SaaS SEO: An Actionable Strategy for Growth

1 month ago 40

In this post, you’ll larn precisely however to make and instrumentality an effectual SaaS SEO strategy—step by step.

This is the aforesaid strategy we’ve utilized to turn our ain blog to implicit 1.5 cardinal integrated hunt visitors astir the satellite per month.

Semrush Blog has 1.5 cardinal  integrated  hunt  visitors

So if you privation to get higher Google rankings, you’ll emotion the actionable steps successful this guide.

Let’s get started.

What Is SaaS SEO?

SaaS SEO is the process of optimizing your SaaS website to amended its visibility and rankings connected hunt engines similar Google and Bing. To pull much integrated traffic, leads, and customers who are funny successful the bundle solution your SaaS institution offers. 

It involves implementing antithetic SEO techniques, specified arsenic keyword research, method SEO (optimizing your tract for hunt engines and the idiosyncratic experience), and link building (gaining links that constituent to your site)—and requires a SaaS-specific approach. 

For some B2C and B2B SaaS, SEO efforts tin assistance you:

  • Attract imaginable customers
  • Build spot and authority
  • Improve conversion rates
  • Reduce lawsuit acquisition costs

And more.

Why SEO Is Important for SaaS Businesses

SEO helps you scope and pull imaginable customers looking for bundle solutions similar yours. Whether you bash it yourself oregon enactment with a SaaS SEO agency.

Compared to astir different types of businesses, SaaS companies trust much heavy connected their websites to showcase their products, features, benefits, pricing, and testimonials. 

Which means:

Having a high-ranking tract that provides applicable and invaluable accusation is important for generating leads, conversions, and revenue.

Here are immoderate of the main benefits of SEO for SaaS companies.

Scale Growth Exponentially

SEO tin thrust accordant and qualified integrated postulation to your site. 

Organic traffic is postulation that comes from unpaid hunt results. And it’s invaluable due to the fact that it represents visits coming from radical who are actively funny successful the topics surrounding your concern and offering.

As you make much content, your tract ranks for much keywords. And you tin pull much postulation from antithetic regions, countries, and languages. 

Which tin assistance you grow your lawsuit basal and summation your planetary presence.

Imagine this astatine scale.

The much high-quality SEO contented you create, the much postulation you'll apt drive. And this is precisely 1 of the techniques SaaS companies usage for growth.

Reduce Customer Acquisition Costs

SEO tin trim lawsuit acquisition costs (CAC) and summation lawsuit beingness worth (CLV). 

CAC is the wealth you walk to get a caller customer. While CLV is the wealth you gain from a lawsuit implicit their full narration with your business. 

And SEO is 1 of the astir cost-effective ways to little your CAC and summation your CLV.


Because successful pay-per-click (PPC) hunt campaigns similar the 1 below, you wage for each azygous click to your website. Drive much clicks, wage much money. 

A PPC advertisement  connected  Google for the word  "task organizing software" has a "sponsored" label

And with paid ads, postulation stops erstwhile you halt paying.

SEO is rather the opposite. The outgo per acquisition is initially high. But it continuously drops arsenic maturation compounds implicit time. Because the contented you make tin proceed to fertile and pull visitors for months oregon adjacent years with precise small further investment.

Let’s accidental you merchantability task absorption bundle to different companies. 

With SEO, you could fertile for keywords like:

  • "best task absorption software"
  • "project absorption bundle for agencies"
  • "how to negociate aggregate projects"

These presumption tin correspond antithetic segments and stages of the buying process. And SEO allows you to seizure them all, without paying thing speech from what it takes to make and support your content.

Especially for B2B SaaS, SEO’s outgo ratio tin beryllium huge. Because those companies thin to person higher acquisition costs than their B2C counterparts.

Further reading: The ROI of SEO: How to Measure SEO ROI (with Formulas)

Convert Customers from Other Channels

SEO tin complement and heighten your different selling channels. Such arsenic societal media, email, and paid ads.


It tin supply further touchpoints and opportunities for prospects who already admit you to interact with your brand. 

