What Is a Sitemap? Website Sitemaps Explained

1 month ago 31

What Is a Sitemap?

A sitemap is simply a record that shows the operation of your website, including its pages and content. And the relationships betwixt them. 

One benignant is intended to assistance hunt engines crawl your tract much efficiently. Another benignant is intended to assistance users amended navigate your website. 

Why Do You Need a Website Sitemap?

The larger and much analyzable your website is, the much hard it tin beryllium for some users and hunt engines to navigate. But sitemaps marque it easier.

All this means sitemaps are important. Because they tin pb to:

  • Better discoverability: An XML sitemap (more connected this successful the adjacent section) helps hunt engines observe important pages connected your website. This is peculiarly adjuvant for ample websites that person thousands of pages and whitethorn beryllium impacted by a constricted crawl budget.
  • Faster indexation: For newer websites, submitting an XML sitemap tin pb to much pages ranking sooner. And for websites that update existing content, Google tin observe those changes sooner erstwhile they’re included successful the sitemap. 
  • Improved idiosyncratic experience: HTML sitemaps (more connected this successful the adjacent section) tin marque it easier for users to find precisely what contented they’re looking for. Because they’re capable to spot each your astir important pages successful 1 place. 

Different sitemaps connection antithetic benefits, truthful let’s sermon those next.

What Are the Different Types of Website Sitemaps?

There are 2 types of sitemaps:

  • XML sitemaps: Sitemaps written successful a circumstantial format designed for hunt motor crawlers
  • HTML sitemaps: Sitemaps that look similar regular pages and assistance users navigate the website
XML website sitemap vs html website sitemap

XML Sitemaps

Extensible Markup Language (XML) sitemaps are the preferred format for hunt engines similar Google. 

They supply 3 main types of accusation to hunt engines:

  • The database of each the URLs you privation to person indexed
  • The “lastmod” property that informs erstwhile the URLs were past updated
  • The "hreflang" attribute that reveals section variants of the URLs

These sitemaps look thing similar this:

XML website sitemap example

While XML sitemaps are particularly suitable for ample websites, websites with extended archives, oregon caller websites with fewer links, each website tin payment from having one. 

Plus, it lone takes a fewer minutes to make one.

Further reading:

HTML Sitemaps

HTML sitemaps utilized to beryllium a fashionable mode to amended a website's navigation and supply links to each your important pages successful 1 place.

Here's an illustration of an HTML sitemap from H&M Group:

HTML sitemap illustration  by H&M Group

As you tin see, it’s a modular leafage with links to assorted pages organized successful a hierarchical way.

Although HTML sitemaps aren’t that communal anymore, immoderate voices successful the SEO community inactive accidental they’re a must. Because HTML sitemaps tin amended your internal linking and supply different furniture of navigation for analyzable websites with galore pages.

But don’t usage an HTML sitemap arsenic a replacement for bully tract navigation elements (such arsenic menus, footer links, breadcrumbs, categories, etc.). 

Google’s John Mueller spoke to this on Mastodon:

If you consciousness the request for an HTML sitemap, walk the clip improving your site's architecture instead.

In different words, users shouldn’t request a sitemap to efficaciously navigate your website. 

How to Find a Sitemap

Here are immoderate effectual ways to find a sitemap connected a website:

Manual Check

The easiest mode to find an XML sitemap is to look for it manually. Most commonly, a website’s XML sitemap volition beryllium located astatine this URL address: “https://domain.com/sitemap.xml.”

Quite often—especially if the website uses WordPress and the Yoast SEO plugin—you'll beryllium redirected to a sitemap scale (/sitemap_index.xml).

In that case, it’ll look similar this:

website sitemap scale  file

As you tin see, a sitemap scale is simply a elemental record that lists each the sitemaps a website has. (Yes, determination tin beryllium aggregate sitemaps.) 

To spot the existent sitemap, conscionable click the nexus to the circumstantial sitemap successful the index.

Search Operators

Search operators are peculiar commands you tin adhd to hunt queries to instrumentality much circumstantial results.

Here are immoderate hunt operators you tin usage to find a website’s sitemap:

  • “site:[domain.com] filetype:xml”
  • “site:[domain.com] inurl:sitemap”
  • “site:[domain.com] intitle:sitemap”

Simply participate the relation into the hunt barroom and regenerate “domain.com” with the existent website's address. 


The hunt results should instrumentality the determination of the website sitemap—if it exists and the hunt motor you’re utilizing has indexed it.

top hunt  effect   is Semrush's sitemap arsenic  an xml

Google Search Console

If you person entree to your website's Google Search Console (GSC), there's a accidental the sitemap has been submitted there.

Head to the “Sitemaps” study successful the “Indexing” conception of the near menu.

Navigation to sitemaps successful  google hunt  console

Here, you'll spot a conception called “Submitted sitemaps.” 

If idiosyncratic has submitted an XML sitemap before, you'll find its URL successful the list.

Submitted sitemaps successful  google hunt  console


A robots.txt record tells hunt motor crawlers which sections of the website they should crawl and which they should avoid. 

It should spell successful the basal folder of your site: “https://domain.com/robots.txt.”

If the robots.txt record follows champion practices, it’ll nexus to the website sitemap. Just hunt for “sitemap” wrong the robots.txt file.

The conception linking to a sitemap volition look thing similar this:

section linking to a sitemap successful  robots.txt

How to Review Your Sitemap for Issues

To guarantee your sitemap is acceptable up correctly, usage Semrush’s Site Audit.

The instrumentality volition crawl your website (similar to the mode Googlebot does) and observe immoderate problems related to your sitemap (if present). And volition besides cheque for different method issues connected your site. 

