How to Create an Editorial Calendar in 7 Easy Steps

1 month ago 32

What Is an Editorial Calendar?

An editorial calendar is simply a ocular papers that helps you program and negociate your contented accumulation workflow periodically. 

It outlines: 

  • What your contented volition beryllium about
  • Where and erstwhile you’ll people it
  • Who’s liable for creating it

An editorial calendar tin beryllium the go-to spot for planning, managing, and coordinating the antithetic stages of contented creation. Like brainstorming topics, assigning them to authors, scheduling contented transportation and work deadlines, and tracking task progress. 

In this article, we’ll research the types, components, and benefits of editorial calendars, followed by steps to physique 1 efficiently.

What Should an Editorial Calendar Include?

An editorial calendar typically factors in:

  • Topics: The taxable substance of each contented piece. For example, “healthy eating tips.”
  • Type: The format of the contented you produce. Like ebooks, blog posts, whitepapers, people articles, societal media posts, email newsletters oregon campaigns, podcast episodes, etc.
  • Due date: The deadline for erstwhile the contented requires completion
  • Publish date: The day erstwhile the contented volition spell unrecorded and look online
  • Owner: The idiosyncratic liable for creating oregon managing the content
  • Status: The existent signifier of the content, specified arsenic “In progress”, “Waiting”, “Stuck,” “Published.”

Like this:

Semrush contented  calendar spreadsheet with columns for people      date, owed  date, owner, status, rubric  oregon  topic, type, etc.

You tin besides see different elements, depending connected your circumstantial contented workflow. For instance, adding a file that explains however you program to beforehand your contented crossed antithetic channels. 

What are the Benefits of an Editorial Calendar?

An editorial calendar tin assistance contented selling teams:

  1. Stay organized: You tin coordinate and negociate your team’s content-related tasks from 1 cardinal location
  2. Improve squad collaboration: Team members tin intelligibly spot their responsibilities, show task progress, and enactment connected apical of upcoming deadlines
  3. Manage resources efficiently: Using an editorial calendar lets you program amended for resources needed for your upcoming contented production, including budget, people, and tools 
  4. Track past performance: Content selling teams volition beryllium capable to analyse their humanities performance. For instance, however galore contented pieces they planned to people versus however galore they really published successful the past quarter. This tin assistance them place and hole issues successful their contented accumulation pipeline.
  5. Plan contented strategically: An editorial calendar helps you spot however each portion of contented fits into the larger strategy
  6. Establish & support publishing frequency: Your squad tin align connected a wide program for regular contented creation. The calendar acts arsenic some a strategical contented readying instrumentality and a coordination hub to guarantee a accordant schedule.
  7. Manage and conscionable deadlines: Pre-planned owed dates and task assignments marque coordination easier. So that enactment stays connected way without last-minute rushes. 

Types of Editorial Calendars

You tin make abstracted editorial calendars for antithetic contented formats, channels, oregon teams.

For example, a societal media selling squad volition gully up a societal media-specific editorial calendar. It tin besides physique a abstracted calendar for the radical liable for blog station production.

Here are 4 antithetic types of editorial calendars you tin physique for your content.

1. Blog Post Editorial Calendar

A blog station editorial calendar lets you plan, manage, and coordinate the instauration and work of contented connected your blog. Helping you support a accordant publishing schedule.

When you regularly station fresh, high-quality content—including blog posts—search engines whitethorn admit your tract arsenic an authoritative root of information. Which tin amended your hunt motor rankings.

A blog station editorial calendar whitethorn see further elements. Like people keyword, featured image, rubric tag, etc.

Table titled "For blog posts" with columns for featured image, keyword, hunt  volume, rubric  tag, and meta description

Keyword: The word oregon operation your station targets for blog hunt motor optimization (SEO). By optimizing your contented for this keyword, you amended its chances of ranking higher successful search motor results pages (SERPS) erstwhile users hunt for the term.

Search volume: The fig of searches the people keyword receives each month. It tin beryllium location-specific (for targeting audiences successful circumstantial regions) oregon planetary (for reaching a worldwide audience).

Title tag: The HTML constituent that specifies to hunt engines and net browsers what webpage rubric to display. It tin look successful hunt motor results and leafage nexus previews.

Meta description: The HTML constituent that provides a abbreviated summary of the webpage. This tin look beneath the rubric tag connected SERPs.

Google SERP for the keyword "what is telecommunication" showing a effect   with the rubric  tag and meta statement  highlighted.

