22 Places You Should Be Sharing Your Content via @sejournal, @_kevinrowe

1 week ago 14

Don’t dainty your contented passively.

To get the astir retired of the resources you enactment into creating content, you person to stock it.

The close sharing strategy tin boost your content’s effectiveness and prosecute with users it mightiness not different reach.

However, each level is progressively focused connected keeping users wrong its circumstantial ecosystem, truthful cautious probe and readying are cardinal to occurrence successful each algorithm and for each audience.

Content sharing is not arsenic elemental arsenic reposting contented precisely arsenic it appears connected your website oregon blog. Content has to beryllium optimized for each transmission oregon method of distribution.

With platforms truthful focused connected keeping users connected their sites, is determination anticipation for utilizing them to generate traffic? Yes, and present are immoderate tips I’ve recovered helpful.

3 Tips To Help Funnel Platform Users To Your Site

Map The Audience Journey

An audience journey representation is simply a ocular representation of the steps your assemblage takes arsenic they marque a determination to lick a occupation oregon instrumentality an opportunity. It outlines the way from archetypal consciousness done engagement and onto conversion, highlighting cardinal touchpoints.

This instrumentality helps recognize and code your audience’s needs, motivations, and symptom points astatine each stage, enabling much effectual and targeted contented marketing, SEO, and PR strategies.

Analyze an audience’s travel online to summation penetration into their motivations and touchpoints for gathering accusation and making a determination astir a fixed symptom constituent oregon opportunity. Use these touchpoints and motivations to entice users to hunt your content.

I find astir travel representation templates hard to implement, truthful I created a caller benignant of audience representation template that allows marketers to crook assemblage penetration into an integrated PR and SEO plan.

audience travel  representation  templateScreenshot from author, March 2024

Using the assemblage journey, place assets based connected the audience’s needs astatine assorted travel steps. These steps supply opportunities to entice users to hunt for your contented successful Google oregon adjacent benignant the URL straight into the browser.

Owned Asset Marketing (OAM)

Instead of sharing blog posts oregon nonfiction links directly, make a unsocial plus with a unsocial worth proposition (UVP) for a circumstantial assemblage oregon archetype. Then, optimize that plus for antithetic channels oregon platforms.

I telephone this owned plus selling (OAM).

I reached retired to Amanda Natividad, VP of Marketing astatine SparkToro, who enactment it similar this: “Beat the platforms astatine their ain crippled and people zero-click content. Zero-click contented is contented that offers standalone insights with nary request to click. Clicking mightiness beryllium additive, but it’s not required.

This means summarizing league presentations into shorter LinkedIn posts, taking 1 cardinal thought from a webinar and penning it arsenic a Threads post, oregon repurposing a blog station wholly into a video tutorial connected YouTube.”

Studies, research, uniquely invaluable assets lists (e.g., tools), grooming courses, adept commentary, oregon framing connected a analyzable taxable identifying an accidental are each types of assets that tin beryllium converted to zero-click content.

For example, I precocious launched a Mini MBA astir Integrating PR & SEO. As portion of the course, I created templates, checklists, how-to videos, and lawsuit studies to assistance selling leaders integrate their interior PR & SEO teams.

integrated pr seo mini mba-992Screenshot from author, March 2024

However, I don’t conscionable stock the people online; I repurpose the contented to stock connected societal oregon successful my impermanent articles. The assemblage representation template supra is simply a repurposed plus from my course.

I besides had my probe squad analyse the interaction of marque mentions connected a site’s quality to fertile successful the apical 3 of Google for the course. I past took the charts and created a unsocial station connected LinkedIn.

linkedin information  from-trainingScreenshot from author, March 2024

With touchpoints identified crossed the assemblage travel and imaginable asse ideas, administer the contented successful a mode that drives the assemblage to hunt your content. A PR taxable circuit tin assistance with that.

Use A PR Topic Tour

A PR topic circuit is simply a strategy that focuses connected identifying a trending taxable and creating a media circuit to stock an asset: commentary, data, resources, oregon unsocial insights astir that topic.

The much an assemblage engages with you astir a topic, the much apt they are to hunt your contented oregon website erstwhile they are investigating the topic. This is due to the fact that they statesman to spot you arsenic an adept root connected the subject.

