Top 8 Digital Marketing Trends for 2024

3 months ago 42

There’s a batch happening successful the integer selling world. 

With that, present are the 8 emerging integer selling trends you should cognize for 2024 and beyond. 

Trend 1: Marketers Are Embracing AI

Most integer marketers person adapted to and integrated artificial quality (AI) into their selling strategies—at slightest successful immoderate form. Often to prevention clip and resources. 

We surveyed implicit 2,600 businesses for our 2024 AI Content Marketing Report for SMBs. And 67% of them said they usage AI for contented selling and SEO. 

Semrush sruvey results graph showing 67% usage  AI for contented  selling  and SEO.

Tools similar Semrush’s ContentShake AI tin assistance you with specified tasks. Like penning societal media posts, merchandise descriptions, and blog articles. 

For example, let’s accidental you privation to make a blog post.

Launch the instrumentality and scroll to “Create an nonfiction with our ideas.” Enter your thought into the substance container and click “Start writing.”

ContentShake AI instrumentality   commencement  with My ain  thought  selected, nonfiction  thought  entered, and Start penning  fastener  highlighted.

The instrumentality volition marque suggestions for the title, keywords, connection count, code of voice, and readability level. 

Choose from these recommendations oregon input your own. Once you’re done, optionally click the container adjacent to “Add an other SEO boost” and click “Create article.”

Article instauration  measurement   with each  details configured and Create nonfiction  fastener  highlighted.

In minutes, the instrumentality volition make a broad article—including headings and images. 

From there, regenerate it if needed and edit it to marque definite it’s polished.

AI generated contented  with Publish, Customize article, and Regenerate rapidly  options highlighted.

Once you’ve adjusted the nonfiction with your ain expertise, research, etc., you tin people it straight to your WordPress site.

Now, let’s look into immoderate of the newest AI trends successful integer marketing.

Text-to-Video Content Creation

Generating videos from substance instructions is the astir anticipated breakthrough successful generative AI. Because it could drastically trim accumulation clip and cost.

OpenAI’s text-to-video exemplary Sora has shown immoderate promising teasers. Like this wooly mammoth clip that was created with a elaborate substance prompt.

At the moment, OpenAI has made Sora disposable to prime ocular artists and filmmakers.

It’ll beryllium breathtaking to spot however businesses and marketers volition usage this tool. But it looks rather useful for short-form video content.

As per our AI Content Marketing Report, 52% of businesses are looking to effort AI video generators. To level up their selling efforts. 

AI Content Marketing Report results connected  trying caller   types of AI contented  tools

Personalization astatine Scale

AI tin assistance with personalization by predicting your customers’ behaviour based connected their demographics, browsing history, oregon purchases. And, it allows you to tailor your messages and offers to conscionable their needs. 

For example, the idiosyncratic styling marque Stitch Fix has nailed personalization connected a monolithic standard by combining AI and quality touch.

Customers instrumentality a benignant quiz and stock their preferences, goals, budget, etc. 

Stitch Fix website with Take Your Style Quiz fastener  highlighted.

Stitch Fix past uses generative AI to process implicit 4.5 cardinal information points shared by its clients. 

Human styling experts analyse these AI insights. And hole personalized apparel boxes for its millions of clients. Based connected their idiosyncratic preferences, sizes, and styles. 

And AI tin besides personalize email marketing campaigns by:

  • Analyzing lawsuit information similar location, clip zone, and engagement patterns to optimize nonstop times
  • Generating personalized taxable lines and contented that resonate with recipients

Further reading: Best AI Tools for Digital Marketers successful 2024

Trend 2: Brands Are Adopting Expert-Led Content

Expert-led contented is contented created by (or with the assistance of) manufacture experts. To boost the content’s authorization and credibility.

How does it bash that? 

Expert-led contented often provides deeper insights and nuanced viewpoints than generic blog posts oregon surface-level articles. 

It addresses analyzable symptom points that resonate with your people audiences. And helps you presumption your marque arsenic a go-to root for reliable information.

