10 SEO Growth Hacks to Double Your Rankings

1 year ago 144
10 SEO Growth Hacks to Double Your Rankings

Are you looking to amended your SEO and scope higher rankings successful hunt engines? If so, you’re successful the close place! This blog station volition sermon immoderate of the champion SEO maturation hacks that volition assistance your contented fertile higher.

So whether you’re conscionable starting retired with SEO oregon you’re looking for ways to amended your existent strategy, work connected for these apical tips!


  1. Improve Your Meta Titles
  2. Optimize Your Images with Alt Text
  3. Make Your URLs SEO-Friendly
  4. Write Better Meta Descriptions
  5. Add Related Keywords to Your Content
  6. Use Schema Markup for Rich Snippets
  7. Study Competitors to Get Keyword Ideas
  8. Improve Your Site Loading Speed
  9. Leverage Internal Linking
  10. Encourage Comments, Build a Community

1. Improve Your Meta Titles

Meta titles are 1 of the astir important on-page SEO factors. A meta rubric is the HTML tag that defines the rubric of a web page. It’s the clickable header of a listing connected a fixed hunt motor results page.

The meta tag should springiness users an close and concise statement of what they tin expect to find connected your page. Here are immoderate tips for penning effectual meta titles to assistance amended your integrated click-through complaint (CTR) and traffic:

  • Keep It Short
  • Use Relevant Keywords
  • Write For Users
  • Include a Call to Action
  • Add Power Words
  • Make It Catchy

Keep It Short

Your meta rubric should beryllium astir 50-60 characters. This is due to the fact that thing longer volition beryllium chopped disconnected successful hunt results.

Use Relevant Keywords

As we mentioned, you should see applicable keywords successful your meta tag. But don’t worldly your rubric with excessively galore keywords. This volition not lone crook disconnected readers but besides get you penalized by Google.

Write For Users

While it’s important to see applicable keywords, your rubric should beryllium written for users archetypal and foremost. Make definite it’s thing that radical would really privation to click connected erstwhile they spot it successful the hunt results.

Include a Call to Action

A telephone to enactment (CTA) is simply a large mode to summation your CTR. A CTA is simply a connection oregon operation that encourages readers to instrumentality the desired action.

For example, you could extremity your meta rubric with “Click present to larn more!”

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Add Power Words

Power words are words that elicit an affectional effect from readers. Some examples of powerfulness words see “amazing,” “incredible,” and “epic.”

Using these types of words successful your meta tag tin assistance marque it much click-worthy.

Make It Catchy

Last but not least, marque definite your meta rubric is catchy! This volition assistance it basal retired successful the hunt results and promote radical to click done to your page.

10 SEO Growth Hacks to Double Your Rankings

2. Optimize Your Images with Alt Text

Another important SEO origin is representation optimization. When you upload an representation to your website, beryllium definite to see the alt text. This is simply a abbreviated statement that appears erstwhile the representation can’t beryllium loaded.

It’s important to see due to the fact that it helps hunt engines recognize what the representation is about. In addition, it tin assistance visually impaired users erstwhile they are visiting your site.

To find the alt substance for an image, conscionable right-click connected the representation and prime “View Image.” You should spot the alt substance successful the HTML code.

Using WordPress, you tin easy adhd your alt text, by filling this field:

2. Optimize Your Images with Alt Text

Here are immoderate tips for penning effectual alt text:

  • Use Your Focus Keywords
  • Be Specific
  • Write Up to 125 Characters
  • Keep Blank if Purely Decorative
  • Don’t Include “Image of”

Use Your Focus Keywords

When penning your alt text, beryllium definite to see your absorption keywords. This volition assistance amended your image’s SEO and marque it much apt to look successful hunt results.

Be Specific

In summation to including keywords, you should besides beryllium arsenic circumstantial arsenic possible. Describe the representation successful item truthful that hunt engines tin easy recognize what it’s about.