Here’s the gist of however to make a PR taxable tour:

  • Identify an manufacture oregon media trend: Analyze the past six months of media sum connected a taxable to place caller trends. Use Google News, applicable societal media (e.g., LinkedIn oregon Reddit), oregon BuzzSumo to find a database of trends.
  • Identify topics: Identify topics that you person an plus astir oregon to make a caller plus for.
  • Create oregon Optimize an asset: Create a unsocial plus related to the inclination oregon optimize an existing 1 for antithetic platforms.
  • Pitch oregon administer astatine assemblage touchpoints: Create a database of podcasts, journalists, op-ed sites, applicable societal communities, and adjacent blogs to transportation assorted communicative angles based connected the assemblage oregon opportunities successful each platform.

A PR taxable circuit is simply a large mode to found an idiosyncratic oregon institution arsenic an adept successful a circumstantial topic.

I precocious created a PR taxable circuit lawsuit study astir Rand Fishkin’s conception of an “influence map.”

In 2021, Fishkin wrote an article, Influence Maps—The Best Marketing Framework You’ve Never Heard Of, for a conception helium created.

Fishkin started to screen the taxable connected podcasts, webinars, and social. Here’s conscionable a illustration that I recovered and included successful my lawsuit study:

When determining places to administer your content, see utilizing these tips to find the champion method and touchpoints to include.

Here is simply a abbreviated database of places to stock your taxable circuit concept, from the mainstream to the niche.

1. Substack

Substack is simply a level that enables writers to people newsletters and monetize their contented straight done subscriptions.

Substack has implicit 20 cardinal progressive subscribers.

Creators constitute posts utilizing Substack’s editor, people them, and past email them to subscribers. Creators tin gain wealth done paid subscriptions, which connection them fiscal enactment straight from their assemblage and facilitate a nonstop writer-reader narration without the request for advertisements oregon sponsorships.

Setting up a newsletter done substack is precise easy:

  • Sign up: Create an account connected the Substack website.
  • Set up your newsletter: Choose a sanction for your newsletter, customize its appearance, and acceptable up subscription options (free, paid, oregon both).
  • Create content: Write your articles oregon newsletters straight successful Substack’s exertion and format them arsenic desired.
  • Publish and promote: Publish your newsletters and stock them connected societal media oregon different platforms to pull subscribers.
  • Engage your subscribers: Interact with your readers done comments and feedback to physique a assemblage astir your newsletter.

2. LinkedIn Newsletters

A LinkedIn Newsletter is simply a diagnostic that allows LinkedIn users to regularly people and nonstop a bid of articles to their followers straight done LinkedIn.

LinkedIn Newsletters are highly underrated. When you motorboat a caller newsletter, you tin notify each of your followers astatine once, giving you instant entree to thousands of subscribers.

However, you person to beryllium eligible for the LinkedIn Creator hub.

LinkedIn creator hubScreenshot from LinkedIn, March 2024

  • Access: Go to your LinkedIn homepage and usage the Write an article option.
  • Select “manage”: Under the Manage fastener successful the nonfiction penning interface, prime Newsletter.

linkedin newsletter setupScreenshot from LinkedIn, March 2024

  • Create oregon select: Either make a caller newsletter oregon prime 1 you already have. If you make one, past conscionable sanction it, supply a description, upload a logo (I urge a logo and branding for your newsletter), and past click Done.

newsletter naming setupScreenshot from LinkedIn, March 2024

3. OnePitch

OnePitch is an AI-based writer pitching instrumentality and is 1 of my favorites for media relations. However, your pitches person to beryllium truly targeted and beardown to unafraid media coverage.

I usage OnePitch for:

  • Write a pitch: Write a transportation for an absorbing communicative idea. A transportation tin beryllium for information oregon adept commentary connected a trending topic, a merchandise launch, oregon different another newsworthy story.
  • Upload pitch: Use the exertion to upload and parse the pitch.

OnePitch transportation   uploadScreenshot from OnePitch, March 2024

  • Use AI to physique a database of journalists: After you taxable the pitch, OnePitch uses AI to place a database of journalists who person written astir akin topics.

OnePitch media listScreenshot from OnePitch, March 2024

  • Pitch: Submit a transportation utilizing the tool, which volition email the writer done your email address.

