What Is Anchor Text? An Overview + Best Practices

1 month ago 37

What Is Anchor Text?

Anchor substance (also known arsenic nexus text) is clickable, linked substance that takes users elsewhere. Like to different webpage, determination other connected the aforesaid page, oregon to the user’s default email client.

It’s often highlighted and underlined to marque it basal retired from the surrounding content.

Effective anchor substance tells users what to expect if they click the link. And helps hunt engines recognize what the linked-to leafage is about.

For example, you could usage the anchor substance “services” to nexus to a website’s main work page. 

Here’s wherever you spot that anchor substance successful HTML:

code <a href="www.domain.com/services">services</a> with www.domain.com/services labeled arsenic  the people     nexus  and "services" substance   labeled arsenic  the anchor text

In this post, we’ll screen antithetic types of anchor text, explicate immoderate champion practices, and amusement however to find anchor-text related issues with our Site Audit tool.

anchor substance   issues successful  tract  audit shows notices for outgoing outer  links containing nofollow attributes, nary  anchor text, and non-descriptive anchor text

Why Is Anchor Text Important successful SEO?

Using due anchor substance tin amended your SEO performance. And boost the idiosyncratic acquisition (UX).

Search engines and users trust connected internal links (links that spell to your different webpages) to navigate your tract and recognize the narration betwixt antithetic pages.

For example, the anchor substance “company page” successful this Cleverly nonfiction makes it wide that the linked leafage connected their tract is astir institution pages.

anchor substance   highlighted

Anchor substance utilized for external links (links that spell to different websites) likewise provides discourse astir the linked content. 

And it’s worthy noting that linking to different sites tin impact their SEO rankings. Because hunt engines presumption links from 1 tract to different arsenic endorsements (assuming you haven’t applied immoderate HTML attributes telling hunt engines not to walk ranking authority).

Anchor substance for some types of links is bully for the user experience. And due to the fact that Google aims to prioritize pages that supply a bully experience, that tin further amended your rankings. 

9 Types of Anchor Text

Here are the 9 astir communal types of anchor texts you tin usage connected your site:


This is erstwhile you usage a marque sanction arsenic your link’s anchor text. Without including immoderate further words.

It’s utile erstwhile citing a root oregon linking to a company’s homepage.

Like this:

branded anchor substance   "Stitch Fix" links to Stitch Fix's homepage


This benignant of anchor substance contains a brand’s sanction (or a branded phrase) and immoderate further words for context.

It’s often utilized erstwhile referring to a brand’s products, locations, oregon webpages. 

In the illustration below, the anchor substance is referring to a circumstantial Google assistance page:

anchor substance   "Google Discover's contented  policies" links to Google's observe   contented  policies

Exact Match

Exact lucifer anchor substance (sometimes called “money” anchor text) is erstwhile the nexus is placed implicit the nonstop keyword the linked leafage is targeting.

It tin perchance assistance the linked leafage fertile amended for that term. 

Here, Trello uses the anchor substance “Disruptive Brainstorming” to nexus to their usher connected the topic. 

"Disruptive Brainstorming" anchor substance   links to Atlassian's leafage   connected  disruptive brainstorming

Partial Match

This is erstwhile you usage a saltation of immoderate keyword the linked leafage is targeting.

It includes the people keyword (or portion of it) but besides different words to supply further context.

For example, present we usage the partial lucifer anchor substance “raise marque awareness” to nexus to a station astir gathering marque awareness.

"raise marque  awareness" anchor substance   links to blog connected  marque  awareness

Related keyword anchor substance is akin to partial lucifer anchor text, but it doesn’t incorporate the linked page’s existent people keyword. 

Instead, this benignant of anchor substance uses related presumption oregon phrases—like synonyms.

For example, present we nexus to a leafage that chiefly targets the keyword “schema markup” by utilizing the anchor substance “structured data.”

"structured data" anchor substance   links to blog connected  schema markup


Naked anchor substance uses the link’s nonstop URL arsenic the anchor text.

This benignant of nexus is chiefly utilized to guarantee the scholar knows exactly wherever they’re being directed. Like successful footnotes, bibliographies, oregon authorities assets lists. 

