Google Search Console Errors: Identifying and Fixing Them

1 month ago 11

Google Search Console is simply a web work that lets you show and negociate your website's beingness successful Google Search results.

It besides helps you place perchance impactful website errors. Here’s what you request to cognize astir these errors and however to hole them.

Understanding Google Search Console Errors

If Googlebot comes crossed issues erstwhile it crawls your site, those issues whitethorn beryllium flagged for you arsenic errors successful Google Search Console.

These issues are important to review. 


For one, they tin negatively interaction your site's visibility successful hunt motor results pages (SERPs).

For example, unresolved errors tin forestall Google from decently indexing your website. Unindexed pages won’t amusement up successful hunt results.

Unresolved website errors tin besides negatively interaction idiosyncratic experience. This is atrocious for visitors. And it’s a cardinal ranking origin for Google, truthful mediocre show successful this country tin origin Google to fertile you little successful hunt results, too.

Let’s instrumentality a look astatine however to hole Google Search Console errors.

Types of Google Search Console Errors and How to Fix Them

Status Code Errors

Status codification errors successful Google Search Console subordinate to the HTTP presumption codes returned erstwhile Googlebot attempts to crawl your webpages.

HTTP presumption codes are relayed each clip a tract loads. When a idiosyncratic types successful a URL oregon a bot visits the site, a petition is sent to that site’s server. The server responds with an HTTP presumption codification that tells the browser—or bot—more astir that page. 

The HTTP presumption codes are three-digit numbers. For example, “200,” “301,” oregon “404.”

The HTTP presumption    codification  404 mistake  founds successful  GSC

Different presumption codes convey antithetic accusation astir the occurrence oregon nonaccomplishment of a request. 

For example, the presumption codification “200” signals that everything is bully and the leafage tin beryllium accessed arsenic expected.

However, immoderate presumption codes bespeak determination were problems accessing the webpage. These amusement up arsenic errors successful Google Search Console. Because they tin negatively interaction the quality of crawlers and users to entree your site.

To spot if you person immoderate presumption codification errors, unfastened Google Search Console and click connected “Pages” successful the left-hand menu.

"Pages" selected from the Google Search Console menu

You’ll spot a breakdown of the pages connected your website according to whether they are “indexed” oregon “not indexed.”

It’s imaginable immoderate pages haven’t been indexed owed to a presumption codification error.

To spot if that’s the case, scroll down to the bottommost of the report. You’ll spot a array with the rubric “Why pages aren’t indexed.”

"Why pages aren't indexed" leafage   successful  Google Search Console

If determination are immoderate presumption errors, you’ll spot 1 of the pursuing nether “Reason”:

  • Server Error (5xx)
  • Not recovered (404)
  • Unauthorized petition (401)
  • Soft 404
  • Redirect mistake (3xx)

Let’s reappraisal what the antithetic presumption codification errors mean and however to hole them.

Server Errors (5xx)

A three-number presumption codification opening with “5” reflects a server error. This indicates a occupation with the server hosting your website.

Here’s what a server mistake looks similar successful Google Search Console:

"Server mistake  (5xx)" successful  Google Search Console

Common causes of a 5xx presumption include:

  • Programming errors: Bugs oregon coding errors successful the server-side scripts (e.g., PHP, Python, Ruby) that powerfulness your website
  • Server configuration issues: Misconfigurations successful the server settings oregon the web server bundle (e.g., Apache, Nginx)
  • Resource exhaustion: If the server runs retired of resources (such arsenic representation oregon processing power), it whitethorn conflict to grip requests, starring to interior server errors
  • Database issues: Problems with the database that your website relies on, specified arsenic transportation issues oregon database server errors, tin trigger a 5xx error

How to Fix a Server Error (5xx) successful Google Search Console

  • Review caller changes. If the mistake started occurring aft caller updates oregon changes to your website, see rolling backmost those changes to spot if the contented resolves.
  • Contact your hosting provider. If you're not definite however to resoluteness the server mistake oregon if it's related to the server infrastructure, interaction your hosting supplier for assistance. They whitethorn beryllium capable to place and hole the problem.
  • Test server resources. Ensure that your server has capable resources (CPU, memory, disk space) to grip the postulation and requests to your website. Consider upgrading your hosting program if necessary.

Once you've identified and resolved the underlying origin of the 5xx server error, usage Google Search Console to petition a recrawl of the affected pages.