And due to the fact that galore brands person tried to usage AI to rapidly standard contented accumulation without quality intervention, there’s been an influx of low-quality content. So, users are craving archetypal and invaluable information. 

That’s wherefore contented created with Google’s Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness (E-E-A-T) guidelines is truthful important. And much apt to fertile successful hunt results.

An illustration of this benignant of expert-led contented is Semrush’s 2024 AI Content Marketing Report for SMBs

We collaborated with manufacture leaders to enactment unneurotic this probe connected the usage of AI successful contented marketing. 

Semrush study  leafage   with 'new 2024 AI report' enactment    successful  header highlighted.

Here are immoderate tips for creating and distributing expert-led content:

  • Identify experts with beardown authorization and alignment with your brand’s values
  • Focus connected providing in-depth cognition and unsocial data, research, oregon different insights to your audience
  • Choose formats that resonate with your audience
  • Promote contented successful collaboration with experts crossed assorted channels. To maximize its reach.
  • Optimize your contented for hunt engines. And repurpose it for antithetic channels (e.g., societal media, YouTube).

Further reading: What Is Quality Content & How to Create It

Trend 3: Short-Form Videos Have Become Dominant

Short-form videos that rapidly present worth and/or amusement are continuing to turn successful popularity. 

In fact, our State of Content Marketing 2023 Global Report reveals that the abbreviated video format is the top-performing video benignant among marketers and concern owners.

Semrush survey   results array  showing 43% accidental    abbreviated  signifier  video performs champion  according.

These videos typically scope from a fewer seconds to a fewer minutes, depending connected the platform.

And they’re perfect for societal media platforms. Like TikTok, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube.

Follow these champion practices to maximize the interaction of your short-form videos:

  • Customize your videos for each platform. What works connected TikTok mightiness not enactment connected Instagram Reels oregon YouTube Shorts. So, survey each platform's trends and nuances to make videos accordingly.
  • Start with a beardown hook. Grab attraction rapidly with absorbing visuals, on-screen text, oregon a compelling question.
  • Focus connected a wide message. Despite the abbreviated clip frame, effort to convey 1 cardinal connection oregon takeaway per video.
  • Stick to your brand’s benignant and values. Use logos, colors, and messages that align with your marque identity. This helps marque your contented instantly recognizable to your audience. 
  • Repurpose existing videos. Edit longer videos into attention-grabbing clips. Or, alteration webinar highlights into abbreviated snippets.
  • Participate successful trends. Occasionally participating successful trends—like challenges— tin boost discoverability and engagement. But guarantee it’s applicable to your audience.

Further reading: Video Marketing: The Ultimate Guide for 2024

Trend 4: More Teams Are Using Programmatic SEO

Programmatic SEO refers to automating parts of SEO to make and optimize webpages astatine scale. Something galore brands person started doing to prevention clip without sacrificing results.

It’s a utile method if you’re moving a ample website with thousands of pages (e.g., an ecommerce tract with immense merchandise catalogs). Or, a dynamic website with often changing contented (e.g., question and accommodation booking sites with a ample fig of determination pages).

The cardinal payment of programmatic SEO is you tin easy make respective pages optimized for an full class of people keywords with a leafage template.

But it requires coding skills and cautious execution.


Because there’s a accidental you mightiness extremity up generating a ample fig of low-quality oregon duplicate pages if things spell wrong. 

Here’s an illustration of palmy programmatic SEO implementation: 

Tripadvisor ranks highly for aggregate queries successful the keyword class “best hotels successful [city name].”

Check retired these Google hunt results for “best hotels successful san francisco.” 

Google hunt  results and Tripadvisor leafage   superimposed with arrow pointing from hunt  effect   to page.

And “best hotels successful caller york city.”

Google hunt  results and Tripadvisor leafage   superimposed with arrow pointing from hunt  effect   to page.

