HTTP Status Codes: The Complete List

2 years ago 446

HTTP presumption codes are server responses to lawsuit (typically browser) requests. The presumption codes are recovered successful the server response. They see a three-digit fig and usually person a statement of the status. Specifications and their functionality are defined by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

The presumption codes are however your lawsuit and a server pass with each other. You tin presumption immoderate page’s HTTP presumption codes for escaped utilizing Ahrefs’ SEO Toolbar by clicking the toolbar icon.

You tin besides click and grow this to spot the afloat header response, which helps with troubleshooting galore method issues.

There are 5 ranges for the codes:

Keep speechmaking to larn what the presumption codes mean and however Google handles them.

1xxs – Provide immoderate benignant of further information

1xx presumption codes bespeak the server has received the petition and the processing volition continue.

100 Continue – Everything is OK close now. Keep going.

101 Switching Protocols – There is simply a message, specified arsenic an upgrade request, that’s changing things to a antithetic protocol.

102 Processing – Things are happening but are not done yet.

103 Early Hints – Lets you preload resources, which tin assistance amended Largest Contentful Paint for Core Web Vitals.

2xxs – Show that a petition is successful

2xx presumption codes mean that a lawsuit petition has been received, understood, and accepted.

200 OK – All good. Everything is successful.

201 Created – Similar to 200, but the measurement of occurrence is that a caller assets has been created.

202 Accepted – A petition has been accepted for processing, but it hasn’t been completed yet. It whitethorn not person adjacent started yet.

203 Non-Authoritative Information – Something has changed aft it was sent from the server to you.

204 No Content – The petition has been sent, but there’s nary contented successful the body.

205 Reset Content – Resets the papers to the archetypal state, e.g., clearing a form.

206 Partial Content – Only immoderate of the contented has been sent.

207 Multi-Status – There are much effect codes that could beryllium 2xx, 3xx, 4xx, or 5xx.

208 Already Reported – The lawsuit tells the server the aforesaid assets was mentioned earlier.

218 This is fine – Unofficial usage by Apache.

226 IM Used – This allows the server to nonstop changes (diffs) of resources to clients.

How Google handles 2xx

Most 2xxs volition let pages to beryllium indexed. However, 204s volition beryllium treated arsenic brushed 404s and won’t beryllium indexed.

Soft 404s whitethorn besides beryllium URLs wherever the server says it is palmy (200), but the contented of the leafage says it doesn’t exist. The codification should person been a 404, but the server says everything is good erstwhile it isn’t. This tin besides hap connected pages with small oregon nary content.

You tin find these brushed 404 errors successful the Coverage study successful Google Search Console.

Soft 404s excluded successful  GSC's Coverage report

3xxs – Related to redirects mostly but with fewer exceptions

3xx presumption codes bespeak the lawsuit inactive needs to bash thing earlier the petition tin beryllium successful.

300 Multiple Choices – There’s much than 1 imaginable response, and you whitethorn person to take 1 of them.

301 Moved Permanently – The aged assets present redirects to the caller resource.

302 Found – The aged assets present redirects to the caller assets temporarily.

302 Moved Temporarily – The aged assets present redirects to the caller assets temporarily.

303 See Other – This is different redirect that indicates the assets whitethorn beryllium recovered determination else.

304 Not Modified – Says the leafage hasn’t been modified. Typically utilized for caching.

305 Use Proxy – The requested assets is lone disposable if you usage a proxy.

306 Switch Proxy – Your adjacent requests should usage the proxy specified. This codification is nary longer used.

307 Temporary Redirect – Has the aforesaid functionality arsenic a 302 redirect, but you can’t power betwixt POST and GET.

307 HSTS Policy – Forces the lawsuit to usage HTTPS erstwhile making requests alternatively of HTTP.

308 Permanent Redirect – Has the aforesaid functionality arsenic a 301 redirect, but you can’t power betwixt POST and GET.

How Google handles 3xx

301s and 302s are canonicalization signals. They walk PageRank and assistance find which URL is shown successful Google’s index. A 301 consolidates guardant to the caller URL, and a 302 consolidates backward to the aged URL. If a 302 is near successful spot agelong capable oregon if the URL it’s redirected to already exists, a 302 whitethorn beryllium treated arsenic a 301 and consolidated guardant instead.

302s whitethorn besides beryllium utilized for redirecting users to connection oregon country/language-specific homepages, but the aforesaid logic shouldn’t beryllium utilized for deeper pages.

303s person an undefined attraction from Google. They whitethorn beryllium treated arsenic 301 oregon 302, depending connected however they function.