You bash this by entering the affected URL into the hunt container astatine the apical of Google Search Console:

The hunt  container  astatine  the apical  of Google Search Console


"REQUEST INDEXING" fastener  successful  Google Search Console

This asks Googlebot to revisit the pages and update its scale with the corrected information. 

Not Found (404) Errors

The "404 Not Found" mistake is simply a modular HTTP effect codification that’s returned erstwhile a server can’t find the contented associated with the requested URL.

In the discourse of Google Search Console, it means Googlebot tried to crawl a leafage connected your site, but the server returned a 404 mistake due to the fact that it couldn’t find the page’s content.

Here are immoderate communal reasons wherefore a 404 mistake mightiness occur:

  • Page deletion oregon removal: If you intentionally deleted a leafage oregon removed it from your website and Googlebot attempts to crawl that page, the server volition instrumentality a 404 error
  • URL changes without due redirects: If you've changed the URL operation of your website without implementing due redirects (e.g. 301 redirects), the aged URLs whitethorn effect successful 404 errors
  • Typo oregon mistyped URL: It's imaginable that determination was a typo oregon a mistake successful the URL provided to Googlebot. Ensure the URLs successful your sitemap and interior links are close and pb to existing pages.

How to Find 404 Errors successful Google Search Console

Open Google Search Console and click connected the “Pages” report.

"Pages" selected successful  Google Search Console menu

Scroll down to spot “Why pages aren’t indexed.” Here, you’ll beryllium capable to spot if immoderate pages person a 404 error.

"Not recovered  (404)" mistake  recovered  successful  Google Search Console

How to Fix a 404 Error successful Google Search Console

  • Implement 301 redirects. If you've deliberately and permanently moved a leafage to a caller location, use301 redirects to constituent the aged URL to the caller one.
  • Update interior links. If determination are links wrong your website to deleted pages, update those links to constituent to valid URLs. You tin find these links utilizing Site Audit from Semrush.
  • Check outer links. If outer websites are linking to non-existent pages connected your site, see reaching retired to those sites and requesting that they update their links.
  • Submit a sitemap. Ensure that your website's sitemap is up to day and accurately reflects the existent operation of your site. Then submit the sitemap to Google Search Console.

Unauthorized Request Errors (401)

An mistake with the HTTP presumption codification "401" successful Google Search Console indicates that a petition was "unauthorized."

"Blocked owed  to unauthorized petition  (401)" mistake  successful  Google Search Console

Image Source: Onely

401 errors look when:

  • The leafage contains password-protected content, meaning Googlebot and different crawlers can’t entree the page
  • There are IP-blocking oregon entree restrictions preventing Googlebot’s IP addresses from accessing the page
  • Crawler-specific configuration issues person accidentally been acceptable up

How to Fix a 401 Unauthorized Error successful Google Search Console

  • Check authentication settings. If the leafage requires authentication (for example, you request to log successful to presumption the content), reappraisal the authentication settings to marque definite they’re correctly configured.
  • Test access. Manually trial entree to the affected pages by attempting to entree them done a web browser oregon utilizing tools similar the Fetch arsenic Google diagnostic successful Google Search Console. This tin assistance place immoderate issues with access.
  • Review entree restrictions. Check for immoderate IP-blocking oregon entree restrictions connected your server oregon website. Ensure that Googlebot's IP addresses are not blocked and the indispensable permissions are successful spot for crawling.
  • Verify idiosyncratic cause access. Confirm that your website's configuration allows entree to communal hunt motor idiosyncratic agents, including Googlebot. If determination are rules limiting entree to definite idiosyncratic agents, guarantee that they are appropriately configured.

After addressing the unauthorized entree issue, usage Google Search Console to petition a recrawl of the affected pages.

Soft 404 Errors

Soft 404 errors successful Google Search Console hap erstwhile a leafage looks similar a mean leafage (returns a 200 presumption code) but the contented oregon definite signals connected the leafage bespeak that it should beryllium treated arsenic if it doesn't exist.

"Soft 404" mistake  successful  Google Search Console

This tin beryllium confusing for hunt engines similar Google. And it tin interaction however your pages are indexed and displayed successful hunt results. Google Search Console flags them arsenic errors.