Write Up to 125 Characters

Your alt substance should beryllium nary much than 125 characters. Anything longer volition beryllium chopped disconnected successful the HTML code.

Keep Blank if Purely Decorative

If an representation is purely decorative, you tin permission the alt substance blank. This volition assistance trim the magnitude of your HTML codification and forestall keyword stuffing.

Don’t Include “Image of”

There’s nary request to see “image of” successful your alt text. This is already implied, some for users and hunt engines.

3. Make Your URLs SEO-Friendly

Your URL should beryllium short, descriptive, and applicable to your content. In addition, it should see keywords that you privation to fertile for. This volition assistance amended your CTR and integrated traffic.

Here are immoderate applicable tips for penning SEO-friendly URLs:

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  • Keep It Short
  • Use Your Target Keywords
  • Write Contextual URLs for Users
  • Make It Easy to Read
  • Avoid Stop Words
3. Make Your URLs SEO-Friendly

Keep It Short

Your URL should beryllium arsenic abbreviated arsenic possible. Ideally, it should beryllium little than 60 characters. This is due to the fact that longer URLs tin beryllium chopped disconnected successful hunt results.

Use Your Target Keywords

Including people keywords successful your URL is simply a large mode to amended your SEO. Make definite they are applicable to the contented connected the leafage and that they are placed strategically, without overdoing.

Write Contextual URLs for Users

While keywords are important, your URL should besides beryllium written for users archetypal and foremost. It should beryllium casual to work and recognize what the leafage is about.

Make It Easy to Read

Speaking of readability, your URL should beryllium casual to read. This means utilizing lowercase letters, hyphens alternatively of underscores, and avoiding confusion.

Avoid Stop Words

Stop words are communal words that are often ignored by hunt engines. Some examples see “a,” “an,” and “the.” While they whitethorn not person overmuch SEO value, halt words tin besides assistance marque your URL much readable.

4. Write Better Meta Descriptions

Your meta statement is the abbreviated statement of your contented and it that appears successful SERPs. It should beryllium attention-grabbing and applicable to your content.

Here are immoderate tips for penning effectual meta descriptions:

  • Keep it Under 155 Characters
  • Make It Relevant
  • Use Your Focus Keywords
  • Consider Your Audience
  • Add a Call to Action
4. Write Better Meta Descriptions

Keep It Under 155 Characters

Your meta statement should beryllium nary much than 155 characters. This is due to the fact that thing longer volition beryllium chopped disconnected successful hunt results.

Make It Relevant

Your meta statement should beryllium applicable to your content. It should springiness users an thought of what they tin expect to find connected your page.

Use Your Focus Keywords

Including people keywords successful your meta statement is simply a large mode to amended your SEO. However, don’t overdo it arsenic this tin effect successful keyword stuffing.

Consider Your Audience

When penning your meta description, see your assemblage and what they are looking for. Keep it elemental and to the constituent truthful that they tin easy recognize what your leafage is about.

Add a Call to Action

Be definite to see a telephone to action. Some examples are “learn more,” “find retired now,” and “sign up today.” This volition promote users to click done to your page.

5. Add Related Keywords to Your Content

When you’re penning your content, beryllium definite to see related keywords. Related keywords are words and phrases that are akin to your main keyword.

For example, if your main keyword is “dog food,” immoderate related keywords could beryllium “pet food,” “cat food,” oregon “animal food.”

Including related keywords successful your contented tin assistance amended your SEO due to the fact that it helps hunt engines recognize what your contented is about. It tin besides assistance amended your CTR due to the fact that it makes your contented much applicable to what radical are searching for.