Featured image: The main representation associated with the blog post, often appearing astatine the apical of the station and successful previews connected societal media and different platforms

Use Semrush’s Keyword Magic Tool to place the astir promising and applicable keywords for your business. 

Enter a wide word related to your business/product/service successful the tool. And prime your people state (e.g., U.S.). 

You tin see your website’s URL successful the “Enter domain for personalized data” field. To recognize however challenging it mightiness beryllium for your tract to fertile for these keywords.

Click “Search.”

Semrush Keyword Magic Tool interface with hunt  input "graphic plan  software," website URL "," and "Search" fastener  highlighted

The instrumentality volition contiguous a database of related keywords. Along with further accusation like:

  • Volume, oregon monthly hunt volume
  • Keyword Difficulty (KD%): How hard it is to fertile for a circumstantial keyword
  • Personalized Keyword Difficulty (PKD%): How hard it would beryllium for your domain to fertile successful the apical 10 hunt results for a fixed keyword
  • Intent: Why users hunt for the keyword successful question

And more.

Semrush Keyword Magic Tool showing probe   results, with columns for Intent, Volume, PKD %, and KD % successful  a purple box

From here, you tin usage filters to find the champion keywords for your concern needs.

For instance, filter by “Intent” to place keywords with high-purchase intent—namely the presumption labeled “Commercial” oregon “Transactional.” 

Semrush Keyword Magic Tool interface displaying keywords and metrics, with the "Intent" filter and file  highlighted successful  purple

Use the PKD% filter to place easy-to-rank-for keywords for your site.

Semrush Keyword Magic Tool UI showing the Personalized Keyword Difficulty (PKD%) filter dropdown paper   highlighted successful  purple

You tin besides use a operation of filters to place the astir applicable keywords to see successful your editorial calendar. 

Further reading: How to Use Semrush for Keyword Research

2. Podcast Editorial Calendar

Running a podcast is simply a large mode to presumption your marque arsenic an authoritative and credible root of accusation successful your industry. 

Besides the elements listed nether “What Should an Editorial Calendar Include?”, a podcast editorial calendar tin besides diagnostic the following:

Table for organizing podcasts with columns for script, interviewee details, sponsor, archetypal   audio, and last  audio
  • Script link: A URL oregon nexus to the publication papers for each episode. This allows squad members to easy entree and reappraisal the contented planned for recording.
  • Interviewee details: Information astir guests connected the podcast, specified arsenic their names, email addresses, and societal media handles. This helps you coordinate with them and beforehand the occurrence effectively.
  • Sponsor: Details astir immoderate sponsors for idiosyncratic episodes. Including the sponsor's sanction and the specifics of the sponsorship deal, similar what mentions oregon promotions the sponsor volition person during the episode.
  • Original audio link: A nexus to the raw, unedited audio record of the podcast episode—useful for reappraisal and editing purposes
  • Final audio link: A nexus to the completed, ready-to-publish audio record of the podcast episode. This is the polished mentation you’ll upload for listeners.

3. Downloadable Assets Editorial Calendar

You tin make a abstracted editorial calendar for downloadable assets specified arsenic ebooks, whitepapers, and idiosyncratic manuals.

It’s imaginable to harvester this with your blog station calendar—both are website resources. But managing 1 calendar for some mightiness get confusing if you person a precocious measurement of contented production. A abstracted calendar helps support things wide and organized.

Here are immoderate elements you tin adhd to your editorial calendar for downloadable assets:

A array  for tracking downloadable assets with headers for papers  links, PDF links, download URLs, etc.
  • Document link: The nexus to the moving papers wherever the plus is developed. So squad members tin entree and lend to the contented earlier it's finalized.
  • PDF record link: Once the plus is complete, it’s often converted to PDF format for distribution. This nexus provides nonstop entree to the last PDF file, acceptable for sharing oregon uploading to your website.
  • Download URL: The nonstop nexus wherever the extremity users tin download the asset. It's typically hosted connected your website oregon a level that handles downloads, specified arsenic a contented absorption strategy oregon a file-sharing service.
  • Thank you leafage URL: After downloading the asset, users are often directed to a 'thank you' page. This URL mightiness see further idiosyncratic engagement elements similar related resources, signup forms, oregon further instructions.

Social media selling teams usually person a ample publishing cadence. Using a societal media editorial calendar tin assistance them enactment organized. 