Common scenarios starring to brushed 404 errors include:

  • Empty pages: Pages that are bare oregon incorporate precise small contented mightiness trigger brushed 404 errors. While the server returns a "200 OK" presumption code, the deficiency of contented suggests the leafage isn’t providing meaningful accusation to users.
  • Redirected pages: If a leafage is redirected to different URL, but the contented connected the destination URL is bladed oregon not relevant, Google mightiness construe it arsenic a brushed 404
  • Custom mistake pages: If your website has a customized mistake leafage showing the idiosyncratic an mistake message—even though it has a “200” OK” presumption code—this whitethorn trigger brushed 404 errors

How to Fix a Soft 404 Error successful Google Search Console

  • Review leafage content. Examine the contented of the pages flagged arsenic brushed 404 errors. Ensure that they supply meaningful accusation to users. If the contented is insufficient, see improving it oregon redirecting users to a much applicable page.
  • Verify redirects. If a leafage is being redirected, marque definite the destination URL contains applicable content. Avoid redirecting users to pages that don't subordinate to the contented of the archetypal page.
  • Check customized mistake pages. If your website uses customized mistake pages, guarantee that they supply adjuvant accusation and are not mistaken for bare oregon irrelevant content. 

Redirect Errors

Redirects nonstop users and hunt motor crawlers from 1 URL to another. 

For example, if a leafage nary longer exists, you tin spot a redirect to automatically instrumentality visitors to a related leafage that does exist.

Redirect errors hap erstwhile a redirect fails for immoderate reason. These errors tin negatively interaction however hunt engines similar Google crawl, index, and fertile your website.

"Page with redirect" mistake  successful  Google Search Console

Common redirect errors include:

  • Redirect chains: This is erstwhile 1 URL redirects to another, and past that 2nd URL redirects to a third, forming a series of redirects. Redirect chains tin dilatory down the loading of pages and negatively interaction idiosyncratic acquisition and hunt motor crawling efficiency.
  • Redirect loops: These hap erstwhile the last destination URL redirects backmost to a erstwhile URL successful the chain. This tin origin an infinite loop of redirects, preventing the leafage from loading and starring to crawl errors.
  • Incorrect redirects: If a leafage is redirected to an incorrect oregon irrelevant URL, it tin pb to a redirect error. Redirects should beryllium acceptable up accurately and pb users and hunt engines to a applicable destination URL.

How to Fix a Redirect Error successful Google Search Console

Identify immoderate redirect errors successful Google Search Console by visiting the “Pages” report. Scroll down to spot “Why pages aren’t indexed.”

  • Analyze redirect chains. If redirect chains are identified, reappraisal and simplify them. Ideally, a redirect should pb straight to the last destination without unnecessary intermediary steps. 
  • Fix redirect loops. If redirect loops are detected, place the root of the loop and close the redirect configurations to interruption the loop. Ensure that the last destination URL is correct.
  • Check redirect targets. Verify that the URLs to which pages are redirected are close and relevant. Incorrect redirects tin confuse users and hunt engines.
  • Update interior links. If you've changed URLs and implemented redirects, update interior links connected your tract to constituent straight to the caller URLs, reducing the request for redirects.
  • Use due redirect presumption codes. When implementing redirects, usage due HTTP presumption codes. For example, a 301 redirect indicates a imperishable move, portion a 302 redirect signals a impermanent move.

Crawl and Indexation Issues

Crawl and indexation issues hap erstwhile Google’s crawlers can’t scope a leafage they should beryllium capable to. Or erstwhile something’s stopping them from adding a leafage to their index.

You tin cheque for these issues successful the “Pages” report.

Open the study and scroll down to the array “Why pages aren’t indexed.”

You mightiness brushwood the pursuing issues.

Blocked by Robots.txt

If a leafage is blocked by robots.txt, this mightiness beryllium an issue. But lone if you don’t privation that leafage to beryllium blocked. Some pages are blocked intentionally.

"Blocked by robots.txt" mistake  successful  Google Search Console

Robots.txt is simply a record that sits connected your website and contains instructions for hunt motor crawlers. It’s usually the archetypal leafage they sojourn connected your website.

You tin see instructions successful the robots.txt record to archer hunt bots not to crawl definite pages. For example, admin pages that aren’t accessible without a login.

You bash this utilizing a “disallow” directive.

A “disallow” directive successful  robots.txt file

However, it’s imaginable a leafage tin beryllium blocked by robots.txt by mistake.

In Google Search Console, if you spot a leafage that says “blocked by robots.txt,” but you privation Google to crawl that page, you tin edit the robots.txt file. Then, usage Google Search Console to petition a recrawl of the affected pages.