Check Your Backlinks

Get an Instant Insight Into Who Links to Your Site

To find related keywords, you can:

  • Use Google Autosuggest
  • Look astatine the Related Searches
  • Use Tools
  • Leverage Wikipedia
  • Visit Forums

Use Google Autosuggest

You tin find related keywords by doing a Google hunt for your main keyword, utilizing the autosuggest feature:

10 SEO Growth Hacks to Double Your Rankings

Look astatine the Related Searches

You should besides spot a database of related keywords nether each effect (it’s called, “related searches”). It’s usually placed astatine the extremity of the hunt effect page:

Look astatine  the Related Searches

Use Tools

You tin besides usage a keyword probe instrumentality similar Google AdWords Keyword Planner oregon SEMrush to find related keywords.

Leverage Wikipedia

Another large mode to find related keywords is to look astatine the sections connected Wikipedia pages. For example, if you hunt for “dog food,” you’ll spot a database of related topics successful the “See Also” section.

Visit Forums

You tin besides find related keywords by visiting forums and looking astatine the topics radical are discussing. For example, if you hunt for “dog food” connected Reddit, you’ll spot a database of related topics successful the sidebar.

6. Use Schema Markup for Rich Snippets

Schema markup is codification that you tin adhd to your website to assistance hunt engines recognize your content. It tin besides assistance amended your CTR due to the fact that it makes your listings much applicable to what radical are searching for.

In addition, schema markup tin assistance amended your SEO by making your tract eligible for affluent snippets. Rich snippets are peculiar listings that see further accusation astir your content.

For example, a affluent snippet for a look mightiness see the cooking time, fig of servings, and calories:

6. Use Schema Markup for Rich Snippets

To adhd schema markup to your website, you tin usage a WordPress plugin similar Yoast SEO. Once you’ve installed and activated the plugin, conscionable spell to SEO > Schema and prime the benignant of contented you privation to adhd schema markup to. Then, capable successful the required accusation and click “Publish.”

In the alternative, you tin instrumentality vantage of Google’s instrumentality to instrumentality schema markup to your website. To usage the Structured Data Markup Helper, just spell to the website and prime the benignant of contented you privation to adhd schema markup to. Then, travel the instructions connected the surface to adhd the schema markup codification to your website:

6. Use Schema Markup for Rich Snippets

7. Study Competitors to Get Keyword Ideas

One of the champion ways to find caller keyword ideas is to survey your competitors. To bash this, conscionable participate a competitor’s URL into a instrumentality similar SEMrush oregon SEOmoz. Then, the instrumentality volition amusement you each of the keywords that the rival is ranking for.

You tin besides use Google AdWords Keyword Planner to find caller keyword ideas. Just participate a competitor’s URL into the “Your landing page” tract and click “Get Ideas.”

Google AdWords Keyword Planner volition past amusement you a database of keywords that are related to the competitor’s URL. By studying your competitors, you tin find caller keyword ideas that you tin usage to amended your SEO strategy.

7. Study Competitors to Get Keyword Ideas

8. Improve Your Site Loading Speed

One of the factors that tin impact your hunt motor rankings is your site’s loading speed. Site velocity is defined arsenic the magnitude of clip it takes for a leafage to load. A accelerated tract is important for SEO due to the fact that it tin assistance amended the idiosyncratic experience.

To amended your site’s loading speed, you can:

  • Use a CDN
  • Compress Your Images
  • Minimize Your Code
  • Clean Up Database
  • Optimize Media Library
  • Test With Tools

Use a CDN

A contented transportation web (CDN) is simply a strategy of distributed servers that present contented to users based connected their location. CDNs tin assistance amended the loading velocity of your tract by delivering contented from servers that are person to the user’s location.

Compress Your Images

Images tin instrumentality up a batch of space, which tin marque your tract load slowly. To trim the record size of your images, you tin usage an representation compression instrumentality specified arsenic Photoshop oregon an online work specified arsenic TinyPNG.

Minimize Your Code

Your site’s codification tin besides impact its loading speed. To trim the magnitude of codification connected your site, you can:

  • Use a CSS minifier specified arsenic YUI Compressor
  • Use a JavaScript minifier specified arsenic UglifyJS

Clean Up Database

If your tract has a batch of content, it tin person galore files successful its database. Over time, these files tin accumulate and dilatory down your site. If you are utilizing WordPress, you tin download a plugin specified arsenic WP-Optimize to cleanable up your database.