A 307 has 2 antithetic cases. In cases wherever it’s a impermanent redirect, it volition beryllium treated the aforesaid arsenic a 302 and effort to consolidate backward. When web servers necessitate clients to lone usage HTTPS connections (HSTS policy), Google won’t spot the 307 due to the fact that it’s cached successful the browser. The archetypal deed (without cache) volition person a server effect codification that’s apt a 301 oregon a 302. But your browser volition amusement you a 307 for consequent requests.

308s are treated the aforesaid arsenic 301s and consolidate forward.

Google volition travel up to 10 hops successful a redirect chain. It typically follows 5 hops successful 1 league and resumes wherever it near disconnected successful the adjacent session. After this, signals whitethorn not consolidate to the redirected pages.

You tin find these redirect chains successful Ahrefs’ Site Audit oregon our escaped Ahrefs Webmaster Tools (AWT).

Redirect chains shown successful  Ahrefs' Site Audit

4xxs – Errors connected the client’s side

4xx presumption codes mean the lawsuit has an error. The mistake is usually explained successful the response.

400 Bad Request – Something with the lawsuit petition is wrong. It’s perchance malformed, invalid, oregon excessively large. And present the server can’t recognize the request.

401 Unauthorized – The lawsuit hasn’t identified oregon verified itself erstwhile needed.

402 Payment Required – This doesn’t person an authoritative use, and it’s reserved for the aboriginal for immoderate benignant of integer outgo system. Some merchants usage this for their ain reasons, e.g., Shopify uses this erstwhile a store hasn’t paid its fees, and Stripe uses this for perchance fraudulent payments.

403 Forbidden – The lawsuit is known but doesn’t person entree rights.

404 Not Found – The requested assets isn’t found.

405 Method Not Allowed – The petition method utilized isn’t supported, e.g., a signifier needs to usage POST but uses GET instead.

406 Not Acceptable – The judge header requested by the lawsuit can’t beryllium fulfilled by the server.

407 Proxy Authentication Required – The authentication needs to beryllium done via proxy.

408 Request Timeout – The server has timed retired oregon decided to adjacent the connection.

409 Conflict – The petition conflicts with the authorities of the server.

410 Gone – Similar to a 404 wherever the petition isn’t found, but this besides says it won’t beryllium disposable again.

411 Length Required – The petition doesn’t incorporate a content-length tract erstwhile it is required.

412 Precondition Failed – The lawsuit puts a information connected the petition that the server doesn’t meet.

413 Payload Too Large – The petition is larger than what the server allows.

414 URI Too Long – The URI requested is longer than the server allows.

415 Unsupported Media Type – The format requested isn’t supported by the server.

416 Range Not Satisfiable – The lawsuit asks for a information of the record that can’t beryllium supplied by the server, e.g., it asks for a portion of the record beyond wherever the record really ends.

417 Expectation Failed – The anticipation indicated successful the “Expect” petition header can’t beryllium met by the server.

418 I’m a Teapot – Happens erstwhile you effort to brew java successful a teapot. This started arsenic an April Fool’s gag successful 1998 but is really standardized. With everything being astute devices these days, this could perchance be used.

419 Page Expired – Unofficial usage by Laravel Framework.

420 Method Failure – Unofficial usage by Spring Framework.

420 Enhance Your Calm – Unofficial usage by Twitter.

421 Misdirected Request – The server that a petition was sent to can’t respond to it.

422 Unprocessable Entity – There are semantic errors successful the request.

423 Locked – The requested assets is locked.

424 Failed Dependency – This nonaccomplishment happens due to the fact that it needs different petition that besides failed.

425 Too Early – The server is unwilling to process the petition astatine this clip due to the fact that the petition is apt to travel again later.

426 Upgrade Required – The server refuses the petition until the lawsuit uses a newer protocol. What needs to beryllium upgraded is indicated successful the “Upgrade” header.

428 Precondition Required – The server requires the petition to beryllium conditional.

429 Too Many Requests – This is simply a signifier of rate-limiting to support the server due to the fact that the lawsuit sent excessively galore requests to the server too fast.

430 Request Header Fields Too Large – Unofficial usage by Shopify.

431 Request Header Fields Too Large – The server won’t process the petition due to the fact that the header fields are too large.

440 Login Time-out – Unofficial usage by IIS.

444 No Response – Unofficial usage by nginx.

449 Retry With – Unofficial usage by IIS.

450 Blocked by Windows Parental Controls – Unofficial usage by Microsoft.

451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons – This is blocked for immoderate benignant of ineligible reason. You’ll spot it sometimes with country-level blocks, e.g., blocked quality oregon videos, owed to privateness oregon licensing. You whitethorn spot it for DMCA takedowns. The codification itself is simply a notation to the caller Fahrenheit 451.