How to Fix Pages Blocked by Robots.txt

You tin reappraisal and hole immoderate issues with your robots.txt record utilizing the Site Audit tool.

Open the instrumentality and click “+ Create project.”

"+ Create project" fastener  successful  Site Audit tool

Enter your website domain. If you like, you tin besides springiness the task a name.

Click the “Create project” button.

"Create project! model   successful  Site Audit tool

Configure immoderate further settings you’d similar for the tract audit. Then click “Start Site Audit.”

"Site Audit Settings" window

Once the audit is complete, spell to the "Issues" tab and hunt for "robots.txt."

Results for "robots.txt" nether  the "Issues" tab successful  Site Audit tool

Click connected immoderate issues related to your robots.txt file, specified arsenic "Robots.txt record has format errors."

"Robots.txt record  has format errors" contented   successful  Site Audit tool

A database of invalid lines successful the record volition beryllium displayed. 

Click connected "Why and however to hole it" to get circumstantial instructions connected however to resoluteness the error.

"Why and however  to hole  it" model   for robots.txt record  successful  Site Audit tool

User Experience and Usability Issues

Website issues that origin mediocre idiosyncratic experiences are troubling for 2 reasons. 

First, you don’t privation visitors to your tract to person mediocre experiences. It causes distrust successful your brand. And it lowers the chances that idiosyncratic volition interact with your contented again. 

Poor idiosyncratic experiences are besides atrocious due to the fact that affirmative idiosyncratic experiences are an important ranking origin for Google Search. Pages with mediocre idiosyncratic experiences volition not bash arsenic good successful the hunt results. 

Core Web Vitals Issues

Core Web Vitals are a acceptable of user-centered metrics that measurement the loading performance, interactivity, and ocular stableness of a page. 

Essentially, Core Web Vitals measurement however accelerated and pleasant a website is to use.

The 3 main metrics are:

  • Largest Contentful Paint (LCP): The clip it takes for the largest contented constituent (such arsenic an representation oregon a artifact of text) to go disposable connected the user’s screen
  • Interaction to Next Paint (INP): How good the webpage responds to idiosyncratic interactions
  • Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS): How galore times the leafage shifts astir arsenic it loads

Google Search Console flags erstwhile you person Core Web Vitals show issues. 

Core Web Vitals show  issues successful  GSC

You tin place these issues utilizing the Site Audit tool. And get tips connected however to hole them.

How to Fix Core Web Vitals Issues

Open Site Audit. Either take an existing task oregon click “+ Create project.” 

"+ Create project" fastener  successful  Site Audit tool

Configure the settings and click “Start Site Audit.”

"Site Audit Settings" window

In a fewer minutes, you’ll spot your results.

In the “Overview” report, you’ll spot a widget connected the close called “Core Web Vitals.” Click “View details.”

"Core Web Vitals" widget highlighted successful  Site Audit's overview dashboard

You’ll spot your show against Core Web Vitals metrics for 10 pages connected your site. 

Core Web Vitals show  study  successful  Site Audit tool

Scroll down to “Metrics” and you tin spot the show breached down into the 3 Core Web Vitals.

Underneath each one, there’s a database titled “Top improvements” with suggestions to amended your show successful that area.

HTTPS Errors successful Google Search Console

Google favors sites with an SSL certificate. This is simply a information certificate that encrypts information sent betwixt a website and a browser.

Once you person an SSL certificate, each pages connected your website should statesman with “https://.”

Any pages starting alternatively with “http://” could bespeak information issues to hunt engines. So it’s champion to hole them erstwhile they appear.

Open Google Search Console and click “HTTPS” successful the left-hand menu.

“HTTPS” highlighted successful  the GSC menu

The array volition amusement if you person immoderate non-HTTPS URLs connected your site.

Non-HTTPS URLs showing 0 successful  GSC

How to Fix HTTPS Errors successful Google Search Console

If you person HTTPS errors, scroll down connected that HTTPS leafage successful Google Search Console. You’ll spot a array called “Why pages are not being served implicit HTTPS.”

Click connected the contented enactment to spot which URLs are affected.

"HTTPS not evaluated" mistake  successful  Google Search Console

Once you spot the database of URLs, you tin region immoderate links to these pages from your website and inquire Google Search Console to recrawl your site.