For example, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) uses bare links erstwhile listing authoritative health-related websites.

naked links similar  www.medlineplus.gov and www.cdc.gov look  written successful  their afloat  URLs

Naked links aren’t perfect for SEO. Because they don’t ever assistance hunt engines recognize the linked content’s relevance.


Generic anchor substance uses non-descriptive words oregon phrases that don’t springiness users (or hunt engines) details astir what they’ll find by pursuing the link.

Common examples include:

  • “Click here”
  • “View more”
  • “More info”

Since it doesn’t supply overmuch information, generic anchor text’s SEO worth is low. And it tin travel crossed arsenic spammy. So, you should usage it sparingly. 

That said, generic anchor substance tin beryllium utile successful definite cases.

For example, erstwhile paired with wide and informative surrounding text, it tin usher users to the adjacent measurement without cluttering the nexus substance with excessive details.

Like this:

"here" anchor substance   is highlighted


This is erstwhile you usage an representation to spot a link. And due to the fact that there’s nary existent anchor text, the alternate substance (alt text) utilized successful the HTML serves arsenic the link’s anchor text.

Alt substance helps visually impaired users and hunt engines recognize what an representation is about.

For example, here’s what the alt substance looks similar for our selling funnel illustration:

alt substance   for selling  funnel illustration says "marketing funnel with awareness, consideration, conversion, and loyalty stages" successful  the code

As with accepted anchor text, alt substance for linked images should succinctly picture the contented you’re linking to.

Article oregon Page Title

This refers to utilizing the nonstop rubric of the linked leafage oregon nonfiction arsenic the nexus text.

It’s elemental and informative, making it wide to users and hunt engines what the linked contented is about.

For example, Shape links to different nonfiction connected the tract utilizing its nonstop title.

"11 large   wellness  and fittingness  benefits of value   training" anchor substance   links to a blog with the aforesaid  title

4 Anchor Text Best Practices

Now, let’s look astatine however to guarantee the anchor substance you usage for interior and outer links is hunt engine- and user-friendly.

Here are 4 tips for anchor substance optimization:

Anchor substance should acceptable seamlessly into your content. So it doesn’t harm readability, look spammy, oregon negatively interaction your SEO efforts.

In different words, debar shoehorning links into sentences wherever they look retired of place. Anchor substance should marque consciousness successful narration to the contented that surrounds it.

You should besides bounds however galore links you spot successful your content. Too galore links tin distract readers.

Here’s an illustration from Google of what excessive anchor substance looks like:

excessive anchor substance   illustration  links "wedding rings," "wedding," "best ring," "buy flowers," and "wedding dress" to assorted  pages successful  3  sentences

Rather than adding links astatine each opportunity, lone see them if they’re genuinely utile to the scholar and applicable to your content.

And debar repeatedly linking to the aforesaid leafage connected your tract utilizing the nonstop aforesaid anchor text. 

This tin look unnatural to hunt engines. They whitethorn spot it arsenic an effort to manipulate rankings for the linked page.

Instead, usage a assortment of anchor substance types—incorporating some superior and secondary keywords. Using varied anchor substance appears much earthy and provides hunt engines with further discourse astir the leafage successful question.

But what astir over-optimized anchor substance from different sites linking to yours?

While you can’t straight power the anchor substance different sites use, you tin place perchance toxic backlink anchor substance with our Backlink Audit tool.

Enter your domain and deed “Start Backlink Audit.”

domain entered into backlink audit tool

Then, travel the instructions to acceptable up the audit.

Under the “Audit” tab, you’ll spot backlinks flagged for review. 

Each backlink is fixed a Toxicity Score (TS) from 0-100. The higher the score, the much apt the nexus is to beryllium harmful. 

toxicity people     file  highlighted

Under the “Anchors” drop-down menu, you tin filter links based connected anchor substance type.

Select the boxes adjacent to “Money” and “Compound.”

money and compound anchor substance   types filter highlighted

Money and compound anchor texts are astir apt to beryllium deemed suspicious by Google. So support an oculus retired for backlinks that usage them and besides person precocious Toxicity Scores.

What should you bash if you observe these types of backlinks?

In astir cases, you don’t request to bash anything. 

Having a definite fig of low-quality backlinks is mean for astir sites. And Google usually conscionable ignores them.

