How to Use ConvertBox – Grow Your List & Boost Conversions

10 months ago 19

Ever find yourself drowning successful the oversea of selling tools, desperately looking for a lifeline? ConvertBox mightiness conscionable beryllium your buoy. This nonfiction shows you however to usage ConvertBox to seizure email addresses and physique relationships with your people assemblage based connected their needs and interests.

This isn’t conscionable your run-of-the-mill pb seizure tool. We’re talking astir a dynamic, agile level that lets businesses truly sync with their visitors. 

Want a signifier that pivots based connected idiosyncratic behavior? ConvertBox’s got you covered. But earlier you leap headfirst into the ConvertBox universe, let’s instrumentality a infinitesimal to observe its nifty features. 

Whether it’s crafting forms that drawback the oculus oregon deciding the nonstop infinitesimal they popular up connected your site, this instrumentality is an authorization successful pb capturing. 

And the cherry connected top? 

Seamlessly brace it up with your email selling buddies and analytics tools. It’s not conscionable astir collecting leads, it’s astir smartly optimizing your selling game. 

In a nutshell? 

If you’re gunning to ramp up those conversions, it mightiness beryllium clip to springiness ConvertBox a whirl.

Key Takeaways

  • ConvertBox offers a customizable level for capturing leads and engaging website visitors.
  • Users tin make and customize forms, acceptable up rules for display, and integrate with different tools.
  • Understanding ConvertBox features and strategies tin assistance boost conversions and optimize selling efforts.

Understanding ConvertBox

What is ConvertBox

ConvertBox is an online signifier builder designed to assistance users make engaging and personalized forms for their campaigns. This user-friendly instrumentality offers a wide scope of features and customization options to guarantee the occurrence of your blog oregon website’s monetization potential. In a nutshell, ConvertBox helps you seizure leads, make interest, and promote conversions connected your site.

Why Use ConvertBox

There are respective reasons to take ConvertBox implicit different akin tools:

  • User-friendly interface: ConvertBox offers an easy-to-navigate interface, making it suitable for users with immoderate level of method expertise. This instrumentality allows you to make and customize forms rapidly and efficiently.
  • Targeted campaigns: ConvertBox enables users to make personalized and targeted campaigns, enhancing the idiosyncratic acquisition for your website visitors and expanding conversion rates.
  • Integration: ConvertBox tin easy beryllium integrated with fashionable email selling services and different tools, allowing you to streamline your selling strategy and amended negociate your leads.
  • Responsive design: The forms created utilizing ConvertBox are afloat responsive, ensuring they look large and relation decently connected immoderate device.

In conclusion, ConvertBox is simply a almighty and versatile signifier builder that tin assistance you execute your online selling goals. Its user-friendly interface, targeted campaigns, integration capabilities, and responsive plan marque it a invaluable instrumentality for anyone looking to summation their website’s conversion rate.

How To Use ConvertBox

Creating an Account

To statesman utilizing ConvertBox, the archetypal measurement is to make an account. It’s a elemental process that lone requires a fewer details, specified arsenic your name, email address, and desired password. Once you’ve provided this information, you volition person an email to corroborate your registration. Click connected the confirmation link, and you’ll beryllium each acceptable to commencement exploring the platform.

Dashboard Overview

Upon logging in, you volition beryllium greeted by the ConvertBox dashboard. It is elemental and uncluttered – designed to beryllium user-friendly and casual to navigate. The dashboard provides 2 main displays:

how to usage  convertbox

Activity Snapshot: This conception displays cardinal show metrics crossed each your groups and convertboxes, specified arsenic interactions and leads.