For example, you tin usage SEO to thrust postulation to high-converting pages focused connected keywords your customers are apt to hunt aft they’ve seen your Google ads and LinkedIn posts. And past usage those pages to person visitors into leads oregon customers.

How Is SaaS SEO Different from Traditional SEO?

SEO for SaaS companies is antithetic from regular SEO successful 2 main ways:

First, SaaS SEO is each astir personas and problems

You request to cognize who your people customers are, what they conflict with, and however your bundle tin assistance them.

Second, SaaS (particularly B2B SaaS) SEO is often much astir conversions than traffic

You’re not selling a one-off product. You’re selling a semipermanent solution. So, you request to optimize your tract and contented for sign-ups—not conscionable clicks.

How bash you bash that? 

By utilizing antithetic types of contented (like lawsuit studies, demos, and escaped trials) to amusement your prospects your software’s worth and benefits. Across the full lawsuit beingness cycle. 

SaaS SEO and the Marketing Funnel

In SaaS SEO, it’s important to recognize the antithetic stages of the marketing funnel. And however to people the close keywords for each stage.

The selling funnel is simply a exemplary that describes the lawsuit travel from consciousness to acquisition successful 3 main phases. 

ToFu, MoFu and BoFu stages of the selling  funnel

And if you align your SaaS SEO strategy with the selling funnel, you tin pull much qualified leads, nurture them with applicable content, and person them into paying customers.

Let’s look astatine the antithetic types of keywords crossed the funnel. 

We’ll usage lawsuit narration absorption (CRM) bundle institution Pipedrive arsenic an example:

Top-of-the-Funnel Keywords for SaaS 

Top-of-the-funnel (ToFu) keywords are hunt queries radical usage erstwhile they’re looking for a solution to a occupation oregon need. 

They’re not needfully alert of your merchandise oregon brand, but they are funny successful learning much astir the topic. 

For Pipedrive, a bully illustration of immoderate ToFu keywords they're ranking for are:

  • “sales pipeline”
  • “gross sales”
  • “gross income vs nett sales”
“sales pipeline” “gross sales” “gross income  vs nett  sales” keywords amusement   informational intent

Someone searching for these keywords isn’t looking for Pipedrive, specifically. But they’re apt moving successful income and browsing for a solution Pipedrive offers. 

The constituent of targeting ToFu keywords is to make consciousness and involvement successful your merchandise category. And to amended prospects astir the benefits of your solution. 

You should make contented that answers their questions, provides value, and builds trust. 

Some types of contented that enactment good for ToFu keywords are:

  • Blog posts
  • Ebooks
  • Guides
  • Videos

Middle-of-the-Funnel Keywords for SaaS

Middle-of-the-funnel (MoFu) keywords are hunt queries prospects usage erstwhile they’re evaluating options and comparing features and benefits.

They’re alert a solution exists, but they aren’t acceptable to bargain yet. They’re looking for much accusation and guidance to assistance them marque a decision. 

For Pipedrive, this means keywords like:

  • “simple crm”
  • “crm experience”
  • “format of a concern emails with an example”
“simple CRM” “CRM experience” “format of a concern  email with an example” keywords amusement   commercialized  intent

The constituent of targeting MoFu keywords is to make information for your product. And to transportation prospects that your solution is the champion acceptable for their needs. 

You should make contented that showcases your product’s worth proposition, differentiators, and occurrence stories. 

Some types of contented that enactment good for MoFu keywords include:

  • Case studies
  • Testimonials
  • Product features
  • Demos

Bottom-of-the-Funnel Keywords for SaaS

Bottom-of-the-funnel (BoFu) keywords are hunt queries prospects usage erstwhile they’re acceptable to bargain oregon motion up for your product. 

They cognize a solution exists, and they cognize who provides it. They conscionable request a last propulsion oregon inducement to instrumentality action. 

