Step-by-step Set-up Tutorial for SEO Agency Manager Looker Studio Dashboard

2 months ago 273

This tutorial is for SEO consultants, SEO Agency Managers, and different professionals who could payment from making a transcript of (and using) SE Ranking’s SEO Agency Manager Looker Studio Dashboard

As we’ve discussed successful our data visualization dashboards blog post, a well-configured Looker Studio dashboard tin go a almighty state successful your SEO and tract show analytics efforts. SE Ranking’s Looker Studio Dashboard offers a almighty suite of features and information sources, including the benignant of robust SEO analytics and lawsuit reporting features that are indispensable for SEO Agency Managers. But to get the astir retired of Looker Studio, proper configuration is key.

This usher is designed to instrumentality you step-by-step arsenic you configure the Looker Studio Dashboard. We’ll spell implicit everything from the archetypal setup and copying to connecting information sources and customized fields, each the mode to adding and disabling information views. The nonsubjective of fulfilling these processes is to tailor the reporting acquisition to your agency’s unsocial needs.

Step 1: Copy the Looker Studio Dashboard

To transcript the Looker Studio dashboard, access the study via the link and click connected the 3 dots successful the top-right country of the report. Select ‘Make a copy’.

Make a transcript  of Looker Studio dashboard

While you tin configure your information sources now, it’s overmuch easier to bash truthful astatine a aboriginal stage. Apply these information sources and click connected ‘Copy report’.

Copy your Looker Studio report

Step 2: Configure your information sources

Once you person copied the Data Studio dashboard, navigate consecutive to the added information sources by clicking connected the Resource > Manage added information sources menu, located astatine the top.

Manage information  sources added

This volition unfastened a database of information sources that person been added to the report, arsenic seen successful the screenshot below.

The database  of information  sources

Reconnect information sources to your data

Go done this database individually and for each information source:  

  • Click connected the Edit button
Edit information  source
  • Click connected Edit connection
Click connected  edit connection
  • Select your desired information root from the list, alteration the sanction of the information source, and past click connected Reconnect. In the adjacent screen, click connected Finished
Reconnect each   information  source
  • Repeat this process for each information sources connected the list

Additional notes connected information configurations: 

  • If you’re having occupation accessing the Google Algorithm Updates sheet, delight make a transcript of this sheet. It’s connected to Google’s nationalist dashboard and updates automatically per HTML look import.
  • Don’t alteration immoderate of the configurations to the SE Ranking connectors. Simply prime your task from the drop-down database and reconnect. 
  • Don’t delete information sources. This volition interruption the illustration configurations. Instead, reconnect them to your desired GA4, GSC, oregon Google Ads information root oregon SE Ranking project.

Troubleshooting connector configurations successful lawsuit of extended information configuration issues: 

Keep successful caput that you won’t beryllium capable to spot the GSC information successful the SEO Agency Manager dashboard due to the fact that you request to link your ain accounts first. If you don’t bash this, you’ll spot the ‘No Data Set Access’ error.

If you brushwood immoderate extended configuration issues, you tin reconnect information sources, specified arsenic GA4, Google Ads, oregon Google Search Console. Just make a caller information source, reconnect it to the charts, and past delete the demo. Here’s a speedy demo of what this process would look like. 

To bash this: 

  • Connect your information root via the Add data menu.
Use Add information  paper   to link  your information  source
  • Connect to your selected information root (e.g. GA4 oregon Google Ads), and click connected Add.
Connect the information  sources you selected
  • Identify pages containing information from this root by utilizing the illustration information root notes.
Chart information  root   notes
  • Right-click connected a illustration with the information root you’re trying to replace. Click connected Select charts with this information root connected page.
Select charts with this information  root   connected  page
  • Navigate to the right-side sheet and click connected the edit fastener adjacent to the existing information source. Then, hunt for oregon prime the desired information root from the drop-down menu.
Select the desired information  source
  • Repeat this process with each pages containing your information source.
  • Once completed, navigate to the Resource > Manage Added Data Sources menu, and delete the aged information source. It should present amusement up arsenic being utilized successful 0 charts.

Configure filters to the due information sources

Filters person present been applied that are connected to the GA4 information source. If you brushwood immoderate errors, delight troubleshoot the filters applied. You tin navigate to the filters paper by clicking connected Resource > Manage filters.

Open filters menu

After reconnecting the dashboard to each of your information sources, click the Edit button for each filter to cheque that determination is simply a information root associated with it. The archetypal 2 should link to SE Ranking’s connector, portion the second 2 should link to your GA4 information source.

Edit each   filter

The erstwhile 2 filters person been applied to leafage 5: Rankings (tracked) under Core SEO Performance. The second 2 person been applied to leafage 9: Referral Traffic Analytics, under Backlinks and Referral Traffic

Step 3: Configure the customized fields and dimensions

There are a fewer customized fields and dimensions that person been added to the report. After you’ve done steps 1 and 2 successful this section, we’ll spell implicit each look and its accompanying information root truthful you tin adhd them to your report. 

Here’s a recap connected how to make customized dimensions successful Looker Studio.

Create a customized rubric magnitude SEO appraisal magnitude successful GA4

Тhe constituent of this appraisal is to supply you with a statement that tin beryllium utilized to rapidly categorize titles according to their length. You tin export these from the visualizations wrong the SEO opportunities conception of the report. You tin besides prioritize on-page improvements for these pages. 

Here’s the look for creating this magnitude successful the GA4 Data source.