But if you announcement a agelong database of these perchance harmful links and you’ve besides received a manual enactment punishment from Google astir low-quality links (you tin spot that successful the Manual Actions report successful Google Search Console), you whitethorn privation to remove the unwanted links oregon disavow them. 

That’s due to the fact that receiving this benignant of punishment means your pages could look little oregon beryllium omitted from hunt results entirely.

Further readingA Comprehensive Guide to Understanding Google Penalties

2. Be Succinct

Keep your nexus substance concise—we urge 5 words oregon less. 

Short, wide anchor substance helps users rapidly place wherever the nexus volition instrumentality them. 

So don’t usage this:

A broad database of SEO tips and strategies.”

But opt for this:

SEO tips.”

3. Be Descriptive

While your anchor substance should beryllium brief, it besides needs to intelligibly picture what you’re linking to. So users and hunt engines tin reasonably foretell what they’ll get if they travel the link. 

If you’re unsure of which keywords to usage successful anchor substance for interior links, effort Semrush’s Organic Research tool.

This instrumentality lets you spot which presumption a circumstantial leafage is ranking for, providing you with aggregate anchor substance variations you could usage to nexus to that page.

Let’s accidental your institution is an eyewear retailer. And you privation anchor substance ideas for the women’s glasses merchandise class page.

Start by entering the leafage URL and click “Search.”

url entered into integrated  probe   tool

This takes you to the “Overview” report. It gives a snapshot of the page’s estimated traffic, keywords, ranking changes, and SERP features.

Under the “Top Keywords” conception you tin spot which presumption your leafage ranks for. Click “View each # keywords” to unfastened the elaborate report.

top keywords widget highlighted

Here you’ll spot a afloat database of the keywords your leafage ranks for.

Explore the database to find anchor substance ideas that champion suit the discourse of your link.

list of keywords that look  connected  that url with postulation   and measurement   data

Finally, marque definite your anchor substance is easy identifiable. To guarantee visitors don’t miss it and person a mediocre experience. 

This means the links should beryllium underlined and/or highlighted successful a antithetic color, truthful they basal retired from the remainder of the text.

Usually, this occurs automatically connected astir web browsers. But it’s worthy double-checking that the anchor substance is highlighted and casual to separate wrong the contented absorption strategy (CMS) oregon website level you use.

How to Find & Fix Anchor Text Issues

Now that you cognize however to make high-quality anchor text, you’ll request to cheque your tract for immoderate anchor substance issues.

Site Audit tin assistance with this task.

To get started, participate your domain into the hunt barroom and prime “Start Audit.”

domain entered into tract  audit tool

Next, configure your settings. Then, deed “Start Site Audit.”

site audit settings popular  up

Once the audit is complete, spell to the “Issues” tab, and benignant “anchor” into the hunt bar. This volition amusement immoderate anchor-related issues connected your site. 

search for "anchor text" successful  tract  audit issues

Three issues could amusement up:

  • # links person nary anchor text”: These are links that person bare oregon bare anchor text 
  • # links person non-descriptive anchor text”: These are links that usage generic anchor substance oregon don’t supply capable discourse for the leafage they’re linking to 
  • # outgoing outer links incorporate nofollow attributes”: These are outer links that don’t walk immoderate nexus authorization to the leafage they’re linking to

Click connected immoderate of the bluish hyperlinks to spot which pages are affected by that issue.

list of non-descriptive anchor substance   issues with anchor substance   file  highlighted

Then, log successful to your contented absorption strategy oregon different website level and usage this accusation to hole immoderate problems with your anchor text. 

You tin past rerun your Site Audit to cheque that these fixes worked.

Stay connected Top of Your Anchor Text

Properly utilizing anchor substance helps users and hunt engines navigate your tract much efficiently and recognize the relevance of antithetic pages.

And utilizing bully anchor substance successful your SEO efforts is an ongoing process. Particularly if you regularly upload caller content.

An casual mode to support connected apical of your anchor substance is with play reports successful Site Audit

Click the cogwheel icon connected the apical close and prime “Schedule” nether “Site Audit settings.”

schedule settings enactment    highlighted

Then, unfastened the drop-down paper and prime which time of the week you privation the automatic audit to tally on. 

Check the container adjacent to “Send an email each clip an audit is complete.” And deed “Save.”

site audit settings popup

Now, you tin easy enactment connected apical of anchor substance issues that arise.