For Pipedrive, this means focusing connected keywords like:

  • “pipedrive pricing”
  • “pipedrive quickbooks integration” 
  • “pipedrive forms”
“pipedrive pricing” “pipedrive quickbooks integration” “pipedrive forms” keywords amusement   transactional intent

The constituent of targeting BoFu keywords is to make conversions and income for your product. And to flooded immoderate objections oregon doubts your prospects mightiness have.

You tin make contented that reinforces your product’s benefits, offers discounts oregon bonuses, and provides societal impervious and guarantees. 

Some types of contented that enactment good for BoFu keywords are:

  • Landing pages
  • Sales pages
  • FAQs

Piecing Together the Entire Marketing Funnel

Keep successful caput that determination volition ever beryllium radical astatine antithetic stages of the lawsuit journey. And that the travel isn’t ever linear. 

Some prospects mightiness beryllium successful the BoFu stage, but past spell backmost to immoderate of your ToFu contented to larn much astir a high-level topic. Or beryllium successful the ToFu signifier but acceptable to acquisition soon after.

The cardinal is creating contented that connects these antithetic stages. So prospects tin determination guardant astatine their ain pace. 

For example, this nonfiction focused connected “sales pipeline” covers the basics and establishes Pipedrive arsenic an authorization connected the topic. 

saas blog station  connected  the "sales pipeline"

Within the article, they person internal links to different invaluable content. And besides see a signifier that allows users to download a usher successful speech for their interaction information. To person them into leads.

enter enactment    email to download the eventual  income  process   guide

They besides springiness a salient spotlight to their ain solution.

in the saas blog post, they speech   astir  the income  rhythm  and bully  crms. past    pipedrive mentions their crm solution.

Finally, funny readers who privation to rapidly determination done the funnel are conscionable a click distant from signing up for a escaped trial. 

call to enactment   astatine  the bottommost  of the saas blog station  says "try it free"

By strategically connecting your contented crossed the funnel, you're amended capable to usher prospects toward becoming paying customers.

Further reading: ToFu, MoFu, BoFu: A Practical Guide to the Conversion Funnel

A 9-Step Plan to Create Your SaaS SEO Strategy

Here’s a step-by-step SaaS SEO strategy you tin usage to boost your integrated traffic, leads, and conversions. 

1. Set Your Goals and KPIs

Setting goals and cardinal show indicators (KPIs) is the astir important portion of immoderate SEO strategy, SaaS oregon not. 

You request to person a wide thought of what you privation to execute and however you’ll measurement progress. 

First, your goals. 

Goals are the big-picture outcomes you privation to execute with SEO, specified as:

  • Boosting marque consciousness and authority 
  • Attracting much qualified leads and customers
  • Lowering lawsuit acquisition costs and expanding lawsuit beingness value
  • Educating and engaging your target audience with invaluable content

KPIs are the circumstantial metrics that amusement however good your SEO efforts are working. And however adjacent you are to your goals.

For example:

  • Organic traffic: How galore visits your tract gets from hunt engines
  • Organic conversions: How galore radical instrumentality a desired enactment connected your site. Like signing up for a escaped trial, requesting a demo, oregon subscribing to your newsletter.
  • Organic rankings: How precocious your website ranks successful the hunt motor results pages (SERPs) for your people keywords
  • Organic click-through complaint (CTR): The percent of clicks connected your tract successful the SERPs
  • Organic bounce rate: The percent of visits that extremity without engaging with your content
  • Organic retention rate: The percent of radical who travel backmost to your tract aft their archetypal integrated visit
  • Organic revenue: How overmuch wealth your tract generates from integrated traffic

Think astir your concern goals. And which KPIs tin assistance amusement your progress. It’ll assistance you person a wide consciousness of absorption and a mode to measurement success. 

Further reading: SEO KPIs: 12 KPIs for SEO to Track & Measure

2. Define Your Customer Personas

The adjacent measurement successful SaaS SEO is to fig retired who your people assemblage is.

And the champion mode to bash that is to bash probe and make customer personas.