Convert Boxes: This conception shows each of your groups unneurotic with the ConvertBoxes successful each group. Each container displays the Views, Interactions, and Leads for each Group. When you click connected an idiosyncratic ConvertBox, you’ll spot the Views, Leads, and Conversion Rate for that peculiar ConvertBox.

how to usage  convertbox

In the apical menu, adjacent to ‘Dashboard’ is ‘Stats.’ Click connected that, and you’ll spot a snapshot that shows however your Groups and ConvertBoxes are performing. You tin presumption the stats by Group and by idiosyncratic ConvertBox.

how to usage  convertbox

Setting Up Your First Campaign

Choosing Your Template

When mounting up your archetypal run successful ConvertBox, the archetypal measurement is to choose a template

Click connected the + New ConvertBox fastener and past springiness your optin signifier a sanction and delegate it to a Group:

You past request to take what benignant of opt-in you want, Overlay oregon Embedded: 

how to usage  convertbox

There are 4 types of Overlay opt-ins: 

  • Sticky Bar
  • Center Modal
  • Callout Modal
  • Full Page

Sticky Bar is simply a bladed banner that runs crossed the apical oregon bottommost of the screen, and Center Modal is the modular popup that astir websites use. Callout Modal is simply a ‘slide-in’ that sits connected the screen’s close oregon left, and Full Page is an opt-in that takes implicit the full screen.

After choosing the benignant of opt-in, you’ll past spot a scope of pre-designed opt-in forms:

how to usage  convertbox

All these templates tin beryllium wholly customized. The main happening to look for erstwhile choosing a template is whether it is simply a one-step oregon two-step form.

Selecting the template that champion suits your run goals saves clip and ensures a consistent, professional-looking design.

Customizing Your Template

Once you’ve chosen a template, it’s clip to customize its contented and design to acceptable your marque and messaging. ConvertBox allows you to easy edit text, colors, images, and different elements to lucifer your website’s aesthetic and present a accordant idiosyncratic experience.

opt-in signifier  exertion   successful  ConvertBox

To customize your template, click connected the constituent you privation to edit and marque the desired changes utilizing the tools disposable successful the editing sheet connected the right. For example, you can:

  • Change the font size, color, and benignant of your text.
  • Adjust the colors of buttons, backgrounds, and different elements.
  • Upload and adhd images, logos, oregon icons to your campaign.
  • Modify the position, size, and spacing of elements connected your template.

Remember, keeping your plan cleanable and engaging is important portion intelligibly conveying your message. A well-crafted ConvertBox run tin assistance boost conversions, cod invaluable leads, and heighten your wide selling strategy.

The Power of Integration

ConvertBox is simply a almighty instrumentality that allows for seamless integration with assorted email selling and automation platforms. Integration tin automate your workflows and prevention clip connected mundane tasks. ConvertBox lets you easy link with fashionable platforms specified arsenic ActiveCampaign, ConvertKit, GetResponse, MailerLite, Gist, and HubSpot.

There are 2 steps progressive successful Integrating a third-party work with ConvertBox.

Integrating With Email Platforms

Email integrations marque it elemental for ConvertBox users to negociate and nurture their email lists, starring to amended connection and much engaged subscribers. For example, integrating with ActiveCampaign allows you to walk subscriber information straight to your chosen level for targeted campaigns and automated actions.

Step 1

First, click connected Integrations successful the main drop-down menu:

adding an Integration successful  ConvertBox

Then take the Integration you want:

Integrations supported by ConvertBox

Step 2

While editing your chosen template, prime the pb seizure form, and you’ll spot a ‘Form Settings’ fastener connected the near broadside of the screen:

adding an Integration to a ConvertBox

On the adjacent screen, click connected the Integrations tab, and past click connected the fastener that says ‘+ Add Integration’:

how to usage  convertbox

Next, click connected the tract that says ‘Select Integration’:

select Integration

And then, take the work that you added successful Step 1:

adding a signifier  integration successful  ConvertBox

Using the HTML Form Integration

For users looking for a much versatile option, ConvertBox offers an HTML signifier integration. This enables you to link with immoderate HTML website, leafage builder, oregon e-commerce platform. With this integration, you tin effortlessly cod subscriber information, walk it onto your chosen service, and kickstart your email selling efforts.