CASE WHEN length(Page title) >= 50 AND length(Page title) <= 60 THEN "Title - Perfect" WHEN length(Page title) >= 40 AND length(Page title)<= 50 THEN "Title - good" WHEN length(Page title) < 40 THEN "Title - excessively short" WHEN length(Page title)> 60 THEN "Title excessively long" END
Create a customized  rubric  magnitude   SEO appraisal  magnitude  successful  GA4

Once everything is entered, spell to page 12: Page-based, nether the SEO Opportunities Section of the report. Make definite the adjacent 2 charts usage the customized magnitude you created.

Check rubric  magnitude   SEO appraisal  magnitude  successful  SEO opportunities section

Create a customized magnitude to differentiate branded queries from non-branded ones wrong the GSC information source

This extremity of this look is to supply much granularity to your Google Search Console report. It does this by showing you a breakdown of your branded and non-branded queries. The aforesaid look tin beryllium applied to the SE Ranking Report’s Keyword field. 

Navigate to your Google Search Console connector and make a customized magnitude utilizing the pursuing formula.

case when REGEXP_CONTAINS(Query, 'brandname|brand^|brand name') past "Branded" when REGEXP_CONTAINS(Query, '(not provided)|(not set)|(unavailable)') past "Not specified" else "Non-Branded" end
Differentiate branded queries from non-branded

Once you’ve done that, navigate to Page 4: Organic Search performance, located nether the Core SEO Performance section of the Looker Studio dashboard. Make definite that this illustration is utilizing the customized magnitude you conscionable created, and displays counts of queries and URL clicks.

Check that illustration  is utilizing the customized  magnitude  you created

Additionally, cheque Page 1: Core Metrics and KPIs, located nether the At a Glance Performance overview.

Check customized  magnitude  nether  the At a Glance Performance overview

Create a customized substance metric to statement queries based connected their mean presumption successful the GSC information source

Add different customized metric to the GSC information source. This metric volition beryllium a text-based metric. It volition usage the Average presumption tract to find labels for queries. Here’s the look for this metric.

CASE WHEN Average Position >= 1 AND Average Position < 3 THEN "Money Keywords - Protect" WHEN Average Position >= 3 AND Average Position < 10 THEN "High worth Keywords - Prioritize improvements" WHEN Average Position >= 10 AND Average Position < 20 THEN "Striking Distance Keywords - Improve" END
Сustom substance   metric to statement   queries

Once you person created this field, navigate to Page 11: Query-based (under SEO opportunities) of the report. Make definite the metric has been added correctly to the pursuing chart.

Check customized  substance   metric

Create a customized top-level directory paper successful GA4 

Using the GA4 information source, make a customized tract for a top-level directory. Note that this provides the astir worth for hierarchical websites that usage the top-level directory to bespeak sections. Otherwise, you tin usage a custom leafage conception look that corresponds with the operation of your website

Here’s the formula:

CASE WHEN Landing leafage = '/' THEN "homepage" ELSE REGEXP_EXTRACT(Landing page, '/([^/]+)/' ) END
Custom top-level directory menu

This look is lone utilized successful Page 1: Core Metrics and KPIs, nether the At a Glance Performance overview conception successful the pursuing chart.

Check customized  top-level directory menu

Step 4: Configure information blends

The reporting dashboard lone uses 2 information blends, each of which has a akin relation and set-up. Both metrics are utilized successful the charts located astatine the bottommost of Page 1: Core Metrics and KPIs, wrong the At a Glance Performance overview section of the dashboard.

Configure information  blends

You tin edit these information sources by clicking connected the Resource paper and past selecting Manage Blends.

Manage information  blends

Click to edit each of these individually and past reconnect your respective information root to the information blend. This whitethorn person already occurred automatically, successful which lawsuit you don’t request to bash anything. Please consult the configurations beneath successful lawsuit you brushwood immoderate errors with these charts.

Step 5 (Optional): Enable oregon disable pages based connected your preferences

You mightiness privation to disable definite pages that use neither to your reporting nor your client’s operations. 

To disable a conception oregon page that you bash not privation your stakeholders oregon reporting collaborators to view, navigate to the study pages paper (from Pages > Manage Pages). Hover implicit the conception oregon leafage that you privation to disable and click connected the 3 dots to unfastened the page/section menu. Select Hide successful presumption mode.

Step 6: Invite others to entree your reporting dashboard

Once you person completed each of the steps above, invitation others to entree the report. Click connected the stock menu, and prime 1 of the options listed below: 

  • Invite others via their email 
  • Schedule delivery of the Looker Studio dashboard via email. Create a customized connection astatine a specified clip and transportation frequency
  • Get study nexus to share 
  • Embed report. Do this if you’re readying connected embedding the Looker Studio dashboard done a webpage oregon via different interactive method
  • Download study if you privation to contiguous a PDF to your lawsuit by email oregon different presumption style.
Share your report

Wrapping up

Don’t hide to cheque retired SE Ranking’s divers enactment of Looker Studio dashboards. You tin besides payment from our list of information visualization dashboards recommended for SEOs. Here are immoderate of the dashboards you tin find connected that list: 

Lazarina Stoy is an integrated hunt advisor specializing successful SEO and information science. She's worked with countless B2B, SaaS, and large tech teams to amended their integrated positioning. Lazarina is an planetary talker and assets creator, helping chap SEOs observe however to usage information subject and instrumentality learning successful their day-to-day.