Customer personas are fictional characters that correspond your perfect customers. And see details like:

  • Demographics: age, gender, location, education, income, etc.
  • Psychographics: interests, hobbies, values, attitudes, etc.
  • Behaviors: online habits, hunt patterns, societal media usage, etc.
  • Needs: problems, challenges, goals, desires, etc.

And they’re important for SaaS SEO.


Because they let you to recognize who your people assemblage is, what they’re looking for, and however they marque decisions. 

Which helps you make contented that matches their search intent (the intent down their query), solves their problems, and guides them done the buyer’s journey.

Start by having a customer persona template you tin capable out. Like this one:

A lawsuit    persona template from the Semrush Persona tool

Then, usage a instrumentality similar One2Target to larn much astir your audience.

Add your domain and click “Analyze.”

One2Target instrumentality   hunt  bar

The instrumentality volition supply 4 reports with accusation astir your audience’s demographics, socioeconomic status, behaviors, and more. 

One2Target's socioeconomics dashboard

Use this information to conception your audience. Then, disagreement prospects into antithetic groups based connected their similarities and differences. 

For example, you tin conception them by location, industry, acquisition level, budget, etc. Or a operation of characteristics.

Then, make a antithetic lawsuit persona for each conception utilizing the templates. 

An illustration  of a lawsuit    persona created with Semrush Persona template

Finally, validate and update your personas. Test them with existent customers and prospects. And get feedback from your income and lawsuit work teams. 

And update your personas regularly to bespeak immoderate changes successful your marketplace and people lawsuit behavior.

3. Find Your Competitors and Analyze Their Strategies

One of the champion ways to amended your SaaS SEO show is to larn from your competitors. 


Because they tin amusement you what does and doesn’t enactment successful your niche. So you tin capitalize connected their weaknesses and replicate their strengths. 

Here’s however to find and analyse your competitors:

Open Organic Research, participate your domain name, and click “Search.”

Then, take the “Competitors” tab to spot a database of your apical integrated hunt competitors.

"Organic Competitors" database  highlighted successful  Organic Research

Click connected immoderate rival successful the illustration to larn much astir their integrated postulation trends, apical keywords, apical pages, and more. 

Organic Research overview dashboard for ""

Then, find keywords your competitors fertile for but you don’t. 

To bash this, usage the Keyword Gap tool. 

Enter your domain and up to 4 competitors’ domains. Then, click “Compare.”

Keyword Gap hunt  barroom  has 5  saas seo competitors

Scroll down to the array and prime “Missing.” To amusement lone keywords you don’t fertile for but your competitors do. 

"Missing" keywords database  successful  Keyword Gap instrumentality   shows keywords similar  fund  spreadsheet template and gantt illustration  excel

You tin besides behaviour a backlink spread investigation to find sites linking to your competitors but not to you. 

Open the Backlink Gap tool, adhd your domain, adhd your competitor’s domains, and click “Find prospects.”

Backlink Gap instrumentality   hunt  barroom  has 5  saas seo competitors

The array beneath shows the referring domains that nonstop backlinks to the competitors you entered. 

A database  of referring domains that nonstop   backlinks to competitors

You tin get much circumstantial accusation astir the links and URLs from each referring domain by clicking connected the drop-down arrows.

This volition amusement the domain’s Authority Score (a fig retired of 100 that indicates however reputable a tract is), anchor substance (the clickable substance utilized for the link) and people URL, the day the backlink was archetypal found, and more.

Like this:

competitor has 1  backlink from a referring domain and you tin  spot    the sour page, anchor text, and people     URL

Now, you person a database of sites you tin scope retired to for backlinks to your contented (more connected that later). 

All of this astir apt sounds extensive. And it should beryllium extensive.

You'll privation to cognize arsenic overmuch arsenic imaginable astir what's driving your competitors' strategies. Then, you tin provender this penetration into your ain roadmap.

Further reading: What Is a Competitor Analysis & How to Do It

4. Build a Keyword List Around Pain Points

One of the secrets to SaaS SEO is to recognize the problems oregon challenges your people personas have. And however your merchandise tin lick them. 

That way, you tin make contented that attracts and educates imaginable customers astatine the apical of the funnel.