Other elements that tin diagnostic successful a societal media editorial calendar are:

Template for organizing societal  media posts with columns for network, image/video link, caption, hashtags, and tagged users
  • Social network: The societal media level wherever you’ll station your content. Like Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and truthful on.
  • Image/video link: A nexus to the ocular contented that volition travel the post
  • Caption: The substance that volition travel the representation oregon video
  • Hashtag(s): The hashtag(s) you privation to see successful the post
  • Tagged user: Any applicable users oregon spouse brands you program to tag successful the post

Semrush’s Social Poster makes it casual to physique and negociate an editorial calendar for societal media teams. 

Monthly calendar presumption    of scheduled societal  media posts successful  Semrush's Social Poster tool

You tin usage different societal media tools from the Semrush Social Toolkit to negociate your societal media selling efforts from a azygous interface. Including Social Inbox (to respond to comments oregon messages) and Social Analytics (to way your societal media show crossed aggregate platforms). 

How to Create an Editorial Calendar successful 7 Steps

To physique a winning editorial calendar, statesman by replicating our free editorial calendar template. It’s disposable arsenic a Google Sheets document. 

Semrush's editorial calendar template disposable  arsenic  a Google Sheets document, implicit   with instructional substance   and hyperlinks

In this template, you’ll find 2 tabs.

  • Content calendar: Contains elements you tin can usage for each kinds of contented calendars, nary substance the format 
  • Additional fields: Components for adding accusation circumstantial to the contented formats and channels we outlined successful the erstwhile section

Keep this template by your broadside arsenic you travel the beneath steps for however to marque an editorial calendar to acceptable your needs.

1. Build Your Content Marketing Strategy

Your editorial calendar should intimately align with your contented selling strategy. In different words, it has to bespeak your contented selling goals, people audience, and contented organisation channels.

So, archetypal laic retired your strategy earlier moving connected your contented calendar.

A contented selling strategy is simply a program designed to make and stock contented that resonates with your people assemblage and supports your concern objectives. Documenting it decently increases your chances of selling success.

2 doughnut charts showing 80% of palmy  companies papers  contented  strategies, and 52% of unsuccessful companies bash  not.

Proceed to specify these cardinal components of your contented selling strategy:

  • Goals: Clearly articulate what you purpose to execute with your contented selling efforts. This could beryllium expanding marque awareness, driving postulation to your website, and generating leads. Your contented selling goals should straight necktie successful with your concern objectives. 
  • Audience personas: Gain a heavy knowing of your people audience, including their needs, interests, and behaviors. This accusation tin assistance you make contented that is applicable and invaluable to them.
  • Online channels: Identify the champion channels wherever you program to people content. Like societal media platforms, blogs, websites, and email newsletters. Choose channels that your assemblage uses often and makes purchasing decisions on.
  • Distribution: Build a program to beforehand your contented to scope a wider audience—potentially expanding your selling performance

Further reading: The Ultimate Guide to Creating a Content Marketing Strategy

2. Assess Your Budget & Available Resources

Take into relationship your monthly/quarterly contented selling budget. Plus the resources astatine your disposal. 

This appraisal tin springiness you an thought of however galore contented pieces you tin realistically nutrient oregon commission. And the prime you’re capable to maintain. 

Consider the pursuing factors to spot what you’re moving with and it what it tin execute for your business:

  • Budget: Determine your full fund for contented production. Such arsenic costs for hiring writers, designers, videographers, and immoderate tools oregon bundle you need.
  • Human resources: Identify the squad members disposable to make content—including antithetic radical with antithetic skills—like contented writers, copywriters, graphic designers, and squad coordinators. 
  • Tools and software: List each the tools and bundle required for contented creation, management, and distribution. This could see SEO tools, contented absorption systems, graphic plan software, and societal media scheduling tools.
  • Existing contented library: When starting out, you mightiness person constricted resources for producing caller content. Revisit your existing contented room to find pieces you tin repurpose—saving you time, money, further resources, and effort. 

3. Identify Digital Marketing Channels to Target

It’s important to place the champion digital selling channels—or integer advertizing channels—for your concern astatine this stage. So you tin scope your assemblage wherever they bent out. 

Determine which channels you tin realistically absorption on, budget- and resource-wise, to execute your concern and contented selling goals effectively. Examine whether you’ll beryllium capable to conscionable these goals with what you person available. 

For instance, if your fund is debased and your contented selling goals are highly ambitious, you whitethorn request to set your expectations.