Similarly, Tripadvisor ranks for phrases like: 

  • “best hotels successful las vegas”
  • “best hotels successful miami”
  • “best hotels successful london”

Likewise, and Conde Nast Traveler’s programmatic pages besides fertile successful the apical 3 results. For the aforesaid keywords mentioned successful the supra example.

Trend 5: B2B Influencer Marketing Is Growing

Influencer marketing has been fashionable successful the B2C assemblage for a portion to beforehand products, services, oregon brands by collaborating with applicable influencers. But now, it’s besides getting traction successful the B2B landscape. 

This is due to the fact that B2B influencers are often taxable substance experts oregon manufacture thought leaders. Who person a ample fig of manufacture professionals pursuing them for reliable accusation and proposal successful their field.

For example, Jason Lemkin runs SaaStr—a starring assemblage for concern software. Many SaaS professionals (including CEOs) travel him and be assemblage events. 

LinkedIn illustration   of Jason M. Lemkin with Top Voice badge and follower number  highlighted.

So, if you’re moving a SaaS business, you mightiness see partnering with an manufacture person similar Jason. It helps you leverage their authorization and power to beforehand your brand.

Just cognize that B2B and B2C influencer selling are considerably different.

B2B influencer selling often focuses much connected gathering semipermanent relationships and establishing credibility. While B2C influencer selling is usually much for short-term engagement oregon sales.

Another quality is B2C influencers mostly beforehand products done manner contented connected mainstream societal platforms similar Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook. But B2B influencers are much apt to prosecute successful in-depth discussions, webinars, and lawsuit studies that bespeak their expertise and authority.

Partnering with the close thought person is the cardinal to moving an effectual B2B influencer selling campaign.

You tin bash this easy done the Influencer Analytics app. 

Here’s how:

Let’s accidental you privation to spouse with a YouTube influencer. 

Open the instrumentality and click “Influencer Discovery” successful the navigation menu.

Semrush Influencer Analytics app header with Influencer Discovery paper   point  expanded and highlighted.

Next, prime “YouTube” from the drop-down menu.

YouTube enactment    highlighted successful  Influencer Discovery sub menu.

You tin research influencers present if you’re conscionable starting out.

But if you person idiosyncratic successful mind, participate the transmission sanction successful the hunt bar. And click the transmission arsenic shown below.

Search results for 'garyvee' with archetypal  effect   for GaryVee highlighted.

You’ll spot an overview of the channel’s show astatine the top. With metrics similar “Number of subscribers,” “Average views,” “Integration costs,” and more. 

GaryVee transmission  analytics leafage   with metrics overview container  highlighted.

Scroll down to spot elaborate insights connected each metric. 

Influencer Analytics Overview study  showing metrics similar  transmission  prime   and rating.

Repeat this for immoderate different influencers you’re readying to collaborate with. Then, scope retired to those influencers with your proposals. 

Trend 6: Brands Are Engaging Audiences with Native Advertising

Native advertising involves moving paid ads that lucifer the benignant and format of the surrounding content. And companies person started to thin connected it much fixed these ads often execute better.

Why bash they execute better?

Because autochthonal advertizing is subtle. It helps you beforehand your product, service, brand, oregon contented without disturbing the idiosyncratic experience.

It often feels similar you’re seeing integrated content. You lone recognize it’s an advertisement erstwhile you spot a “sponsored” oregon “recommended” statement astir it. 

For example, cheque retired the contented recommendations connected Newsweek’s website. 

Newsweek contented  recommendations showing Recommended by Outbrain.

They perfectly mimic the quality of the platform. And surrounding content.

Here’s different example:

Cube Asia (an ecommerce marketplace quality company) promotes its probe nonfiction connected influencer selling done an in-feed autochthonal advertisement connected LinkedIn. 

Cube Asia promoted contented  successful  LinkedIn feed.

Native ads besides thin to beforehand applicable and absorbing contented alternatively of pushing products oregon services. So, they often pb to higher engagement rates. 