Top-of-the-funnel keywords are usually informational successful nature. And often person precocious hunt volumes but debased conversion rates. 

But that’s OK. 

The extremity present is to bring radical successful to physique consciousness and spot with them. 

Here’s however you tin start: 

Brainstorm the communal questions, symptom points, oregon goals your personas person related to your merchandise oregon niche. 

For example, if you connection a income CRM bundle (like Pipedrive), you mightiness deliberation of questions like:

  • How bash you physique a income pipeline?
  • What is simply a income funnel?
  • How bash you measurement and way a income team’s performance?

For much ideas, usage the Keyword Magic Tool

Open the instrumentality and participate a effect keyword from your niche. A effect keyword is simply a wide keyword you tin usage to find different keyword ideas. 

And you’ll get a array with tons of ideas based connected the keyword you entered. 

Keyword Magic Tool results for "sales pipeline" includes keywords similar  "sales pipeline stages" and "sales pipeline absorption   tools"

Then, click the “Intent” drop-down paper and prime “Informational.” 

This volition amusement lone keywords with informational intent (when searchers privation to find answers to questions). 

Keywords related to "sales pipeline" filtered by informational hunt  intent

Do this for respective effect keywords, and you’ll person a agelong database of ToFu keywords successful nary time. 

Then, you request to make contented that provides worth to your personas based connected these keywords. And that positions your merchandise arsenic a imaginable solution. 

Here are immoderate tips for creating top-of-the-funnel contented for your SaaS company:

  • Use the keywords successful your contented title, headings, URL, meta description, and body
  • Use storytelling, data, statistics, and examples
  • Add wide and compelling calls to enactment (CTAs) that promote your personas to instrumentality the adjacent step

To streamline your contented instauration process and guarantee it's optimized for some readers and hunt engines, usage Semrush's SEO Writing Assistant tool. 

Just constitute (or transcript and paste) your substance successful the editor. And the instrumentality volition measure your contented successful real-time for SEO, code of voice, readability, and originality.

sales pipeline blog has a people     of 6.2 retired  of 10 and has galore  sentences highlighted to amended   readability

If you get stuck, usage the AI-powered Smart Writer features to assistance reword sections, make caller content, oregon travel up with ideas.

smart writer   tools highlighted specified  arsenic  rephraser, compose, and inquire  ai to amended   seo

Once you’re done, you tin determination the nonfiction guardant successful your editing process. Or people it straight to your WordPress site. 

By creating contented focused connected your personas’ challenges similar this, you tin amended your imaginable customers and pb them to your product.

Further reading:

5. Find Keywords for High-Value Landing Pages

As you spell down the income funnel, you request to marque definite you're targeting the close keywords for your commercialized pages.

Your commercialized pages are your merchandise and diagnostic pages—those that supply insights into what your bundle offers.

Think keywords like:

  • “best income crm”
  • “crm experience”
  • “free income crm”
  • “sales pipeline absorption tools”

Once you're ranking for these types of queries, you'll beryllium capable to thrust much postulation that's person to converting. 

These searchers are actively looking for a solution similar the 1 you offer. So, you request to marque definite you're covering each bases and aren't missing retired connected presumption your personas are searching.

Find these keywords by utilizing the “Intent” filter and selecting the container adjacent to “Commercial” successful the Keyword Magic Tool

Keywords related to "sales pipeline" filtered by commercialized  hunt  intent

Then, optimize your landing pages for these keywords. By utilizing them successful earthy and applicable ways. 

For example, see your keywords successful your leafage title, meta description, headings, subheadings, assemblage text, images, and calls to action. 

You should besides usage synonyms, variations, and related keywords to debar keyword stuffing (an outdated maneuver meant to “trick” hunt engines) and amended relevance.

This is each casual to bash with Semrush's On-Page SEO Checker

Follow the steps to configure the tool. And beryllium definite to usage the “Manually” tab connected the “Add pages to optimize” screen. So you tin marque definite each your landing pages are included.