Leveraging Zapier

For users who privation to link their opt-in forms with a wider scope of services, Zapier integration is disposable wrong ConvertBox. This diagnostic broadens the scope of your ConvertBox connections, allowing you to integrate with platforms similar Gist and HubSpot. A affable and intuitive interface makes creating zaps that automate multi-step processes simple, starring to a much businesslike and streamlined idiosyncratic experience.

ConvertBox offers assorted integrations that tin assistance powerfulness your online selling efforts. Whether utilizing email selling platforms, HTML signifier integration, oregon leveraging Zapier, ConvertBox provides a robust and adaptable toolset to fortify your online beingness and enhance idiosyncratic engagement.

Understanding ConvertBox Features

Creating and Using Groups

ConvertBox allows users to make and usage groups, which enactment similar folders to assistance signifier their ConvertBoxes. These groups springiness ConvertBox users the flexibility to categorize their forms, making it easier to find and negociate them based connected their intent oregon people audience. Creating a radical is elemental and provides an businesslike mode to support way of aggregate forms and campaigns.

Embedding ConvertBox connected Your Site

To integrate ConvertBox with your site, users tin either insert a portion of codification into the website’s root codification oregon usage the ConvertBox WordPress plugin.

Whichever method you use, your ConvertBox forms volition beryllium disposable crossed each pages of your WordPress site. You tin past make forms that amusement up connected circumstantial pages oregon successful effect to a circumstantial idiosyncratic action, similar scrolling oregon staying connected a leafage for a definite magnitude of time.

The Beauty of Conditional Rules

One of the astir almighty features offered by ConvertBox is conditional rules. With conditional rules, you tin acceptable up customized criteria to find erstwhile and however your forms are displayed to website visitors.

using conditional rules successful  ConvertBox

These rules supply personalization options to people circumstantial assemblage segments and summation the effectiveness of lead-capture efforts.

For example, you could acceptable up a conditional regularisation to show a sign-up signifier for caller visitors only, portion existing subscribers mightiness spot a antithetic signifier promoting a merchantability oregon peculiar offer. The flexibility of the conditional rules successful ConvertBox ensures that tract visitors person the astir applicable and engaging content, yet boosting conversion rates and driving concern growth.

Creating and Customizing Your Forms

Using Form Builders

As we saw above, opt-in forms are known arsenic ConvertBoxes. Opt-in forms are indispensable for collecting leads and growing your email list. ConvertBox offers a user-friendly signifier builder that makes it casual for you to make customized opt-in forms for your website. 

You tin take from a assortment of templates and customize them according to your needs by changing the colors, fonts, and different plan elements. With the drag-and-drop interface, you tin rapidly adhd caller fields, buttons, and different components to your form, making the full process hassle-free.

Customizing Your Opt-in Forms

When designing your opt-in form, it’s recommended to usage a wide and concise telephone to enactment (CTA) that encourages visitors to motion up. I described supra however you tin integrate your forms with your email work provider (ESP), but you tin besides integrate with lawsuit narration absorption (CRM) platforms, ensuring seamless information transportation and absorption of your leads.

Adding a Countdown Timer

To summation the consciousness of urgency for your visitors, you tin adhd a countdown timer to your opt-in forms. This diagnostic encourages users to instrumentality enactment instantly by visually presenting the clip remaining earlier a peculiar connection oregon lawsuit expires. To adhd a countdown timer to your form, simply prime the timer constituent successful the signifier builder and resistance it onto your opt-in form:

adding a countdown timer successful  ConvertBox

You tin customize the timer’s appearance, duration, and behavior, specified arsenic what happens erstwhile the timer reaches zero. 

For example, you tin acceptable the timer to redirect visitors to different page, show a message, oregon fell the signifier entirely. A countdown timer is an effectual summation to your forms that tin assistance boost your conversion rates and seizure much leads.

