offers quizzes arsenic good arsenic contests, giveaways, and landing pages.
  • provides a scope of templates and customization options.
  • integrates with email selling tools and societal media platforms.
  • lead procreation features
  • user engagement done gamification


  • offers quizzes, calculators, assessments, and surveys
  • provides precocious customization options
  • templates for creating highly engaging quizzes
  • integrates with assorted selling platforms and CRM systems.
  • analytics and insights to way idiosyncratic engagement and pb generation.


  • create quizzes, polls, and surveys with a user-friendly interface
  • customizable templates, and plan options
  • integrates with email selling tools and societal media platforms.
  • create quizzes for pb generation, assemblage engagement, and acquisition purposes


  • designed specifically for pb procreation done quizzes
  • has features for creating quizzes with pb seizure forms and selling automation
  • offers templates tailored for assorted industries and purposes.
  • integrates with fashionable email selling platforms and CRM systems for pb nurturing and management.

2. Popup Software

You’re besides going to request popup bundle that volition show your quiz to your visitors.

The Interact Quiz Maker has a popup tool, and it’s included successful the 14-day escaped trial.

However, the Interact popup volition lone connection 1 quiz astatine a clip crossed your full site. You won’t, for example, beryllium capable to connection 5 antithetic popup quizzes crossed antithetic pages of your website.

This is simply a superior limitation, truthful if you truly privation to maximize the usage of quizzes connected your website, I urge you usage third-party popup software.

I usage ConvertBox to service my popups, and I’ll beryllium showing you successful this tutorial however to bash it.

Other popup platforms you tin usage for your quizzes are:

  • Optin Monster
  • Thrive Leads
  • Poptin (free for up to 1000 visitors p/month)
  • Convertful (free for up to 3000 pageviews)
  • Optimonk (free for up to 15,000 pageviews p/month)

3. Email Marketing Software

Finally, you’ll request to link your quiz to an email selling level – your quiz volition make leads that you nonstop to that platform. 

I usage Active Campaign, and truthful successful this tutorial, I’ll beryllium showing you however to link Interact Quiz Maker with Active Campaign.

Active Campaign is simply a bully instrumentality to usage with quizzes due to the fact that it allows you to delegate tags to subscribers, acceptable up retargeting, and make precocious sequences and automations. Active Campaign besides has a popup maker, truthful you tin debar paying separately for popup software.

But what I’m astir to amusement you tin beryllium done successful immoderate of the pursuing email selling software. All of these platforms besides connection popups:

  • Mailchimp
  • Constant Contact
  • Campaign Monitor
  • AWeber
  • GetResponse
  • Drip

Grow Your List With Quizzes

So let’s speech present astir cognition quizzes and however you tin usage them to physique your subscriber list.

A cognition quiz is simply a quiz that tests people’s cognition connected a peculiar subject. There are assorted types of quizzes you tin usage connected your website, but the vantage of a knowledge quiz is that it tin beryllium utilized successful virtually immoderate niche you tin deliberation of.

Whether you tally a website astir gardening, pets, existent estate, photography, cooking, camping, travel, oregon fashion, there’ll beryllium a assemblage of cognition that you tin trial your visitors on.

Another crushed cognition quizzes enactment good for database gathering is that everyone likes the situation of seeing however overmuch they cognize astir a topic. Especially if it’s a taxable they are funny in.

Here’s an illustration of a cognition quiz that I presently usage connected my website:

It’s a quiz that tests however overmuch my visitors cognize astir SEO, and successful the adjacent section, I’m going to locomotion you done however I made it, from commencement to finish.

How to Make a Knowledge Quiz

So, let’s marque your archetypal cognition quiz!

Before we start, caput implicit to Try Interact and motion up for the 14-day escaped trial

Step 1

Start by making a database of 7 to 10 questions relating to a taxable that you screen connected your website. Don’t person much than 10 questions due to the fact that radical get bushed and springiness up connected your quiz – much than 10 questions, and I’ve recovered the drop-off complaint increases dramatically.

For each question, you present request to travel up with 3 to 5 imaginable answers. One of them is correct, and the others are not. With the incorrect answers, effort to see astatine slightest 1 reply that is astir plausible – you request your quiz takers to consciousness challenged by your quiz.

I suggest you hole your questions and answers successful a Google doc and past marque a transcript – that way, you tin delete the substance successful the root papers arsenic you physique your quiz.

If you are having occupation coming up with questions, deliberation of your website taxable successful presumption of definitions:

  • Q: What is an ‘x’?
  • A1: 
  • A2:
  • A3:

Step 2

When you person 5 to 10 sets of questions and answers, login to your escaped Interact relationship and click ‘Create New Quiz’:

On the adjacent screen, click ‘Start From Scratch’:

Next, click connected ‘Scored’:

Then springiness your quiz a name.

Step 3

Click connected ‘Questions’ successful the near broadside menu, adhd your archetypal question and upload an image:

Add 3 imaginable answers beneath the image, making definite that 1 of them is the close answer.

Click ‘Set Answer Scores’ and past delegate a worth to each of the 3 answers. There are assorted ways of doing this, but I suggest keeping it simple: delegate a people of 5 to the close reply and a people of zero to the incorrect answers:

Repeat this process until you person 5 to 10 questions and answers.

Step 4

Then click connected ‘Results’ successful the near broadside paper and adhd a caller result. These are the wide results of your quiz. I urge having 3 results: a ‘beginner’, an ‘intermediate’, and an ‘advanced’.

Give each effect a title. In this example, I’ve titled my results ‘Great Start’, ‘You Did Well’, and ‘You Aced It!’. 