Click “Collect ideas” erstwhile you’re done.

pipedrive merchandise  leafage   entered arsenic  leafage   we'd similar  to optimize for the keyword "sales platform"

Once you tally the tool, it volition measure your contented against your apical competitors and springiness you an overview of however overmuch your integrated postulation could summation by implementing the suggestions.

Scroll down to “TOP pages to optimize” and click “# ideas” adjacent to the archetypal landing leafage you privation to address.

organic postulation   could summation   by implicit    1,000% by implementing optimization ideas

You’ll past spot a database of recommendations that tin assistance your leafage execute better.

saas landing leafage   seo ideas accidental    to debar  keyword stuffing successful  the body, meta tag, and rubric  tag

For example, it tin assistance you:

  • Improve readability: To marque your contented easier to work and recognize for some users and hunt engineS
  • Enhance semantic relevance: To enrich your contented with related keywords and topics to see that tin marque your contented much discoverable
  • Avoid keyword stuffing: To guarantee you're not overusing keywords, which tin wounded your rankings and marque your contented little appealing to readers
  • Optimize meta descriptions: To make meta descriptions that accurately bespeak the contented of your pages and entice searchers to click

6. Build Out a Comparison Keyword Plan

The adjacent measurement successful your SaaS SEO strategy is to people examination keywords. 

Essentially, "[you] vs. [them]" keywords.


Once your prospects get little down successful the income funnel, there's a bully accidental they'll beryllium comparing solutions. Hopefully, 1 of those solutions is yours.

These examination keywords are important for a fewer reasons:

  • People who hunt for these keywords are usually getting acceptable to buy—they conscionable request a small push
  • Writing contented focused connected them helps amusement however your merchandise is antithetic from (and amended than) your competitors’ products 
  • These presumption often pull qualified postulation and leads—people who cognize you beryllium and are much apt to purchase

Find these keywords with the Keyword Magic Tool.

Just hunt for your merchandise name, click the “Include keywords” filter, benignant “vs,” and click “Apply.”

"vs" added nether  “Include keywords” filter box

And you’ll get a filtered database similar this:

Keywords related to "pipedrive" that incorporate  "vs"

Once you person a database of examination keywords, make contented for them. 

Here are immoderate tips to bash that:

  • Use the keywords successful your leafage title, meta description, headings and subheadings, assemblage text, and images
  • Present the facts and features for some products without being overly promotional oregon negative
  • Use a wide and accordant format (like a table, a list, oregon a chart) to comparison the products
  • Clearly explicate however your merchandise tin lick the user’s occupation oregon conscionable their needs
  • Provide a wide and compelling telephone to action, specified arsenic a escaped trial, a demo, oregon a discount

Here's a large illustration from Pipedrive that compares Pipedrive vs. HubSpot:

saas blog compares pipedrive and hubspot for seo

Even if these keywords person a debased hunt volume, it's important to seizure them. Because contented geared toward lower-funnel searches tin transportation users to convert. 

Get successful determination archetypal earlier your competitors do. And if they're already targeting these queries, marque definite your leafage is better.

7. Create Better Content Than Your Competitors

Content is the backbone of immoderate SaaS maturation strategy. It helps you fertile for applicable keywords, pull qualified traffic, and person visitors into customers.

But creating contented isn’t enough. You besides request to make amended contented than your competitors.

First, you request to spot what’s already moving for them. 

Open Organic Research, participate immoderate competitor’s URL, and click “Search.” 

Then, caput to the “Pages” tab. 

“Pages” tab for "" successful  the Organic Research tool

These are each of your competitor’s pages sorted by traffic. Review the best-performing pages and look for patterns. 

For example, consider:

  • Are they mostly blog posts? Or thing different?
  • Is the contented short-form oregon long?
  • Do they usage tons of videos?

Use the answers to these questions to usher your contented strategy. And replicate what’s already moving successful a amended way. 