4. Medium

Medium is an online publishing level wherever immoderate writer tin stock their content. It’s utile for those looking to people their thoughts, stories, and ideas connected a wide scope of topics done nonstop republishing oregon creating new, unsocial stories oregon assets.

Medium articles tin besides fertile good connected Google if they are unsocial pieces.

Medium allows you to republish your existing blog posts (if you usage their import feature, they adjacent adhd a rel=canonical link), but you tin besides usage this level to summation postulation to the afloat blog posts connected your site.

To station connected Medium:

  • Sign up: Visit Medium’s website and motion up utilizing email, Google, Facebook, oregon Apple.
  • Set up profile: Complete your illustration by adding a photo, bio, and different details.
  • Write: Click connected your illustration picture, past Write a story to commencement drafting your post.
  • Edit and format: Use the exertion tools to format your substance and adhd images oregon links.
  • Publish: Once satisfied, click Publish at the top, take tags, and past “Publish” again to stock your station with readers.

5. Reddit

Reddit is simply a web of communities called subreddits, each focused connected antithetic interests, topics, oregon themes. Users tin stock news, content, and opinions, prosecute successful discussions, and ballot connected content. It’s a spot for uncovering trends, advice, and varied perspectives connected astir immoderate topic.

And if you haven’t heard, Google has been ranking Reddit contented successful the apical spots much often and precocious announced a deal to amusement much Reddit content. So, posting connected subreddits tin summation further vulnerability oregon postulation straight to your contented if you tin get a nexus posted successful a thread that ranks good successful Google.

Finding applicable subreddits tin beryllium overwhelming, but effort utilizing SparkToro to simplify the process. This instrumentality allows you to find subreddits based connected the assemblage you privation to target.

You tin hunt based connected a nexus to a site, societal profile, oregon keywords your assemblage uses and past find subreddits that the assemblage besides visits.

  • Setup SparkToro: Sign up for a escaped relationship oregon 1 of the paid subscriptions.
  • Select a effect list: Create a database of societal profiles, websites, keywords, societal illustration descriptions, oregon hashtags that the assemblage uses.
  • Select a mentation of SparkToro: Currently, SparkToro has 2 versions. V1 conscionable lets you find subreddits, but V2 allows you to hunt comments.

sparktoro v2 reddit searchScreenshot from Reddit, March 2024

  • Post connected the subreddit: Share contented connected a subreddit arsenic a idiosyncratic relationship and guarantee the contented creates immoderate unsocial worth for the audience. You tin make a caller thread oregon station a remark connected existing ones.

Redditors are precise conscious of brands attempting to “spam” subreddits with their ain content, truthful this is usually champion near to a fewer employees with progressive Reddit accounts who whitethorn occasionally stock institution blog posts erstwhile oregon doubly a month.

6. LinkedIn Articles

A LinkedIn nonfiction lets you people longer contented straight connected LinkedIn, which is shared with your followers and perchance a wider LinkedIn assemblage done the platform’s web effects.

When you people an article, it appears connected your illustration and tin beryllium seen successful the provender of your connections oregon followers, expanding its visibility. LinkedIn besides sometimes distributes articles much broadly based connected their relevance and involvement to different users beyond your contiguous network.

Just similar with the LinkedIn newsletters process, you tin make a long-form nonfiction and station it to your feed.

Post a linkedin articleScreenshot from LinkedIn, March 2024

In the nonfiction station editor, conscionable click next instead of creating a newsletter.

Linkedin Article posting pageScreenshot from LinkedIn, March 2024

7. LinkedIn Personal Posts

LinkedIn posts are highly underrated. As you tin spot from my idiosyncratic LinkedIn station below, I received implicit 57,000 impressions from a azygous post.

I don’t request to locomotion you done the posting process connected LinkedIn, but enactment that a post’s scope tin beryllium precise large.

A fewer speedy tips that assistance maine are:

  • Use information and charts successful posts to summation engagement.
  • Focus connected topics that you’re an adept in.
  • Use documents that tin entice the assemblage to prosecute with your post. Engagements look to summation scope for me.

linkedin station  examplesScreenshot from LinkedIn, March 2024

8. Forbes Councils

The Forbes Councils is simply a corporate of invitation-only communities created by Forbes. Members are selected from assorted industries and tin people articles connected Forbes.com, networking with different leaders.

If you bash get approved, you tin people articles each period connected a taxable that you are an adept in.

