Google updates guidelines on duplicate content for Google Business Profiles

1 year ago 184

Google has precocious updated the guidelines for Google Business Profiles. According to this update, duplicate contented successful posts published by Google Business Profiles volition beryllium treated arsenic spam by Google.

You tin find this update successful the contented argumentation for Google Business Profiles nether the “Avoid spam” section.


This caller slug constituent was added with other, much accepted cases of contented spam — including distracting content, malware, irrelevant links, gibberish, automated content, etc.

Why is it important to know?

It is important for section businesses to beryllium alert of this contented argumentation arsenic it is precise casual to interruption it.

Businesses station each sorts of contented online connected a reasonably regular basis. Now, Google has made it precise wide that it wants businesses to lone stock unsocial content. Duplicate contented volition beryllium marked arsenic spam, which goes against Google’s guidelines.

What should section businesses do?

First of all, it is simply a bully thought to reappraisal the benignant of contented you station regularly. If determination is imaginable duplication of contented being published by Google Business Profiles, it is captious that you revisit your strategy and contented policy.

This peculiar argumentation is comparatively easier to interruption than others. We fishy galore section businesses would beryllium violating this argumentation unintentionally — adjacent if they are not trying to people spam contented with malicious intent.


According to these updated guidelines, Business Profiles are not allowed to stock the aforesaid substance block, videos, oregon photos.

What if you stock a play discount connection with the aforesaid representation each week? What if you advertise your play specials with the aforesaid graphics? What if you stock the aforesaid concern timings and operating hours regularly to support radical informed?

That’s not spam contented successful the accepted but tin get you successful occupation present with Google.

Additionally, utilizing your concern logo connected each photograph and representation you stock — depending connected its size — whitethorn besides beryllium counted arsenic duplicate contented and, therefore, spam.


As we said earlier, it is casual to unintentionally interruption this policy. Therefore, we urge section businesses the pursuing 3 tips:

  1. Do not station the aforesaid contented aggregate times.
  2. Make definite that each substance blocks, videos, and images are unique.
  3. Do not usage a large-sized concern logo connected each image.

Stay tuned for much section SEO news, tips, and tricks.