Here are immoderate tips to assistance you make amended content:

  • Write for humans. Write successful a clear, conversational, and engaging tone. Use headings, bullets, images, and charts to interruption up your substance and marque it casual to scan. Avoid filler, jargon, and errors. 
  • Deliver worth to your readers. Don’t conscionable transportation your product. Solve your readers’ problems, and amusement them however you tin assistance them. Provide applicable tips, insights, examples, and lawsuit studies.
  • Optimize your contented for hunt engines. Use your people keywords and related presumption successful your content, but don’t overdo it. Use them people and successful context. Include them successful your title, headings, URL, meta description, and representation alt text. 

Further reading: Quality Content: What It Is + 10 Actionable Tips for Success

8. Leverage On-Page & Technical SEO

On-page SEO (optimizing your webpages for users and hunt engines) and method SEO marque definite that your tract is fast, secure, user-friendly, and casual to crawl.

And they tin marque oregon interruption your occurrence successful SaaS SEO.

That’s wherefore you request to optimize these cardinal on-page and method SEO factors:

  • Site speed. Site speed is however accelerated your website loads connected antithetic devices and browsers. It affects your idiosyncratic experience, conversion rates, and rankings.
  • Mobile-friendliness. Mobile-friendliness is however good your tract adapts to antithetic surface sizes and orientations. Mobile SEO affects the idiosyncratic experience, conversion rates, and rankings. So, marque definite your website is responsive, casual to navigate, and readable connected mobile devices. 
  • HTTPS. HTTPS is the unafraid mentation of HTTP, the protocol that transfers information betwixt your website and your visitors. It encrypts your information and protects it from hackers and eavesdroppers. And it affects idiosyncratic trust, conversion rates, and rankings. 
  • URL structure. URL structure is however your site’s pages are organized and named. And it’s a cardinal origin for the idiosyncratic experience, crawlability, and rankings. Be definite that your URL operation is simple, descriptive, and consistent. 
  • Meta tags. Meta tags are snippets of codification that supply accusation astir your site’s pages to hunt engines and users. They besides impact crawlability, click-through rates, and rankings. So, purpose for meta tags that are relevant, unique, and optimized.

To cheque your tract for these types of issues, usage Site Audit

The instrumentality scans your tract for 140+ method and on-page SEO mistakes. And provides a database of issues that makes it casual to spot wherever your tract is struggling. 

"Issues" tab successful  the Site Audit tool

Finding and fixing these issues volition assistance boost your SaaS website’s SEO performance.

Further reading: How to Perform a Complete SEO Audit (in 14 Steps)

Backlinks are links from different websites that constituent to your website. 

They’re 1 of the astir important ranking factors for SEO. Because they awesome to hunt engines that your tract is trustworthy and authoritative.

But not each backlinks are arsenic valuable. 

You privation to gain backlinks from reputable, relevant, and fashionable websites. These are high-quality backlinks that tin boost your SEO and thrust much postulation to your site.

And you tin gain these backlinks done link building—which includes tactics like:

  • Content marketing
  • Email outreach
  • Broken nexus building
  • Unlinked marque mentions
  • PR

A large spot to commencement is with the Link Building Tool

Follow the Link Building Tool configuration guide to adhd your URL, the keywords you privation to fertile higher for, and your competitors. 

And the instrumentality volition amusement a agelong database of prospects you tin scope retired to for backlinks. 

Like this:

"Prospects" array  successful  Link Building Tool

Further reading: 10 Link Building Strategies That Work successful 2024

Ensure Your SaaS SEO Strategy Is Backed by Data

You conscionable learned however to make and execute a palmy SEO strategy for SaaS companies.

But you’re not done yet.

You request to way your performance, find retired what works and what doesn’t, and marque astute decisions based connected data.

How bash you bash that?

The reply is simple: Use the close tools.

Sign up for a free Semrush account and you’ll beryllium capable to:

  • Find and people the astir invaluable keywords
  • Discover rival strengths and weaknesses
  • Audit and amended on-page and method SEO issues
  • Create and people high-quality contented that ranks and converts
  • Build and show your backlink illustration and authority
  • Track and study connected your SEO performance

Plus more.