And arsenic of the clip I wrote this, these articles fertile truly good successful Google. As you tin spot successful the screenshot of Google for the keyword [seo and nationalist relations].

forbes assembly  ranking successful  googleScreenshot from hunt for [seo and nationalist relations], Google, March 2024

9. Email

Promoting your contented done email is an “oldie but goodie” maneuver that inactive pulls large weight.

59% of consumers accidental selling emails person influenced their decisions to marque a purchase.

I personally usage a fewer email tools: MailChimp, Apollo.io, and PitchBox. Each has a antithetic application.

I’ll absorption connected Apollo present arsenic it has a built-in contacts database, and I find the UI precise casual to use. You tin besides upload your ain database of contacts oregon usage their database to physique a caller list.

In the tool, you tin make automated sequences that enactment good for sharing informational contented related to a taxable oregon topic.

apollo.io email excessively  sequencesScreenshot from Apollo, March 2024

10. DZone

DZone is an online assemblage and publishing level wherever exertion professionals and developers stock articles, tutorials, and quality astir bundle development, programming languages, and emerging tech trends.

It serves arsenic a repository of method knowledge, offering insights, codification snippets, and discussions aimed astatine helping developers and tech enthusiasts enactment updated with the latest successful exertion and bundle improvement practices.

On DZone, you tin station a wide scope of method and programming-related content, including tutorials, guides, articles, and quality updates covering assorted aspects of bundle development, programming languages, DevOps, unreality computing, and more.

It’s aimed astatine helping developers, programmers, and exertion professionals stock cognition and larn from each other.

To station contented connected DZone, you request to go a assemblage member. Once you’re a member, you tin taxable articles done its submission process, which involves creating contented that aligns with their guidelines and submitting it for review. If approved, your contented volition beryllium published connected the platform.

11. X (Twitter) Personal Accounts

X (Twitter) has changed importantly implicit the past fewer years since Elon Musk purchased the platform. Some level users person said they person seen a driblet successful engagement implicit the past fewer years, but others person seen an increase.

Sharing connected X isn’t overly complex, but to garner the largest reach, don’t conscionable stock your links but make unsocial contented for the platform. Share images oregon videos straight with unsocial content.

12. Personal Page On Facebook

This 1 seems obvious, but it is simply a spot galore radical forget.

If you are acrophobic astir spamming your household oregon friends who aren’t successful the industry, see creating a Facebook list for enactment folks.

This way, you don’t person to interest astir confusing your Great Aunt Gertrude with a step-by-step usher to PPC.

13. Facebook Groups

Facebook Groups are inactive live and well! Because galore users already usage Facebook successful their idiosyncratic time, they are usually much progressive successful Groups.

Join a fewer industry-related Groups, stock your champion contented erstwhile a month, and lend to the radical erstwhile possible.

Be definite to enactment progressive arsenic a subordinate of the chat oregon Group by answering questions, speechmaking others’ content, and contributing genuinely to the Group.

14. Slack Communities

Niche Slack communities are popping up everywhere. I find that these communities are precise active.

However, the assemblage guidelines connected posting thin to beryllium precise strict. Many communities bounds the benignant of contented you tin post, and typically, you won’t beryllium capable conscionable to stock links to your content.

To stock connected Slack Communities, stock unsocial information oregon insights straight successful the assemblage wherever the threads make their ain unsocial worth and engagement alternatively of trying to get users disconnected the platform.

15. SlideShare

SlideShare is simply a level that allows users to stock descent presentations, infographics, and different nonrecreational content.

It’s a invaluable assets for professionals looking to larn caller skills, stock insights, and contiguous ideas successful a presumption format. Users tin upload contented successful assorted formats, making it accessible to a wide assemblage for educational, marketing, and informational purposes.

One mode to get the astir mileage retired of your contented is by taking highlights and turning them into a presumption for SlideShare.

16. Quora

Quora has been astir everlastingly and is known arsenic the internet’s premier question-and-answer website.

Users station a question, and users reply that question. Pretty straightforward.

But erstwhile you see that a concern oregon a typical tin probe what benignant of questions customers are asking and person a elaborate blog station acceptable to reply it, it becomes a large opportunity.

Knowing what your assemblage is having a occupation with tin assistance springiness you large ideas for contented that volition thrust postulation to your site.