Test With Tools

There are galore tools that you tin usage to trial your site’s loading speed. Some of these tools are:

By investigating your tract with these tools, you tin find retired what areas request improvement.

Test With Tools

9. Leverage Internal Linking

Internal linking is the process of linking to different pages wrong your website. This strategy tin assistance amended your SEO successful 2 ways:

  • It tin assistance hunt engines crawl your website much easily.
  • It tin assistance amended the idiosyncratic experience.

To adhd interior links to your website, conscionable edit your station oregon leafage and adhd a nexus to different station oregon leafage connected your website. You tin besides usage a plugin similar SEO Smart Links to automatically adhd interior links to your website.

When adding interior links to your website, support successful caput these suggestions:

  • Use Keywords In Anchors
  • Link Deep
  • Use Follow Links
  • Think About Users

Use Keywords successful Anchors

When adding interior links to your website, you should usage keywords successful the anchor text. Anchor substance is the disposable substance that’s utilized to nexus to different page.

For example, if you’re linking to a station astir SEO tips, you mightiness usage the anchor substance “SEO tips.” Using keywords successful your anchor substance tin assistance amended your SEO due to the fact that it tells hunt engines what the leafage you’re linking to is about.

Link Deep

When adding interior links to your website, you should nexus to heavy pages connected your website. Deep pages are pages that are not your location leafage oregon your main class pages.

Linking to heavy pages helps amended your SEO due to the fact that it shows hunt engines that your website has a batch of content.

Use Follow Links

When adding interior links to your website, you should usage follow links. Follow links are links that archer hunt engines to travel the nexus and scale the linked page.

Nofollow links are links that archer hunt engines not to travel the nexus and scale the linked page. Using follow links tin assistance amended your SEO due to the fact that it allows hunt engines to scale much of your website’s content.

Think About Users

When adding interior links to your website, you should deliberation astir the idiosyncratic experience. The idiosyncratic acquisition is however casual it is for users to find the accusation they’re looking for connected your website. You tin amended the idiosyncratic acquisition by adding interior links that assistance users navigate your website.

10. Encourage Comments, Build a Community

Comments are a large mode to physique a assemblage connected your website. When you promote comments, you springiness users the accidental to interact with you and with each other.

To promote comments connected your website, you can:

  • Reply to each comments.
  • Ask for comments.
  • Use a plugin similar Disqus oregon Livefyre.

Reply to All Comments

Replying to each comments shows that you are progressive connected your website and that you attraction astir what your users person to say. When you reply to comments, you make a dialog that tin assistance to physique a assemblage connected your website.

Ask for Comments

Asking for comments is simply a large mode to promote enactment connected your website. When you inquire for comments, you springiness users a crushed to permission a comment. You tin inquire for comments successful a fig of ways, including:

  • Asking questions.
  • Making statements that provoke thought.

Using a Plugin similar Disqus oregon Livefyre

Using a plugin similar Disqus oregon Livefyre tin assistance to promote comments connected your website. Disqus is simply a commenting strategy that allows users to log successful with their societal media accounts. And Livefyre is simply a real-time commenting strategy that allows users to remark connected your website successful real-time. Both plugins marque it casual for users to permission comments connected your website.

SEO Growth Hacks Final Words

These are immoderate of the champion SEO hacks that you tin usage to amended your content. By utilizing these SEO tips, you tin assistance your website scope higher rankings successful hunt engines.

Now, it’s implicit to you. Do you person immoderate suggestions that you usage to amended your SEO? Share your thoughts and experiences successful the comments below.

Author Erik Emanuelli

Erik Emanuelli is simply a blogger who has been successful the online selling crippled since 2010. He’s sharing connected his website what helium has learned implicit these years. When he’s not successful beforehand of his laptop, helium likes to question astir the satellite and larn caller languages.