With the lowest people result, it’s important not to springiness it a antagonistic title, specified arsenic ‘You Failed’ oregon ‘You Need To Improve’. Try to support it affirmative – retrieve that you are utilizing this quiz to physique relationships with your visitors!

This is simply a large accidental to prosecute your visitors with your content, truthful instrumentality vantage of the CTA fastener and adhd a nexus to a assets oregon an connection connected your website.

Step 5

Then click connected the ‘Result Settings’ fastener and acceptable the scope of scores that this effect volition use to:

Let’s accidental you person 10 questions, and each close reply gets 5 points, and you person 3 results. This is however you tin acceptable the ranges:

  • Result 1 = 0 to 16
  • Result 2 = 17 to 35
  • Result 3 = 36 to 50

So that’s the quiz portion of it. Now we request to link the quiz to email selling bundle – this is what turns your quiz into a pb procreation tool.

How to Connect Your Quiz with Email Platform

In this section, I’m going to amusement you however to link your quiz to email selling bundle truthful that your quiz becomes a almighty lead-generation instrumentality that segments your assemblage according to their needs and interests.

Let’s start!

In the near broadside paper connected your Interact dashboard, toggle ‘Lead Generation’ to ‘On’ and click ‘Setup opt-in form’:

The opt-in signifier that we are astir to make appears aft the past question but earlier the results are displayed. This signifier is what turns your quiz into a lead-generation tool.

I powerfully urge you lone cod email addresses, not names. This volition summation your opt-in rate.

You tin take to let users to skip the opt-in signifier if you want, but you volition get less opt-ins.

You tin edit the substance and colors connected the signifier itself.

Click ‘Save and Continue’, and you volition past beryllium taken to the Integration module:

Click connected whichever email selling instrumentality you are using, and past conscionable paste successful the applicable API cardinal and API URL.

Once your Interact quiz is connected to an email selling platform, the results successful your quiz go triggers for definite actions. For example, you tin adhd the idiosyncratic to a interaction list, adhd them to an automation, oregon tag them:

Set the actions you privation to hap for each of your 3 results.

This is wherever a quiz becomes a almighty portion of your selling funnel. If you person designed the quiz astir your lawsuit journey, your quiz takers volition suffice themselves into antithetic segments based connected what their needs are. You tin past usage those segments to nonstop the close offers to the close audience.

When you person finished mounting up your email opt-in form, click ‘Publish’.

How to Put Your Quiz connected a Popup

Now, you request to enactment your quiz connected a popup.

After you deed ‘Publish’, you’ll spot immoderate options for embedding the quiz connected your website. One of those options is simply a popup:

To usage Interact’s ain popup, you’ll request to download and instal Interact’s escaped WordPress plugin. Then, conscionable transcript and paste the shortcode provided by Interact into your site’s header.

As I said earlier successful the tutorial, if you usage Interact’s popup, you tin lone tally 1 quiz astatine a clip crossed your website. That’s a superior limitation, truthful successful this section, I’m going to amusement you however to usage ConvertBox. This volition let you to tally arsenic galore Interact quiz popups arsenic you like.

ConvertBox is an on-site engagement level that specializes successful popups. Unlike different providers of popup software, ConvertBox does not connection monthly oregon adjacent yearly plans – it simply has a beingness interest of $495. It’s a batch of wealth successful 1 go, but erstwhile you mean it retired crossed the years, ConvertBox is really overmuch cheaper than different popup providers.

Log successful to your ConvertBox dashboard and click make ‘Group’:

Give your radical a name:

And past click ‘New ConvertBox’:

Give your ConvertBox a sanction and prime the radical you conscionable created:

Click connected the greenish ‘Select ConvertBox Type’ fastener and past prime the ‘Center Modal’:

On the adjacent screen, take ‘Start From Scratch’:

Then resistance the HTML tile onto the bare popup:

Next, spell backmost to your Interact dashboard and click connected ‘Share and Embed’:

Copy the iframe code:

Then spell backmost to your ConvertBox and paste the iframe codification into the HTML tract of your ConvertBox. 

You’ll person a ample bare abstraction astatine the bottommost of your popup, truthful you request to spell to the codification you conscionable pasted and alteration the tallness from ‘800’ to ‘400’.

Now click connected ‘Display’ successful the apical menu:

And take wherever you privation the ConvertBox to display. In the illustration below, I’ve acceptable it to show connected each station successful the SEO category:

And that’s it!

Recap of What We Covered

Let’s concisely recap what we’ve covered successful this tutorial connected however to turn your database with quizzes.

First, we created a cognition trial quiz successful Interact. Knowledge quizzes are large arsenic pb magnets due to the fact that they tin beryllium utilized successful immoderate niche you tin deliberation of.

Second, we connected the quiz to an email selling platform, which allows you to conception your visitors based connected however overmuch they cognize astir your niche: you tin adhd your visitors to antithetic lists and tag them with antithetic tags based connected the results they get successful your quiz.

Lastly,  we placed the codification for the quiz connected a ConvertBox popup and acceptable it to show connected each posts wrong a fixed WordPress category.


Unlike different pb magnets, quizzes are interactive – they crook passive browsers into actively engaged visitors. This dramatically increases opt-in rates due to the fact that your visitant is already engaged with your site. Quizzes besides present a idiosyncratic effect that radical privation to see, and that’s different crushed they are apt to springiness you their email address.

And finally, quizzes springiness you invaluable insights into the requirements and needs of each visitant to your website. By segmenting your quiz-takers based connected the results they get, you tin nonstop the close accusation to the close radical connected your list. And that volition amended your conversion rates dramatically.

In short, quizzes are the cleanable ground for creating a highly effectual income funnel. 

If you haven’t made a quiz funnel yet, wherefore not marque 1 with Interact’s 14-day escaped trial?