Mastering Multi-Touchpoint Content Strategy: Navigate Fragmented User Journeys via @sejournal, @hethr_campbell

3 months ago 63

Watch on-demand to larn actionable tips for navigating the intricate challenges of efficaciously delivering your content.

Digital platforms are perpetually multiplying, and with that, idiosyncratic engagement is becoming much intricate and fragmented.

So however bash you efficaciously navigate distributing and tailoring your contented crossed these assorted touchpoints?

Watch this on-demand webinar and spot america dive into the evolving scenery of contented strategy tailored for today’s fragmented idiosyncratic journeys. Understanding however to present your contented to your users is much important than ever, and we provided actionable tips for navigating these intricate challenges.

You’ll learn:

  • How today’s users prosecute with contented crossed assorted channels and devices.
  • The latest methodologies for identifying and addressing contented gaps to support your contented strategy proactive and relevant.
  • What integer support abstraction is and however your contented strategy needs to pivot.

With Wayne Cichanski, we explored innovative strategies to representation retired and conscionable the divers needs of your audience, ensuring each portion of contented resonates and connects, careless of wherever oregon however it is consumed.

Check retired the slides below, oregon view the afloat recording for each the details.

SEJ STAFF Heather Campbell Director of Marketing astatine Search Engine Journal

Heather has implicit 20 years of manufacture acquisition and is the Director of Marketing astatine Search Engine Journal. Having worked ...

 Navigate Fragmented User Journeys

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