Here are immoderate integer selling channels to consider.

Organic hunt refers to unpaid listings that amusement up successful hunt results. By creating and optimizing your contented for hunt engines to find and fertile it, you tin amended your site’s integrated hunt visibility. And thrust much postulation arsenic a result. 

For example, Oracle’s blog station titled “What Is Big Data?” holds the No. 1 presumption successful integrated hunt for the keyword “what is large data.”

Google SERP for "what is large  data", showing the archetypal  result, labeled "#1 Organic Search," from Oracle's website

So wherefore integrated search?

Because billions of people usage hunt engines to find information. 

By targeting keywords your people assemblage searches for, you person a amended accidental of boosting your online marque visibility and attracting much integrated traffic. Potentially resulting successful higher conversions.

Billions of radical usage societal media platforms similar Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. They connection an effectual mode to scope your people assemblage and prosecute with them directly. 

Regularly posting prime contented connected your societal media platforms tin assistance you: 

  • Build a loyal following
  • Increase marque awareness
  • Boost tract visits

But which platform(s) should you found your beingness on?

Focus connected societal media channels wherever your people assemblage not lone spends clip but besides makes buying decisions.

For example, if your people assemblage includes B2B professionals, it whitethorn beryllium amended to take LinkedIn implicit TikTok. Because adjacent though they mightiness beryllium utilizing TikTok for entertainment, they’re much apt utilizing LinkedIn to observe nonrecreational tools and services.


Close to 4.5 cardinal people usage email to communicate. Making it a cardinal level for reaching and engaging with your audience.

You tin usage email to beforehand your products. Here’s an illustration from tech marque OnePlus:

Promotion email for the OnePlus 12 smartphone successful  Glacial White, displaying 3  telephone  colors and close-up views

You tin besides amended your assemblage via email. 

Check retired this email from crowdfunding level Ketto HealthFirst astir however to support your tegument successful summer: 

Image from an email showing a idiosyncratic   sitting connected  a beach, with substance   overlay providing summertime  wellness  tips

Podcast Streaming Platforms

You tin usage streaming platforms similar Spotify oregon Apple Podcasts to scope podcast listeners—that’s much than 460 cardinal people worldwide. And link with imaginable customers.

Imagine you tally a fittingness coaching business.

By hosting a podcast that covers topics similar workout routines, nutrition tips, and interviews with fittingness experts, you could pull an assemblage funny successful wellness and fitness. 

This not lone helps you physique a assemblage of fittingness enthusiasts, but drives involvement toward your fittingness coaching business.

Check retired this podcast from the Colossus Fitness brand, which offers fittingness coaching programs:

Spotify mobile interface showing the "Fit, Healthy & Happy Podcast" by Colossus Fitness

4. Determine Your Publishing Cadence

Next, find however galore posts you tin people connected each channel. You tin program this monthly oregon quarterly, depending connected what works champion for your strategy.

Take into relationship your wide contented accumulation budget. 

Suppose you person a $10,000 monthly fund for contented production. Here’s however you tin allocate it crossed your chosen channels and contented formats:


Content Format


Organic search

Blog post


Social media

Social media posts


Podcast streaming platforms

Podcast episodes


If your monthly fund for blog station accumulation is $6,000, see hiring 2 freelance writers who complaint $1,000 per blog post. Assign 2 pieces per writer, totaling 4 posts per month—and people connected a play cadence. 

This volition outgo you $4,000. 

You tin allocate the remaining $2,000 to hiring an exertion who volition polish these posts truthful they’re acceptable for publication. 

In summation to freelancers, origin successful the capableness of your in-house writers to find however galore much posts they tin create.

Note: In-house contented accumulation doesn’t travel for free. Business owners are inactive paying for the clip spent connected penning these posts.

Similarly, you tin find your publishing cadence for your different online channels. 

5. Establish a Content Production Workflow

Develop a step-by-step process for contented production. Include the pursuing cardinal elements for a seamless workflow. 

Keyword research: Find the champion keywords for your business. Use Semrush’s keyword probe tools to usher you. Like Keyword Magic Tool (for keyword suggestions), Keyword Strategy Builder (to make SEO taxable clusters), and Keyword Gap (to place competitors’ keywords that you don’t target).

Topic generation: Use the keywords you’ve identified to brainstorm topics astir which to make content. Semrush’s Topic Research instrumentality helps you make ideas for engaging content. 