To begin, adhd your homepage URL to the substance bar. Then, click “Start Audit.”

enter yourdomain.com into tract  audit

Next, take your settings for the audit. 

Follow our detailed setup guide if you request help.

Next, click “Start Site Audit.”

site audit mounting  popular  up

Once the audit is complete, you’ll get astatine the tool's “Overview” report. Here’s what it looks like:

site audit overview study  shows tract  health, full   errors, and thematic reports

Click the “Issues” tab. Then, hunt for “sitemap” successful the substance box. 

search for "sitemap" successful  tract  audit issues

You'll get a database of issues related to your sitemap.xml file. 

Address “Errors” first, past determination connected to “Warnings” and “Notices.”

website sitemap issues recovered  successful  tract  audit see  incorrect pages, format errors, not found, and orphaned pages

Some communal sitemap-related issues include:

  • Sitemap has format errors: There are format errors (like missing XML tags) successful your sitemap file
  • Incorrect pages recovered successful a sitemap: Your sitemap contains pages that aren’t expected to beryllium successful a sitemap (like pages with redirects oregon pages that aren’t canonical versions)
  • Sitemap files are excessively large: Your sitemap exceeds Google's size bounds (more than 50MB oregon much than 50,000 URLs) 
  • Sitemap not indicated successful robots.txt: Your robots.txt record doesn’t bespeak the way to your sitemap. Including this way is simply a champion signifier due to the fact that it directs hunt engines to your sitemap. And facilitates faster and much implicit indexing.
  • Sitemap not found: The sitemap URL provided returns a 404 error. This could beryllium owed to a typo successful the sitemap URL, the sitemap not being uploaded, oregon it being placed successful the incorrect directory.
  • HTTP URLs successful sitemap for HTTPS site: Your sitemap contains HTTP URLs connected an HTTPS site. All URLs should beryllium HTTPS to forestall duplicate contented issues and information warnings successful browsers.
  • Orphaned pages successful sitemaps: These are pages that are listed successful the sitemap but don’t person immoderate interior links pointing to them from different pages connected the site. This makes it hard to find them and tin bounds those pages’ quality to fertile well.

Click 1 of the links with the fig of affected pages to spot a afloat database of pages with that circumstantial issue.

number of incorrect pages recovered  successful  sitemap.xml highlighted
list of sitemap urls and the nexus  urls with contented   type. for illustration  non-canonical URL oregon  redirect.

Next, click “Why and however to hole it” adjacent to each benignant of issue. 

This volition unfastened a model with an mentation of the problem. And tips connected however to hole it. 

why and however  to hole  incorrect sitemap issues popular  up

Go done the database and instrumentality the indispensable changes. 

Then, rerun the audit to corroborate that each issues person been successfully resolved. 

How to Submit a Sitemap to Google

Submitting your XML sitemap to Google is an SEO champion practice. 


  • It tin velocity up the process of Google discovering your sitemap
  • It tin assistance you observe issues with your sitemap

Submit your sitemap successful Google Search Console. (If you don't person an relationship yet, make 1 truthful you tin log successful to GSC.) 

To taxable your sitemap, spell to the "Sitemaps" report. You'll find it successful the "Indexing" conception of the near menu.

navigate to Sitemaps successful  google hunt  console

There, participate your XML sitemap’s URL successful the “Add a caller sitemap” section. And click the “Submit” button.

Submit a caller   sitemap

After you've submitted your sitemap, you'll get a connection similar this:

sitemap submitted successfully message

For a much in-depth guide, work our station connected how to taxable a sitemap to Google.

Monitor the presumption of your sitemap anytime you sojourn the report. If there's a greenish “Success” message, you're each good.

If there's an contented with your sitemap, you'll spot a reddish “Couldn't fetch” oregon “Has errors” status. In this case, the study volition supply a elaborate mentation of what went incorrect and however to hole it.

Check the afloat database of imaginable errors and however to hole them successful Google’s guide to the “Sitemaps” report


Below are immoderate communal questions related to sitemaps. With answers and further resources.

Do I Need a Sitemap for a Small Website?

Google states that websites with 500 oregon less pages may not request a sitemap. But lone if each of the pages are decently linked and discoverable by hunt motor crawlers.

That said, determination are nary downsides to having an XML sitemap. And if your website regularly updates contented for SEO purposes, a sitemap tin velocity up the process of Google uncovering those changes.

What Shouldn’t Be Included successful a Sitemap?

All of the pages listed successful your sitemap should amusement Google that your tract is high-quality and well-maintained.

That means you should permission retired immoderate pages. Such as:

  • Pages with 3xx, 4xx, oregon 5xx presumption codes
  • Orphaned pages
  • Duplicate pages
  • Pages that aren’t the canonical version
  • Pages with a “noindex” robots tag
  • Pages blocked successful your robots.txt file 

How Big Is Too Big for a Sitemap?

A azygous sitemap should beryllium constricted to 50MB oregon 50,000 URLs. 

Google encourages users to travel champion practices outlined by sitemaps.org

If yours exceeds the size limits, you’ll request to split up your sitemap.

Then, make and taxable a sitemap scale record to Google. So it tin place each of your sitemaps.

How Often Should You Generate a Sitemap?

The much often you update and people caller content, the much often you should make a sitemap.

As a wide rule, we urge auditing your sitemap erstwhile per month. If you people aggregate pieces of contented per day, you whitethorn request to update your sitemap connected a play basis.

Just support an oculus retired for errors. Which is casual with the Site Audit tool.