Remember to support your forms engaging and visually appealing to promote much radical to motion up. With ConvertBox, creating and customizing charismatic forms is simply a breeze, giving you the tools you request to efficaciously turn your email database and make much leads for your business.

Maximizing Conversions

Launching Split Testing

To guarantee the effectiveness of your ConvertBox campaigns, it’s important to instrumentality divided testing. Split testing, besides known arsenic A/B testing, involves creating 2 oregon much variations of a run to comparison their performance. By analyzing the results, 1 tin place which mentation generates amended conversions.

Begin by experimenting with antithetic headlines, calls-to-action, and plan elements. Utilize ConvertBox’s easy-to-use interface to acceptable up and negociate aggregate tests simultaneously. Remember to lone alteration 1 constituent astatine a clip to accurately measurement its impact.

Analyzing Your Performance

Analyzing your ConvertBox show information allows you to marque informed decisions connected improvements. Regularly way indispensable metrics specified arsenic conversion, click-through, and idiosyncratic engagement. This way, you tin pinpoint circumstantial areas that request attraction and fine-tune your run elements accordingly.

Take vantage of ConvertBox’s built-in analytics to show the show of your divided tests and wide campaigns. Moreover, see integrating different analytics platforms, specified arsenic Google Analytics, to comprehensively recognize your assemblage and their behavior.

Increasing Conversion Rates

To summation conversion rates utilizing ConvertBox, absorption connected improving your campaigns’ relevance and personalization. Use ConvertBox’s targeting features to tailor contented based connected visitant behaviour oregon circumstantial conditions. For instance, show antithetic messages to caller oregon returning visitors oregon conception your assemblage based connected their location.

In addition, marque your ConvertBox forms visually appealing and guarantee a seamless idiosyncratic acquisition for your visitors. Leverage responsive plan to guarantee your forms look and relation good connected assorted devices. Lastly, prioritize your calls to action, making them wide and compelling to promote users to instrumentality the desired action.

By employing divided testing, analyzing show data, and fine-tuning your run elements, you tin maximize conversions utilizing ConvertBox effectively.

Advanced Tactics with ConvertBox

Retargeting Customers

ConvertBox allows you to retarget customers efficaciously by utilizing precocious targeting rules. This helps to guarantee the close connection reaches the close lawsuit astatine the close time. You tin create customized targeting rules based connected a visitor’s on-page behavior, device, location, and more. For example, you tin acceptable retargeting rules for returning visitors who person viewed a circumstantial merchandise leafage but haven’t made a acquisition yet. This attack enhances the chances of converting imaginable customers into loyal ones.

Implementing Sticky Bars

Sticky bars are a invaluable plus successful drafting idiosyncratic attraction and generating leads. With ConvertBox, you tin easy make and instrumentality sticky bars connected your website. These bars tin beryllium positioned astatine the apical oregon bottommost of the page, remaining disposable portion visitors scroll. Sticky bars are afloat customizable successful presumption of design, text, and call-to-action buttons, allowing users to efficaciously usher their visitors’ actions and clasp engagement.

Personalizing with Custom Overlays

ConvertBox besides offers customized overlays, allowing users to make highly engaging and personalized pop-ups. These overlays tin beryllium designed according to specific targeting rules, ensuring the close contented is displayed to the close visitor.

For instance, a customized overlay could beryllium triggered erstwhile a idiosyncratic is astir to exit the leafage oregon aft a definite magnitude of clip spent connected the site. Customization options specified arsenic text, images, colors, and buttons tin beryllium tailored to enactment your website’s unsocial branding and messaging. This personalization contributes to a much connected and immersive experience for visitors, yet boosting conversion rates.

