Google Revamps Entire Crawler Documentation via @sejournal, @martinibuster

17 hours ago 6

Google has launched a large revamp of its Crawler documentation, shrinking the main overview leafage and splitting contented into 3 new, much focused pages.  Although the changelog downplays the changes determination is an wholly caller conception and fundamentally a rewrite of the full crawler overview page. The further pages allows Google to summation the accusation density of each the crawler pages and improves topical coverage.

What Changed?

Google’s documentation changelog notes 2 changes but determination is really a batch more.

Here are immoderate of the changes:

  • Added an updated idiosyncratic cause drawstring for the GoogleProducer crawler
  • Added contented encoding information
  • Added a caller conception astir method properties

The method properties conception contains wholly caller accusation that didn’t antecedently exist. There are nary changes to the crawler behavior, but by creating 3 topically circumstantial pages Google is capable to adhd much accusation to the crawler overview leafage portion simultaneously making it smaller.

This is the caller accusation astir contented encoding (compression):

“Google’s crawlers and fetchers enactment the pursuing contented encodings (compressions): gzip, deflate, and Brotli (br). The contented encodings supported by each Google idiosyncratic cause is advertised successful the Accept-Encoding header of each petition they make. For example, Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br.”

There is further accusation astir crawling implicit HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2, positive a connection astir their extremity being to crawl arsenic galore pages arsenic imaginable without impacting the website server.

What Is The Goal Of The Revamp?

The alteration to the documentation was owed to the information that the overview leafage had go large. Additional crawler accusation would marque the overview leafage adjacent larger. A determination was made to interruption the leafage into 3 subtopics truthful that the circumstantial crawler contented could proceed to turn and making country for much wide accusation connected the overviews page. Spinning disconnected subtopics into their ain pages is simply a superb solution to the occupation of however champion to service users.

This is however the documentation changelog explains the change:

“The documentation grew precise agelong which constricted our quality to widen the contented astir our crawlers and user-triggered fetchers.

…Reorganized the documentation for Google’s crawlers and user-triggered fetchers. We besides added explicit notes astir what merchandise each crawler affects, and added a robots.txt snippet for each crawler to show however to usage the idiosyncratic cause tokens. There were nary meaningful changes to the contented otherwise.”

The changelog downplays the changes by describing them arsenic a reorganization due to the fact that the crawler overview is substantially rewritten, successful summation to the instauration of 3 marque caller pages.

While the contented remains substantially the same, the part of it into sub-topics makes it easier for Google to adhd much contented to the caller pages without continuing to turn the archetypal page. The archetypal page, called Overview of Google crawlers and fetchers (user agents), is present genuinely an overview with much granular contented moved to standalone pages.

Google published 3 caller pages:

  1. Common crawlers
  2. Special-case crawlers
  3. User-triggered fetchers

1. Common Crawlers

As it says connected the title, these are communal crawlers, immoderate of which are associated with GoogleBot, including the Google-InspectionTool, which uses the GoogleBot idiosyncratic agent. All of the bots listed connected this leafage obey the robots.txt rules.

These are the documented Google crawlers:

  • Googlebot
  • Googlebot Image
  • Googlebot Video
  • Googlebot News
  • Google StoreBot
  • Google-InspectionTool
  • GoogleOther
  • GoogleOther-Image
  • GoogleOther-Video
  • Google-CloudVertexBot
  • Google-Extended

3. Special-Case Crawlers

These are crawlers that are associated with circumstantial products and are crawled by statement with users of those products and run from IP addresses that are chiseled from the GoogleBot crawler IP addresses.

List of Special-Case Crawlers:

  • AdSense
    User Agent for Robots.txt: Mediapartners-Google
  • AdsBot
    User Agent for Robots.txt: AdsBot-Google
  • AdsBot Mobile Web
    User Agent for Robots.txt: AdsBot-Google-Mobile
  • APIs-Google
    User Agent for Robots.txt: APIs-Google
  • Google-Safety
    User Agent for Robots.txt: Google-Safety

3. User-Triggered Fetchers

The User-triggered Fetchers leafage covers bots that are activated by idiosyncratic request, explained similar this:

“User-triggered fetchers are initiated by users to execute a fetching relation wrong a Google product. For example, Google Site Verifier acts connected a user’s request, oregon a tract hosted connected Google Cloud (GCP) has a diagnostic that allows the site’s users to retrieve an outer RSS feed. Because the fetch was requested by a user, these fetchers mostly disregard robots.txt rules. The wide method properties of Google’s crawlers besides use to the user-triggered fetchers.”

The documentation covers the pursuing bots:

  • Feedfetcher
  • Google Publisher Center
  • Google Read Aloud
  • Google Site Verifier


Google’s crawler overview leafage became overly broad and perchance little utile due to the fact that radical don’t ever request a broad page, they’re conscionable funny successful circumstantial information. The overview leafage is little circumstantial but besides easier to understand. It present serves arsenic an introduction constituent wherever users tin drill down to much circumstantial subtopics related to the 3 kinds of crawlers.

This alteration offers insights into however to freshen up a leafage that mightiness beryllium underperforming due to the fact that it has go excessively comprehensive. Breaking retired a broad leafage into standalone pages allows the subtopics to code circumstantial users needs and perchance marque them much utile should they fertile successful the hunt results.

I would not accidental that the alteration reflects thing successful Google’s algorithm, it lone reflects however Google updated their documentation to marque it much utile and acceptable it up for adding adjacent much information.

Read Google’s New Documentation

Overview of Google crawlers and fetchers (user agents)

List of Google’s communal crawlers

List of Google’s special-case crawlers

List of Google user-triggered fetchers

Featured Image by Shutterstock/Cast Of Thousands