For example, if everyone is asking for accusation astir however to bent a representation connected a wall, and you merchantability the champion picture-hanging nails ever, wherefore not flex immoderate of your expertise connected the matter?

You get to personally reply a imaginable customer’s question portion providing a useful nexus to your blog’s elaborate mentation of it.

17. Growth Hackers

Most businesses privation to standard to instrumentality connected much enactment and flooded caller obstacles.

Growth Hackers is an online assemblage of user-generated contented that provides insights connected immoderate taxable that tin beryllium done to summation your company’s size, revenue, lawsuit base, pb generation, etc.

Every nonfiction is elaborate and insightful to galore antithetic niche industries. Make your dependable heard portion shining a airy connected the galore ways you are trying to turn your business. It is good worthy it.

18. Flipboard

Flipboard is simply a neat app that condenses the net into digestible bite-size blocks. It shares contented from each large work you tin deliberation of and targets it to the radical who are looking for it.

Creating an relationship and posting your contented is simply a large mode to thrust postulation straight to your blog. It is besides a large mode to support way of manufacture insights and adjacent your ain societal media feeds.

What truly sets this isolated is its simplistic interface, which is backed by immoderate superior clout, algorithmically speaking.

19. Scoop.it

Boasting integrated postulation with implicit 2 cardinal monthly users, Scoop. has go a powerhouse level for marketers.

Offering contented curation software, it helps marketers find authoritative contented successful their industry, which tin past beryllium easy shared connected societal media.

You tin station your contented successful the hopes that others volition besides spot it and stock it with their followers.

Everyone wants to stock their contented with the world, and this instrumentality makes it easy. It is besides a large mode to travel up with caller taxable ideas based connected what is trending.

20. Listly

Listly is simply a level that allows users to create, share, and prosecute with lists connected assorted topics.

These lists tin see items similar articles, products, resources, oregon ideas that different users tin ballot on, adhd to, and remark on. It’s designed to facilitate collaborative list-making and sharing, making it easier to cod and observe crowd-sourced accusation connected circumstantial interests oregon themes.

listly uploadScreenshot from Listly, March 2024

Sign up for the community, and you’ll beryllium capable to station immediately.

21. Threads

Threads is simply a caller societal media app developed by Meta, the institution down Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp. The app is simply a nonstop rival to X (Twitter).

Threads reached implicit 100 cardinal users successful the archetypal 5 days of being live. However, according to Sensor Tower, the regular progressive idiosyncratic number was down 82% around July 31st.

Natividad recommended Threads for sharing links directly, saying: “I don’t judge we’ve seen grounds that links are buried successful Threads’ algorithm. For now, that seems to beryllium a decent spot to driblet links successful posts. But arguably, 1 of the champion places to see links successful your posts is Mastodon, which offers a chronological feed, not an algorithmic one.”

22. Mastodon

Mastodon is simply a free, open-source societal networking level emphasizing decentralization, privacy, and state from firm control.

Unlike accepted societal media platforms similar Twitter oregon Facebook, Mastodon is built connected a web of servers, each with its ain rules, policies, and community.

As of February 2024, Mastodon had over 8 cardinal users. Once you person your lists created, you tin people them to your audience.


Natividad provided further clarity, saying: “Social platforms notoriously privation to support america on-platform, truthful if you’re optimizing for sheer impressions of your ideas, rewriting your contented arsenic a afloat formed LinkedIn station oregon a longform Twitter/X station is, sadly, your champion bet.

For instance, erstwhile Twitter/X changed to the existent ownership and they unfastened sourced their proposal algorithm, users saw impervious that links successful tweets were penalized and thus, suppressed by the algorithm.”

Content sharing crossed assorted platforms requires much than conscionable replication; it demands strategical optimization and knowing of each platform’s unsocial dynamics.

Content creators tin importantly heighten the visibility and interaction of their enactment by employing targeted strategies specified arsenic mapping the assemblage journey, creating optimized assets, and leveraging PR taxable tours.

Engaging with platforms similar Substack, LinkedIn, and newer entrants similar Threads and Mastodon portion adapting to their circumstantial contented preferences presents a broad attack to not conscionable sharing but amplifying contented successful a mode that resonates and adjacent funnels the assemblage to your website.

More resources: 

Featured Image: Paulo Bobita/Search Engine Journal