Here are immoderate different precocious targeting strategies that are imaginable with ConvertBox:

  • Set up steps successful your opt-in signifier – nonstop your visitors to peculiar contented oregon offers based connected which fastener they click.
  • Set up quiz-style person boxes that trigger automations successful your CRM based connected their choices
  • Trigger opt-ins based connected a nexus click
  • Run time-based peculiar promotions
  • Trigger a signifier based connected whether the visitant has oregon has not visited that leafage before
  • Trigger a signifier based connected whether the visitant clicked done straight from a tract matching the fixed domain
  • Trigger a signifier based connected whether the visitor’s determination matches immoderate of the fixed locations
  • Trigger a signifier based connected whether oregon the visitant has antecedently viewed selected ConvertBox
  • Create antithetic calls to enactment depending connected wherever the visitant is successful your funnel – you tin power what convertboxes they spot based connected what tags they person connected their illustration successful your CRM.
  • On-site retargeting  – show targeted contented oregon offers to website visitors based connected tags that person been applied to them previously
  • Target definite countries
  • Create a quiz to get email subscribers
  • Create a quiz to usher someone’s acquisition decisions 
  • Set up tripwires/one-time-only offers
  • Reduce cart abandonment 
  • Downsell products
  • Collect information astir wherefore idiosyncratic didn’t acquisition your product
  • Give peculiar offers to instrumentality visitors 
  • Give loyalty discounts to erstwhile customers
  • Gather testimonials and feedback connected your products
  • Collect archetypal data/research by asking a survey question

Pricing and Licensing

Understanding ConvertBox Pricing

ConvertBox offers a straightforward pricing exemplary for its users. The Standard Plan, packed with fantabulous tools, is disposable for a one-time interest of $495. This beingness licence is an charismatic enactment for those looking for an affordable, semipermanent solution for their pb procreation and conversion needs.

You mightiness see upgrading to the ConvertBox Pro if you necessitate higher limitations. Adding an further $95 to the Standard Plan allows you to bask Pro features for a full of $590 arsenic a one-time fee. This upgrade provides adjacent much flexibility and helps you cater to the increasing demands of your online business.

Lifetime Licensing Information

The lifetime licence offered astatine $495 gives you semipermanent entree to ConvertBox’s features without having to interest astir monthly oregon yearly payments. However, this beingness woody is constricted and could modulation into a monthly program successful the future. With a 30-day money-back guarantee, this pricing operation allows you to effort ConvertBox risk-free and marque an informed decision.

ConvertBox pricing

For an other $95 (i.e. a lifetime full of conscionable $590), you tin upgrade to the Pro plan, which gives you:

  • 500K views per period (instead of 250K views)
  • Use it connected 50 sites (instead of 10 sites)
  • 5 sub-user logins
  • Use ConvertBox for clients

This awesome woody is an fantabulous enactment for integer marketers managing aggregate lawsuit websites oregon online businesses with assorted domains. The operation of this woody with the user-friendly, modern, and businesslike tools offered by ConvertBox makes it an charismatic prime for entrepreneurs seeking an affordable and effectual lead-generation tool.

With its affable lawsuit enactment and beingness licensing options, ConvertBox ensures you person the champion worth astatine a tenable price. It’s a omniscient concern for increasing your assemblage and converting them into loyal customers.

ConvertBox Reviews and Opinions

Why Users Choose ConvertBox

Users looking for a reliable online signifier builder often take ConvertBox due to the fact that of its versatile and feature-rich nature. The level provides a user-friendly acquisition that results successful higher conversion rates for campaigns, opening with accrued email sign-ups to boosted idiosyncratic engagement and adjacent sales. ConvertBox’s straightforward interface means determination is precise small learning curve, which appeals to users who privation to prevention clip creating their campaigns.

Compared to Other Platforms

ConvertBox vs Clickfunnels: While some ConvertBox and Clickfunnels let for creating and managing selling campaigns, ConvertBox focuses much connected an easy-to-use signifier builder. ConvertBox outperforms Clickfunnels successful presumption of integration with third-party sites, easiness of use, precocious features, and pricing.

ConvertBox vs OptinMonster: Both platforms are designed for high-conversion opt-in forms. However, ConvertBox is easier to usage and provides much customization options compared to OptinMonster. Moreover, ConvertBox’s beingness woody pricing is much budget-friendly.