Follow these champion practices for effectual autochthonal advertisement campaigns:

  • Write a compelling headline. But debar clickbait.
  • Write advertisement transcript that feels similar you’re talking to your audience. Keep a affable and conversational tone.
  • Test antithetic autochthonal advertisement formats. Like in-feed ads, contented proposal ads, and hunt ads. And standard those that thrust bully results. 

Trend 7: Marketers Are Preparing for Third-Party Cookies’ Farewell

Google started gradually phasing retired of third-party cookies successful 2024 and volition implicit the modulation successful 2025. Meaning marketers won’t beryllium capable to trust connected the aforesaid method of tracking users for paid advertisement targeting.

The main crushed down this determination is users’ concerns implicit information privateness and protection. 

Here’s a snippet from the Google blog announcing this initiative:

Users are demanding greater privacy--including transparency, choice, and power implicit however their information is used--and it’s wide the web ecosystem needs to germinate to conscionable these expanding demands.

Currently, you tin way idiosyncratic behaviour crossed sites utilizing third-party cookies. Which allows you to conception your assemblage and present targeted ads.

But erstwhile third-party cookies signifier out, you’ll request to find alternate ways to stitchery idiosyncratic data.

Here are immoderate tips to assistance you adapt:

  • Prioritize first-party data: Continue utilizing first-party cookies—user behaviour information stored connected your site. And put successful different first-party information postulation strategies. Such arsenic done engaging content, escaped tools, loyalty programs, and newsletter subscriptions. 
  • Use contextual advertising: Place your ads connected sites that are applicable to the contented of the leafage you’re advertising 
  • Build trust: Be transparent with users astir information collection. And connection tangible worth (freebies oregon rewards) successful speech for information. 

For example, let’s accidental you’re an online direct-to-consumer brand. 

Build an email database by offering exclusive discounts and aboriginal entree to income for subscribers. Then, usage this lawsuit information to personalize email campaigns and website recommendations.

Marketers who presumption societal media platforms arsenic hunt engines are uncovering caller ways to link with audiences. Especially Gen Z audiences.

In a caller survey, implicit fractional of Gen Z respondents accidental they usage societal media to hunt for information. Compared to 45% who usage accepted hunt engines.

They crook to platforms similar YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram for: 

  • Product reviews and recommendations
  • Tutorial videos
  • Trending topics and news
  • Inspiration for fashion, travel, location decor, etc.

For example, alternatively of searching “how to reconstruct whatsapp chat” connected Google, they’d look for it connected YouTube.

Composite Image showing side-by-side examination  of Google and YouTube search.

To capitalize connected this trend, guarantee you person a beardown social media selling strategy. So, your societal accounts (or content) look connected apical erstwhile your assemblage searches for accusation related to your business.

Start by researching the societal platforms your target audience frequents.

Use the Market Explorer instrumentality to rapidly get this data. 

Open the instrumentality and spell to “Analyze Category.” Select your “Location” and “Business Category.”

And click the “Research a market” button.

Market Explorer instrumentality   leafage   with Analyze Category, Location, Business Category, and Research a marketplace  highlighted.

You’ll spot an overview of your manufacture for your chosen location. 

Click the “Audience” tab.

Market Explorer Overview study  with an arrow pointing to the highlighted Audience tab.

Here, you’ll spot the assemblage summary astatine the top. Scroll down to scope the “Social Media” widget. To find your audience’s preferred societal platforms.

Social Media widget showing assemblage  organisation  summary for antithetic  platforms.

Once you fig retired which channels to use, make a social media contented strategy for each platform.

Then, commencement creating and distributing content that resonates with your audience. And usage techniques similar incorporating trending hashtags and utilizing applicable keywords to summation your visibility.

Further reading: Social Media SEO: How to Rank Higher connected Social Media & Google

It tin beryllium pugnacious to support up with integer selling manufacture trends. 

Simplify things by prioritizing trends that align with your concern goals. And assemblage preferences.

That’s wherever Semrush comes in.

Our suite of tools helps you enactment connected apical of your integer selling game. By providing the insights you request to place trends and make winning strategies.

Get your free trial now.