Manual Actions successful Google Search Console

Manual actions successful Google Search Console notation to penalties imposed connected a website by quality reviewers who enactment astatine Google. When these reviewers place violations of Google's guidelines, they whitethorn instrumentality manual actions to penalize the site.

Manual actions are antithetic to algorithmic penalties, which are automatically applied by Google's algorithms.

Common reasons for manual actions include:

  • Unnatural linking: If a tract is progressive successful nexus schemes, has purchased links, oregon participates successful nexus exchanges that interruption Google's guidelines, it whitethorn person a manual action
  • Thin oregon duplicate content: Websites with low-quality oregon duplicate contented whitethorn look manual actions for violating contented prime guidelines
  • Cloaking oregon sneaky redirects: If a tract shows antithetic contented to users and hunt engines oregon uses deceptive redirects, it whitethorn person a manual action
  • Spammy structured markup: Incorrect usage of structured information markup ( to manipulate hunt results tin pb to manual actions
  • User-generated spam: Websites that let users to make contented (comments, forums) whitethorn look manual actions if they neglect to mean and power spam effectively 
  • Hacked content: If a tract is compromised and contains harmful oregon irrelevant content, Google whitethorn instrumentality manual enactment to support users

If a manual enactment is imposed, you’ll beryllium notified done Google Search Console.

Manual actions successful  Google Search Console

Image Source: Google

The notification volition springiness you details astir the issue. As good arsenic guidance connected however to hole it and steps for requesting a reappraisal aft corrections are made.

Once you’ve fixed the issue, participate the contented successful Google Search Console and click “Request review.”

If you’ve decently fixed the issue, the squad astatine Google volition people it arsenic resolved and penalties whitethorn beryllium lifted.

Security Issues successful Google Search Console

When information issues are identified, they tin negatively interaction your site's hunt visibility. Plus, Google whitethorn statement your tract arsenic perchance harmful to users.

The Security Issues Report successful Google Search Console provides accusation astir imaginable information threats oregon issues detected connected your website.

Common information issues reported successful Google Search Console include:

  • Malware infections: Google whitethorn observe malware connected your site, indicating that it’s been compromised. And there’s malicious bundle that could harm visitors.
  • Hacked content: If your website has been hacked, attackers whitethorn inject unwanted contented oregon links. Google volition alert you if hacked contented is detected.
  • Social engineering: Google identifies instances wherever your tract whitethorn beryllium progressive successful societal engineering attacks, specified arsenic phishing oregon deceptive practices

Steps to Address Security Issues:

Use Google Search Console to presumption and hole immoderate information issues. 

Open Google Search Console. Navigate to the Security & Manual Actions conception connected the left-hand broadside of the screen. Click connected “Security issues.”

"Security issues" successful  Google Search Console

If determination are immoderate flagged issues, you’ll spot them here.

Google volition supply accusation astir the benignant of information issues detected. As good arsenic recommendations oregon actions to resoluteness the problems.

If malware oregon hacked contented is detected, cleanable and unafraid your website. Remove immoderate malicious code, update passwords, and instrumentality further information measures.

After resolving the information issues, taxable your tract for a reappraisal done Google Search Console. Google volition measure whether the issues person been adequately addressed.

Preventing Google Search Console Errors

Follow these champion practices to halt Google Search Console errors from happening.

  • Run regular tract audits. Conduct regular audits of your website to place and code method issues promptly.
  • Keep your XML sitemap up to date. Ensure your website has an XML sitemap that includes each applicable pages. Submit the sitemap to hunt engines via Google Search Console to facilitate crawling and indexing.
  • Optimize your robots.txt file. Use a well-constructed robots.txt record to power which parts of your tract should beryllium crawled by hunt engines. Regularly reappraisal and update this file.
  • Make definite you person a valid SSL certificate. Ensure your website has a valid SSL certificate, providing a unafraid transportation (HTTPS). Google favors unafraid sites, and it positively impacts rankings.
  • Optimize images. Optimize images for faster loading. Use descriptive record names and see alt substance for accessibility and SEO.
  • Use a beardown URL structure. Keep URLs simple, descriptive, and user-friendly. Avoid utilizing analyzable URL parameters erstwhile possible.

Semrush tools assistance you enactment connected apical of your website’s method SEO performance. With them, you tin drawback issues earlier they escalate.

Use Site Audit to larn astir immoderate existent issues with your site. And however to hole them.

Plus, you’ll person automatic emails the infinitesimal a imaginable caller contented arises. So you’re ever connected apical of your SEO performance.