Semrush's Topic Research instrumentality   interface displaying assorted  taxable   cards with related suggestions and hunt  volumes

Content creation: Assign the topics to your writers oregon contented creators. Provide them with wide guidelines, including keyword usage, code of voice, and immoderate circumstantial points to cover. This signifier involves writing, designing, oregon signaling the content. Use Semrush’s SEO Writing Assistant to optimize your contented for hunt engines. 

Semrush SEO Writing Assistant displaying a substance   nonfiction  connected  graphic plan  bundle   and a sheet  with contented  recommendations

Editing and review: Once the contented is created, it should spell done an editing and reappraisal process to get it to a publishable state.

Approval: Get last support from applicable stakeholders. This mightiness see managers, clients, oregon squad leads who request to motion disconnected connected the contented earlier it goes live. 

Scheduling: Schedule your contented to guarantee you people it according to plan. Consider Semrush’s Social Poster to assistance you signifier your social media contented scheduling

Semrush Social Poster instrumentality   societal  media scheduling interface showing a caller   station  for LinkedIn and Facebook

Promotion: Plan however you’ll disseminate each portion of contented crossed assorted channels. This could see promoting your contented via emails, utilizing paid advertising, oregon different online channels. 

6. Choose the Right Editorial Calendars for Your Needs

You tin make abstracted editorial calendars for your antithetic contented formats, channels, oregon teams. 

For instance, you tin person 1 editorial calendar for blog posts and different for ebooks—even though you’ll usage some to amended your visibility successful integrated search. 

Use our editorial calendar template to physique arsenic galore antithetic editorial calendars arsenic you need. 

Here’s how.

Open the template and prime “Make a copy.”

Google Sheets "Copy document" surface  with a "Make a copy" button, highlighted with a purple arrow

Navigate to the “Content Calendar” tab to commencement gathering your editorial calendar. 

Editorial Calendar template spreadsheet from Semrush, with the "Content Calendar" tab highlighted successful  purple

Find the elements circumstantial to your contented formats successful the “Additional Fields” tab. 

Let’s accidental you program to make a podcast editorial calendar. 

First, duplicate the “Content Calendar” tab—let’s sanction it “Podcast Editorial Calendar.”

Semrush Editorial Calendar template spreadsheet showing a left-click tab paper   with the "Duplicate" enactment    highlighted

Then, navigate to the “Additional Fields” tab. And transcript the elements dedicated to podcasts. 

Semrush Content Calendar template successful  Google Sheets with a selected little   conception  titled "For podcasts"

Paste these elements wrong the “Podcast Editorial Calendar” tab. 

Copy of Semrush Content Calendar template successful  Google Sheets displaying a contented  calendar for podcasts

Consider adding, reorganizing, oregon removing circumstantial elements to lucifer your workflow. 

Similarly, you tin make dedicated workflows for blog posts, downloadable assets, societal media, videos, etc.

Share your editorial calendar(s) with your squad members. Especially those who’ll straight collaborate with you connected contented production. 

Google Drive stock  interface for "Copy of Content Calendar Template // Semrush," showing Ana Camarena arsenic  the recipient

Also, stock it with each freelancers and contractors involved. 

You tin besides springiness editorial calendar visibility to different departments, similar income and lawsuit service. It tin assistance presumption the contented squad arsenic a captious portion of the company’s pipeline- and revenue-building engine. 

Encourage antithetic teams to usage your contented successful their regular operations. By integrating your contented into assorted aspects of the business, you assistance it scope its afloat potential. 

For example, a income squad tin usage blog posts, ebooks, and different materials arsenic portion of their income collateral to amended prospects and adjacent deals. 

Here’s a station sharing the Semrush blog’s content selling strategy guide with our LinkedIn followers:

LinkedIn station  by Head of Sales astir  a Semrush usher  for creating a contented  selling  strategy

Customer work tin usage readily disposable contented to reply communal questions, supply support, and heighten the lawsuit experience.

Continuously Refine Your Editorial Calendar

Your contented accumulation workflow volition apt alteration implicit clip arsenic you set to caller trends, technologies, and squad dynamics. So, regularly reappraisal and set your editorial calendar portion making definite it helps you conscionable your goals. 

Semrush offers much than 55 integer selling tools you tin usage to found a coagulated marque beingness crossed antithetic online channels. 

Sign up for a escaped Semrush relationship to plan, create, and execute your contented selling campaigns effectively.