451 Redirect – Unofficial usage by IIS.

460 – Unofficial usage by AWS Elastic Load Balancer.

463 – Unofficial usage by AWS Elastic Load Balancer.

494 Request header excessively large – Unofficial usage by nginx.

495 SSL Certificate Error – Unofficial usage by nginx.

496 SSL Certificate Required – Unofficial usage by nginx.

497 HTTP Request Sent to HTTPS Port – Unofficial usage by nginx.

498 Invalid Token – Unofficial usage by Esri.

499 Client Closed Request – Unofficial usage by nginx.

499 Token Required – Unofficial usage by Esri.

How Google handles 4xx

4xxs volition origin pages to driblet from the index.

404s and 410s person a akin treatment. Both driblet pages from the index, but 410s are somewhat faster. In applicable applications, they’re astir the same.

421s are utilized by Google to opt retired of crawling with HTTP/2.

429s are a small peculiar due to the fact that they are mostly treated arsenic server errors and volition origin Google to dilatory down crawling. But eventually, Google volition driblet these pages from the scale as well.

You tin find 4xx errors successful Site Audit oregon our escaped Ahrefs Webmaster Tools.

Pie illustration  showing HTTP presumption    codes distribution

Another happening you whitethorn privation to cheque is if immoderate of these 404 pages person links to them. If the links constituent to a 404 page, they don’t number for your website. More than likely, you conscionable request to 301 redirect each of these pages to a applicable page.

Here’s however to find those opportunities:

  1. Paste your domain into Site Explorer (also accessible for escaped successful AWT)
  2. Go to the Best by links report
  3. Add a “404 not found” HTTP effect filter

I usually benignant this by “Referring domains.”

404s with links successful  the Best by links study  that you tin  redirect

5xxs – Errors connected the server’s side

5xx presumption codes mean the server has an error, and it knows it can’t transportation retired the request. The effect volition incorporate a crushed for the error.

500 Internal Server Error – The server encounters immoderate benignant of contented and doesn’t person a amended oregon much circumstantial error code.

501 Not Implemented – The petition method isn’t supported by the server.

502 Bad Gateway – The server was successful the mediate of a petition and utilized for routing. But it has received a atrocious effect from the server it was routing to.

503 Service Unavailable – The server is overloaded oregon down for attraction and can’t grip the petition close now. It volition astir apt beryllium backmost up soon.

504 Gateway Timeout – The server was successful the mediate of a petition and utilized for routing. But it has not received a timely effect from the server it was routing to.

505 HTTP Version Not Supported – This is precisely what it says: The HTTP protocol mentation successful the petition isn’t supported by the server.

506 Variant Also Negotiates – Allows the lawsuit to get the champion variant of a assets erstwhile the server has aggregate variants.

507 Insufficient Storage – The server can’t store what it needs to store to implicit the request.

508 Loop Detected – The server recovered an infinite loop erstwhile trying to process the request.

509 Bandwidth Limit Exceeded – Unofficial usage by Apache and cPanel.

510 Not Extended – More extensions to the petition are required earlier the server volition fulfill it.

511 Network Authentication Required – The lawsuit needs authentication earlier the server allows web access.

520 Web Server Returned an Unknown Error – Unofficial usage by Cloudflare.

521 Web Server is Down – Unofficial usage by Cloudflare.

522 Connection Timed Out – Unofficial usage by Cloudflare.

523 Origin is Unreachable – Unofficial usage by Cloudflare.

524 A Timeout Occurred – Unofficial usage by Cloudflare.

525 SSL Handshake Failed – Unofficial usage by Cloudflare.

526 Invalid SSL Certificate – Unofficial usage by Cloudflare.

527 Railgun Error – Unofficial usage by Cloudflare.

529 Site is overloaded – Unofficial usage by Qualys.

530 – Unofficial usage by Cloudflare.

530 Site is frozen – Unofficial usage by Pantheon.

561 Unauthorized – Unofficial usage by AWS Elastic Load Balancer.

598 (Informal convention) Network work timeout error – Unofficial usage by immoderate HTTP proxies.

How Google handles 5xx

5xx errors volition dilatory down crawling. Eventually, the pages volition beryllium dropped from Google’s index. You tin find these successful Site Audit oregon Ahrefs Webmaster Tools, but they whitethorn beryllium antithetic from the 5xxs that Google sees. Since these are server errors, they whitethorn not ever beryllium present.

4xx and 5xx errors successful  Ahrefs' Site Audit