ConvertBox vs ThriveCart: While ConvertBox chiefly caters to the online form-building and lead-generation market, ThriveCart is simply a buying cart level that supports checkout leafage instauration and maintains a absorption connected e-commerce sales. Comparing the two, ConvertBox is suitable for those looking for an easy-to-use online signifier builder, portion ThriveCart would beryllium the prime for users focused connected income funnels and checkout processes.

In summary, ConvertBox appeals to online marketers seeking a elemental and businesslike instrumentality for designing highly converting forms and improving their campaigns’ wide success. Its favorable examination to competitors similar Clickfunnels, OptinMonster, and ThriveCart makes it a fashionable prime among online marketers.


ConvertBox is simply a user-friendly instrumentality for creating and managing online forms for pb procreation and idiosyncratic engagement. Its elemental interface and effectual features person made it a go-to assets for galore online marketers and website owners.

The easiness of usage and customization options marque ConvertBox basal retired from different signifier builders successful the market. The quality to make groups and opt-in forms catering to antithetic idiosyncratic segments tin springiness amended results successful pb capturing and conversion rates. Furthermore, the level offers fantabulous enactment to guarantee a creaseless idiosyncratic experience.

Using ConvertBox for exit-intent opt-in forms and landing pages tin beryllium large for capturing leads for section businesses oregon clients. As portion of a selling strategy, integrating ConvertBox forms tin boost wide show by catering to antithetic idiosyncratic traits and requirements.

So, if you’re looking for a adjuvant instrumentality to turn your online beingness and seizure much leads, ConvertBox is decidedly worthy considering. Don’t hide to marque usage of its features, experimentation with antithetic signifier types, and leverage its capabilities to execute occurrence successful your campaigns.

Frequently Asked Questions

How bash I acceptable up ConvertBox integrations?

To acceptable up ConvertBox integrations, travel the integration guide disposable connected the ConvertBox Help Desk. This broad usher details however to link ConvertBox with assorted fashionable services and platforms.

What enactment options are disposable for ConvertBox?

ConvertBox offers top-notch enactment done its assistance desk. Users tin find articles that screen communal questions and issues. Additionally, users tin taxable enactment requests for further assistance.

Can I usage ConvertBox with Google Tag Manager?

Yes, ConvertBox works seamlessly with Google Tag Manager. To decently acceptable it up, marque definite to travel the installation usher provided. The basal installation steps provided successful the ConvertBox Help Desk volition beryllium adjuvant successful utilizing ConvertBox with Google Tag Manager.

What are the cardinal features of ConvertBox?

ConvertBox boasts galore cardinal features, specified arsenic easy-to-use signifier builders, precocious targeting and show rules, A/B testing, analytics, and multi-step forms. The articles disposable connected the ConvertBox Help Desk connection in-depth explanations and guides connected these features.

How bash I make a ConvertBox form?

Creating a ConvertBox signifier is simply a elemental process. Start by logging into your relationship and pursuing the step-by-step process to plan the form, acceptable targeting rules, and motorboat it connected your website. More accusation connected signifier instauration tin beryllium recovered successful the Help Desk’s Basics section.

Are determination immoderate ConvertBox tutorials available?

Yes, determination are ConvertBox tutorials available for users looking to maximize the platform’s potential. These tutorials screen topics specified as:

  • How to Install ConvertBox connected your website
  • Using ConvertBox groups
  • How to pre-fill your ConvertBox signifier fields from URL parameters
  • Trigger a ConvertBox from a link
  • How to divided trial your ConvertBox
  • How to docket your ConvertBox to tally during a circumstantial time/date
  • How to usage measurement skip logic
  • How to cod signifier fields crossed aggregate steps
  • How to fell signifier fields erstwhile they are prefilled

These tutorials volition assistance you get acquainted with the level and make palmy lead-generation campaigns successful nary time!